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© Diabetes Mellitus In Saudi Arabia Al-Nozha, MM; Al-Maatouq, MA; Al-Mazrou, YY; Al-Harthi, SS; Arafah, MR; Khalil, MZ; Khan, NB; Al-Khadra, A; Al-Marzouki,

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Presentation on theme: "© Diabetes Mellitus In Saudi Arabia Al-Nozha, MM; Al-Maatouq, MA; Al-Mazrou, YY; Al-Harthi, SS; Arafah, MR; Khalil, MZ; Khan, NB; Al-Khadra, A; Al-Marzouki,"— Presentation transcript:

1 © Diabetes Mellitus In Saudi Arabia Al-Nozha, MM; Al-Maatouq, MA; Al-Mazrou, YY; Al-Harthi, SS; Arafah, MR; Khalil, MZ; Khan, NB; Al-Khadra, A; Al-Marzouki, K; Nouh, MS; Abdullah, M; Attas, O; Al-Shahid, MS; Al-Mobeireek, A SAUDI MED J, SAUDI MEDICAL JOURNAL; pp: 1603-1610; Vol: 25 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Summary Objective: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major public health problem worldwide, and it is a known risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). New recommendations for the diagnosis of diabetes have changed the epidemiology of DM. Therefore, we designed this Study with the objective to determine the prevalence of DM among Saudis of both sexes, between the ages of 30-70-years in rural as well as urban communities. This work is part of a major national project: Coronary Artery Disease in Saudis Study (CADISS) that is designed to look at CAD and its risk factors in Saudi population. Methods: This study is a community-based national epidemiological health Survey, conducted by examining, Saudi Subjects in the age group of 30-70-years of selected households over a 5-year period between 1995 and 2000. Data were obtained from history, fasting plasma glucose levels, and body mass index. The data were analyzed to classify individuals as diabetic, impaired fasting glucose and normal, using 1997 American Diabetes Association (ADA) criteria, which was adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1998, to provide prevalence of DM in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Results: A total of 17232 Saudi subjects were selected in the study, and 16917 participated (98.2% response rate). Four thousand and four subjects (23.7%), Out Of 16917 were diagnosed to have DM. Thus, the overall prevalence of DM obtained from this study is 23.7% in KSA. The prevalence in males and females were 26.2% and 21.5% (p<0.00001). The calculated age-adjusted prevalence for Saudi population for the year 2000 is 21.9%. Diabetes mellitus was more prevalent among Saudis living, in urban areas of 25.5% Copyright: King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals;

2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. © compared to rural Saudis of 19.5% (p<0.00001). Despite the readily available access to healthcare facilities in KSA, a large number of diabetics 1116 (27.9%) were unaware of having DM. Conclusion: The overall prevalence of DM in adults in KSA is 23.7%. A national prevention program at community level targeting high risk groups should be implemented sooner to prevent DM. We further recommend a longitudinal study to demonstrate the importance of modifying risk factors for the development of DM and reducing its prevalence in KSA. References: *CDCP, 2003, MMWR-MORBID MORTAL W, V52, P833 *DPP RES GROUP, 2002, DIABETES CARE, V25, P2165 *STAT YB, 2001, CENTRAL DEP STAT *WHO, 1980, TECH REP SER WHO, V646 ABUSAYEED M, 1997, DIABETES CARE, V20, P551 ABUZEID HAH, 1992, DIABETES CARE, V15, P484 ALBERTI KGMM, 1998, DIABETIC MED, V15, P539 ALLAWATI JA, 2002, DIABETIC MED, V19, P954 ALNUAIM AA, 1997, J COMMUN HEALTH, V22, P211 ALNUAIM AR, 1995, 9960603016 ISBN ALNUAIM AR, 1996, INT J OBESITY, V20, P547 ALNUAIM AR, 1997, DIABETIC MED, V14, P595 ALZAID AA, 1997, ANN SAUDI MED, V17, P154 BACCHUS RA, 1982, DIABETOLOGIA, V23, P330 DANIEL M, 2002, DIABETES RES CLIN PR, V57, P23 DINNEEN SF, 1998, DIABETES CARE, V21, P1408 DUNSTAN DW, 2002, DIABETES CARE, V25, P829 EKOE JM, 1985, DIABETES RES CLIN PR, V1, P249 ELBAGIR MN, 1996, DIABETES CARE, V19, P1126 ELBAGIR MN, 1998, DIABETIC MED, V15, P164 ELHAZMI MAF, 1989, ANN SAUDI MED, V9, P435 ELHAZMI MAF, 1998, E MEDITERR HLTH J, V4, P58 FATANI HH, 1985, DIABETES MELLITUS, P8 FATANI HH, 1987, DIABETES CARE, V10, P180 GAVIN JR, 1997, DIABETES CARE, V20, P1183 GORDON DL, 1999, ETHNIC DIS, V9, P48 GRANDINETTI A, 1998, DIABETES CARE, V21, P549 HAMADEH RR, 2000, E MEDITERR HLTH J, V6, P1091 HARRIS M, 1979, DIABETES, V28, P1039 HARRIS MI, 1987, DIABETES, V36, P523 JABER LA, 2003, DIABETES CARE, V26, P308 JIMENEZ JT, 1998, DIABETIC MED, V15, P334 KADIKI OA, 2001, DIABETES METAB, V27, P647 Copyright: King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals;

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