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Published bySamuel Hoover Modified over 9 years ago
Recent Results from the STAR Longitudinal Spin Program Outline Introduction The STAR Experiment Lambda Polarization Neutral Pions Charged Pions Inclusive Jets 2006 Projections Frank Simon, MIT, for the STAR Collaboration RHIC Spin Physics Workshop, RIKEN, Japan September 29-30, 2006
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 2 09/30/2006 Introduction: Longitudinal Physics Use polarized proton collisions to access information on the polarization of gluons in the nucleon Longitudinal spin asymmetries are connected to parton polarizations long-rangeshort-rangelong-range f1f1 f2f2 f f2f2 f1f1
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 3 09/30/2006 Introduction: Inclusive Measurements Longitudinal double spin asymmetry A LL for inclusive processes depends on the gluon polarization Asymmetry also depends on particle type
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 4 09/30/2006 Introduction: Accessing Quark Polarizations (anti)- contains one (anti) - strange quark, the (anti)- polarization can thus provide information on the (anti)- strange quark polarization in the nucleon Longitudinal spin transfer in polarized pp collisions, measures the transfer of beam polarization to. Q. X, E. Sichtermann, Z. Liang, PRD 73,2006 frag. func. model
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 5 09/30/2006 The STAR Experiment Magnet 0.5 T Solenoid Triggering & Luminosity Monitor Beam-Beam Counters 3.4 < | | < 5.0 Zero Degree Calorimeters Central Tracking Large-volume TPC | | < 1.5 Calorimetry Barrel EMC (Pb/Scintilator) | | < 1.0 Shower-Maximum Detector Endcap EMC (Pb/Scintillator) 1.0 < < 2.0 Shower-Maximum Detector …and many other systems currently not used in the longitudinal spin analysis 2005 run
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 6 09/30/2006 Triggering and DAQ STAR Data Acquisition currently limited to ~100 Hz, significant increase in data taking rate over the last years Only a small fraction of all events can be recorded The challenge: highly granular main tracking TPC (~50 M voxels) Triggers are crucial to access rarer events Calorimeters are the main detectors to select rarer events (e.g. hard scattering) High Tower Triggers (HT): triggers on energy deposit in one calorimeter tower x = 0.05 x 0.05 in the BEMC good trigger for 0, Jet Patch Trigger (JP): triggers on energy deposit in a larger area if the calorimeter x = 1.0 x 1.0 in the BEMC good trigger for jets
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 7 09/30/2006 2005 Data Set & Common Cuts Total sampled luminosity ~3.1 pb -1 with HT and JP triggers After rigorous quality cut: ~1.7 pb -1 sampled luminosity with HT and JP triggers Endcap EMC analysis uses ~1.1 pb -1 Lambda Analysis currently only with MB triggers ~ 0.25 Cut on the BBC timing information (corresponds to a vertex cut that restricts accepted interactions to within ±60 cm of the nominal interaction point)
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 8 09/30/2006 Lambda Reconstruction primary vertex V0_vertex V0_DCA is reconstructed by combining TPC tracks with opposite charges after particle identification from energy loss and applying topological cuts. Invariant mass & kinematics M=1.1157 GeV(PDG) ~1.3 GeV ~0.0075 2005 data: ~3X10 6 minimum bias events, ~19X10 3 (14X10 3 ) analyzed (after all cuts).
