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Produced by Wellesley Information Services, LLC, publisher of SAPinsider. © 2015 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved. Hands-on Lab: Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Produced by Wellesley Information Services, LLC, publisher of SAPinsider. © 2015 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved. Hands-on Lab: Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Produced by Wellesley Information Services, LLC, publisher of SAPinsider. © 2015 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved. Hands-on Lab: Data Loading with BO Data Services to SAP HANA Dr. Bjarne Berg Comerit

2 1 In This Session Designed to guide participants through SAP Data Services software and observe its capabilities within SAP HANA. Attendees will: Create empty tables within SAP HANA studio Use SAP data services to import data using flat files and populate tables Create batch jobs to complete data import

3 2 Meet Today's Assistants Rob Frye  Manager of ComeritLabs Michael Barker  SAP BOBJ Developer Michael Vavlitis  SAP BOBJ Developer

4 3 SAP BO Data Services Strengthen performance with better-informed decisions based on trusted information Enhance business process efficiencies with one version of the truth across the enterprise Reduce risk and lower TCO with consistent, high-quality information

5 4 Use data that is imported from various data sources Store massive amounts of data that can address any scope of information Load massive volumes of data that can potentially eliminate a series of data migrations, transformations, and extracts across multiple environments SAP HANA

6 5 Computer-Based Training Structure

7 6

8 7 The Most Common HANA Scenarios

9 8 Navigating this Lab Session Use these buttons to access each portion of the training material.

10 9 Navigating this Lab Session  Access the digital form of your instruction manual (PDF format)  View the video with full commentary within the browser  Open the hands-on simulation inside the webpage or in the recommended full screen mode (Press F11 for full screen mode)

11 10 SAP HANA Training Exercises  Intermediate 3 Exercise  Use BO Data Services to import data using flat files and create a batch job to complete the data import  Intermediate 4 Exercise  Create attribute and analytic views to develop an Infospace and analyze your data within BO Explorer It is recommended to complete each exercise sequentially in order to fully understand the material.

12 11 Tips for Taking the Training Standard courtesy: Use provided headphones for videos Watch the videos in full screen mode (Press F11 upon launch) Complete the exercises in sequence Use the instruction manual as a guide to the hands-on simulations

13 12 7 Key Points to Remember SAP’s Data Services software can help integrate, transform, and improve data at the project or enterprise level SAP HANA combines hardware and software that optimizes row, column, and object-based database technologies to explore parallel processing Follow the sequence to understand the exercises more fully Take advantage of the full commentary videos Read all the information bubbles in the simulations Visit the Bonus Materials section if you want a break from the exercises or finish early If you get stuck, feel free to ask for assistance

14 13 Today’s Exercises

15 14 Your Turn! How to contact us: Please remember to complete your session evaluation

16 15 Disclaimer SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Wellesley Information Services is neither owned nor controlled by SAP SE.

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