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Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC TRIM Training Day 1 Introduction and Overview of Model February 18, 2002 Mark Lee MCNC/Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC TRIM Training Day 1 Introduction and Overview of Model February 18, 2002 Mark Lee MCNC/Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC TRIM Training Day 1 Introduction and Overview of Model February 18, 2002 Mark Lee MCNC/Environmental Modeling Center

2 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 2 Basic TRIM Terms l Volume Element l Parcel l Compartment l Compartment Type l Link

3 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 3 Volume Element l 3-D l Defines the location of compartments l Typically referred to by its primary abiotic compartment type l Values for its properties are NOT defined in the library; must be provided by the user in the scenario

4 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 4 Parcel l 2-D l Used to subdivide the modeling region into volume elements l Only used in the volume element import file

5 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 5 Compartment l Exists within a volume element l Chemical mass is homogeneously mixed within a compartment l In TRIM, chemical mass can only be transported between compartments or transformed within a compartment l May be abiotic (e.g., surface soil, air, surface water) or biotic (e.g., mallard, cow, fish) l Defined within a scenario

6 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 6 Compartment Type l A specific type of compartment l Compartments of the same type are distinguished from each other by their location (i.e., the volume element containing them) and sometimes by the values of their properties l Defined within a library

7 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 7 Link l A connection that allows the transfer of chemical mass between two compartments l Some links (e.g., between surface water or surface soil compartments) have properties whose values must be provided by the user l Defined within a scenario

8 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 8 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Terms l Object l Property l Project l Scenario l Library l Algorithm l Composite Compartment

9 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 9 Object l Any element in TRIM that has properties l Includes: scenario, source, chemical, compartment, composite compartment, volume element, link, or algorithm

10 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 10 Property l A characteristic of an object in TRIM l Examples – outputDirectory is a property of a scenario – top is a property of any volume element – emissionRate is a property of a source l A property that stores data of type Real Number can come in several different "forms", such as: – "Constant Real Number" (a singular value) – "Unevenly Time Stepped Real Number" (a sequence of real values with associated dates and times), – "Unevenly Time Stepped Real Number from File" (a sequence of real values with associated dates and times contained in an external file), or – Formula Real Number (a mathematical formula that can include references to other properties in this or other objects).

11 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 11 Project l Central element of a TRIM simulation l Includes scenarios and references libraries

12 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 12 Scenario l Combines information from the library with site- and simulation-specific information to create a simulation l When a user performs a TRIM.FaTE simulation, they are actually running a scenario l Exists within a project

13 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 13 Library l Contains the properties of the sources, chemicals, compartments, composite compartments, and algorithms l The property values of these objects may be changed in the scenario, but they must be created in the library to be included in a scenario l Changes to property values in a scenario do not change the values in the library

14 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 14 Algorithm l A set of properties used to describe a process that transports chemical mass between two compartments or transforms chemical mass within a compartment l Algorithms exist on links

15 Environmental Modeling Center TRIM Training, Day 1 MCNC 15 Composite Compartment l A compartment comprised of a group of compartment types l Currently composite compartments are only used for plants l When setting up a scenario, users add a composite compartment to a surface soil volume element if they want to include plants l There are currently four types of composite compartments, each comprised of leaf, leaf particle, stem, and root compartment types: – Agricultural – Grasses/herbs – Deciduous forest – Coniferous forest

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