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 9 09/30/2006 Lambda Asymmetry D LL Subtracting bg. contribution to DLL r: fraction of background under the peak : decay parameter 0.642 0.013 : angle between the momentum of decay proton in ’s rest frame and ’s momentum at the lab frame
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 10 09/30/2006 Lambda Asymmetry D LL Systematics Cross check with K0s: LL =0.01 0.01 4X10 -3 from relative luminosity measurement. 2% from decay-parameter (0.642 0.013). 2% from transverse beam polarization components at STAR. + overall scale uncertainty from RHIC beam polarization measurement. K0s are spin-0 mesons -> null measurement reconstruction/analysis similar to (anti)Lambda Statistical error is ~1/5 of (anti)Lambda’s D LL proof of principle measurement high pt data needed to achieve physics result
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 11 09/30/2006 Lambda Asymmetry: Outlook Triggering is needed to reach high p t efficiently The biggest data sample in 2005 is the jet-patch trigger (triggers on electromagnetic energy deposit) Select events with hard scattering projected sensitifity for 2005 JP trigger higher luminosity and maybe dedicated triggers needed
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 12 09/30/2006 Double Longitudinal Asymmetry: Overview Ingredients: Polarization: measured by RHIC polarimeters Relative Luminosity R measured with the STAR BBC & scaler system (relative luminosities for each bunch crossing available) Systematic studies by comparing BBC with ZDC measurements (limited by ZDC statistics): systematic error on R ~10 -3 Spin dependent yields N ++, N +- : Spin direction in the interaction region verified by the STAR BBCs, significance ~
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 13 09/30/2006 Neutral Pion Reconstruction in STAR BEMC and EEMC provide calorimetric coverage for -1 < < 2 (2005: 0 < < 2) Both calorimeters have a Shower Maximum Detector that provides increased spatial resolution to separate photons Neutral pions are reconstructed via their decay into two photons: 0 invariant mass: BEMC SMD EEMC SMD
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 14 09/30/2006 EEMC: Beam Background Beam background (asymmetric in ) observed in all layers of the endcap calorimeter Consistent with tracks parallel to the beam observed in the TPC Also affects pairs sector ~ 7.0 < pT < 8.0 GeV towers pre-1 pre-2 post sector ~
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 15 09/30/2006 EEMC: Neutral Pion Reconstruction 0 + MC cluster splitting beam background combinatoric background
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 16 09/30/2006 EEMC 0 : Double Longitudinal Asymmetry A LL 2005 result (using 1.1 pb -1 ) limited by systematic uncertainties due to beam background and by statistics beam background systematics also limited in precision by available statistics Currently no resolving power between different g parameterizations Shielding installed in accelerator tunnel to reduce background in 2006 run Important baseline measurement for future prompt photon measurements expected
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 17 09/30/2006 BEMC: Neutral Pion Reconstruction invariant mass spectrum in the signal region described by: MC 0 line shape low invariant mass background (caused by cluster splitting in the SMD) combinatoric background & residual fit Correction factor for cross section determination obtained from PYTHIA & HERWIG simulations different cuts used for MB and HT triggers HT1 HT2
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 18 09/30/2006 BEMC 0 : Inclusive Cross Section L sampled : 0.4 pb -1 (HT triggers), 44 b -1 (MB) Point-to-point systematics from yield extraction Total systematics dominated by 5% uncertainty in BEMC energy scale, significant contribution from correction factor uncertainty Compared to NLO pQCD (CTEQ6M pdfs) using KKP and Kretzer fragmentation func. better agreement with KKP large scale uncertainties in pQCD calculations, indicated by choosing different scales for KKP calculations Invariant cross section: consistent with previous results from PHENIX
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 19 09/30/2006 BEMC 0 : Double Longitudinal Asymmetry A LL constant fit (assumes no p t dependence): ALL = -0.017 +- 0.021 NDF compared to NLO calculations (ignoring systematic errors): GRSV Std: 0.8 GRSV Max: 2.4 GRSV Min: 0.8 GRSV Zero: 0.5 GRSV max scenario disfavored overall scale uncertainty from polarization measurement not included
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 20 09/30/2006 BEMC 0 : A LL Systematic Studies & Errors Parity-Violating Single Spin Asymmetries Good tool to investigate possible spin dependent background effects or issues with relative luminosities For 0 all observed single spin asymmetries are within 1 of 0, no systematic assigned Random Pattern Analysis Asymmetries calculated with randomized bunch patterns no indication of non-statistical effects found Systematic Errors assigned for remaining Background (from beam background, not removed invariant mass background) p t dependent from 5 x 10 -3 to 11 x 10 -3 yield extraction (normalization of background model) from 3 x 10 -3 to 7 x 10 -3 non-longitudinal spin components in beams 3 x 10 -3 (taken from jet analysis) relative luminosities 2 x 10 -3
