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Chapter 5 & 6 Vocabulary Words FROM THE BOOK STANDARD HERO BEHAVIOR.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 & 6 Vocabulary Words FROM THE BOOK STANDARD HERO BEHAVIOR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 & 6 Vocabulary Words FROM THE BOOK STANDARD HERO BEHAVIOR

2 Amble (verb) walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace

3 Reluctant (adjective)p. 132 unwilling, resistant, not wanting to…

4 Beckon (verb) p. 138 wave or signal with the hand, arm or head

5 Obscure (adjective) p. 139 not clear, unknown, doubtful

6 Rummaging (verb) p. 143 search, explore, look for something

7 Edible (adjective) p. 141 safe to eat, good to eat

8 Import (verb) p. 165 bring in, ship in, buy from another country

9 Export (verb) p. 170 send overseas or abroad, sell overseas or abroad

10 Chastise (verb)p. 174 scold, punish verbally

11 Boisterous (adjective) p. 195 lively, animated

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