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H EPATITIS Christine Lytrang and Janett Rodriguez.

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Presentation on theme: "H EPATITIS Christine Lytrang and Janett Rodriguez."— Presentation transcript:

1 H EPATITIS Christine Lytrang and Janett Rodriguez

2 W HAT IS H EPATITIS ? Swelling and inflammation of the liver. It is not a condition, but is often used to Refer to a viral infection of the liver. - Hepatitis is caused from? Immune cells in body attacks the liver and causes autoimmune hepatitis. Infections from viruses (such as hepatitis A, B, and C), bacteria, or parasites.

3 S YMPTOMS OF H EPATITIS. Abnormal pain or distention. Breast development in males. Fatigue Fever usually low-grade. General itching Jaundice. Loss of appetite - Hepatitis A is usually short term and does not lead to chronic liver problems. - People with Hepatitis B and C do not have symptoms when they are first infected.

4 N EW TERMS HAV- another name for Hepatitis A Jaundice- yellowing of the skin and eyes Inflammation- a localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot and often painful. Reaction to an injury.

5 S HEEREE ' S STORY Sheeree and her family members didn’t fit the profile of someone who might be at risk of having hepatitis B. But at the age of only 26 Sheeree started having symptoms. She didn’t know why she was having these symptoms and thought she had a gall bladder problem and went to have it removed but was transferred the hospitals isolation ward. Where she was told she has a type of hepatitis. She found out the she had not only chronic hepatitis B but also suffering from liver damage. Few year later she became pregnant with twins and didn’t know if this disease would affect her. Soon to find a specialist the assured her that she could.

6 V IDEO CLIP &safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&saf e=active

7 R ESOURCES : 0002139/ m

8 QUIZ- 1. What is Hepatitis? 2. What are some symptoms of Hepatitis? 3. True/ False. People with Hepatitis B and C will have symptoms right a way as there are infected?

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