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Dr. Muntanavadee Maytapattana

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Muntanavadee Maytapattana"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Muntanavadee Maytapattana
Immunizations Dr. Muntanavadee Maytapattana

2 Meaning of immunization Administration of vaccines Immunization tables
Scopes of this topic Meaning of immunization Administration of vaccines Immunization tables

3 Meaning of Immunization

4 Meaning of Immunization
Types of immunizations - Passive immunization Example; Tetanus antitoxin & Gamma globulin - Active immunization Example; Typhoid, Measles, Mumps, & Rubella

5 Meaning of Immunization
Types of vaccines (active immunization) - Toxoids Example; Diphtheria & Tetanus - Inactivated (killed) vaccines Example; Pertussis, Typhoid, IPV, Hepatitis A , B, JE, Influenza virus, Rabies virus, & Cholera - Live vaccines Example; OPV, MMR, & BCG

6 Meaning of Immunization
-Ingredient of vaccines

7 Administration of Vaccines (1)
1. Methods of vaccination 1.1 Oral route

8 Administration of Vaccines (2)
1. Methods of vaccination 1.1 Oral route

9 Administration of Vaccines (3)
1. 2 Injection route

10 Administration of Vaccines (3)
1.2.1 Intradermal or Intracutaneous route

11 Administration of Vaccines (4)
1.2.2 Subcutaneous route

12 Administration of Vaccines (5)
1.2.3 Intramuscular route

13 Administration of Vaccines (6)
1.3 Nebulizer route

14 Administration of Vaccines (7)
2. Stock of vaccines 2.1 Temperature between 2-8 °C Example; DTP, HBV, Typhoid, Rabies 2.2 Temperature < -15 °C (Freeze) Example; OPV 2.3 Temperature 2-8 °C & < -15 °C Example; BCG, MMR, & Polio

15 Administration of Vaccines (8)
3. Standards of vaccination

16 Immunization tables (1)
Expanded Program on Immunization, EPI 0-1 year


18 Immunization tables(2)
Expanded Program on Immunization, EPI 1-6 years


20 Immunization tables(3)
Expanded Program on Immunization, EPI > 6 years


22 ตารางการให้วัคซีนในเด็กไทย แนะนำโดย สมาคมโรคติดเชื้อในเด็กแห่งประเทศไทย 2556

23 Extra Vaccines -HIB- Haemophilus influenzae type B
HAV- Hepatitis A virus vaccine VAR- Varicella vaccine Influenza virus vaccine Streptococcus pneumoniae Typhoid

24 Answer & Question

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