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 21 09/30/2006 Comparisons to Published Results Comparison with published results: STAR 2003/2004 Jets, p t divided by 2 PHENIX 2003/2004 0
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 22 09/30/2006 Charged Pions: Detection & Cross Section Charged hadron tracking & identification in the main TPC Efficient reconstruction of charged tracks to 20 GeV; particle ID via dE/dx up to 10 GeV For asymmetry analysis: High pt reach using e.m. JP trigger identification of charged pions with purity > 90 % cross section well described by NLO pQCD calculations
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 23 09/30/2006 Charged Pions: Asymmetry Calculations by W. Vogelsang using KKP fragmentation functions Charge-separated versions of KKP pion fragmentation functions obtained by multiplying favored partons by (1+z) and unfavored by (1-z). Maximal positive gluon polarization disfavored
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 24 09/30/2006 Charged Pions: Trigger Bias Other Cross-Checks Charge-summed asymmetry consistent with neutral pions “Near-side” and “away-side” asymmetries consistent with each other Majority of pions are sub-leading particles in e.m. triggered jet Significant statistics from “away- side”, untriggered jet as well PYTHIA afterburner used to construct “polarized” event generator Calculate A LL in simulation with and without trigger requirement Bias estimated using average of GRSV-min and GRSV-std scenarios 3.0 - 7.3 x 10 -3 as a function of p T and charge sign
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 25 09/30/2006 Reconstructing Jets Midpoint Cone Algorithm (Tevatron II) TPC pt for charged hadrons, EMC energy for e.m. showers Cone radius of 0.4 in , seed energy 0.5 GeV restricted to 0 < < 1 for e.m energy Jet axis for accepted jets restricted to 0.2 < < 0.8 parton particle detector Trigger efficiency: Minbias JP2 HT2 E.M. Triggers are used to access jets at high p t JetPatch (JP) trigger new in 2005!
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 26 09/30/2006 Jet Cuts Software trigger requirement: Accepted Jets have to be able to fire the trigger Neutral to total energy fraction < 0.8 to reject beam background that manifests itself in all-neutral jets (same cut as used in 2003/4) Jet neutral energy for PYTHIA (black) and data (red) Left: JP2 Right: HT2 1.97 M jet events post cuts 1.39 M in JP2 trigger => Workhorse trigger for the jet analysis ~2% of all jet events contain multiple jets that satisfy the trigger requirements
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 27 09/30/2006 Inclusive Jet Cross Section First inclusive jet cross section result at RHIC (2004 data) Sampled luminosity: ~0.18 pb -1 Good agreement with NLO over 7 orders of magnitude (within systematic error) Leading systematic uncertainty: 10% E-scale uncertainty 50% uncertainty on yield
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 28 09/30/2006 Jet ALL: Published 2003/4 vs Preliminary 2005 2003/4 Result and new preliminary 2005 result consistent 2004 STAR Jet A LL 2005 STAR Jet A LL preliminary
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 29 09/30/2006 Inclusive Jet A LL : 2005 Result Error bars are statistical Systematic band does not include 25% scale error from polarization 2 / NDF to curves: (stat+syst error in quadrature) GRSV-STD:1.1 G = G:12 G = 0:0.7 G = -G:1.4 Rules out G=G
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 30 09/30/2006 Jet Systematic Studies: False Asymmetries False asymmetries (Single Spin asymmetries) Should be zero with the present level of statistics (single spin asymmetries are caused by party violating weak interaction, significantly smaller than 10 -4 ) Non-zero single spin asymmetries (yellow beam) & like sign asymmetries observed cut dependent from 1 to 3 Probably caused by one anomalous spin state, source so far unclear no significant single spin asymmetries observed in 0 and charged pion analyses A like- sign A L yellow x axis: jet neutral energy fraction A LL A l.s. /2 A l.s. = 7.9 ± 5.2 x10 -3 A LL = 0.0065 Systematic error assigned to preliminary result
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 31 09/30/2006 Jet Systematic Studies: Others Trigger & Reconstruction Bias Finite momentum resolution for jets leads to smearing => Reconstruction Bias Jet trigger based on electromagnetic energy only => Trigger Bias PYTHIA with afterburner for polarized events used to investigate bias Relative Luminosities Independent measurement with the zero degree calorimeters (statistics limited) systematic from the difference between BBC and ZDC (stat. limited) ~ 0.002 Non-longitudinal beam polarization: Transverse component determined via left-right and up-down BBC asymmetries Effect on A LL constrained via the transverse asymmetry A (consistent with zero, limited by statistics, A < 0.093) assigned systematic error on A LL 2 x 10 -3 to 12 x 10 -3 (p t dependent)
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 32 09/30/2006 Neutral Pions in Jets STAR is capable of full Jet reconstruction reconstructed are associated with Jets (HT triggered) if the 0 lies within the Jet cone (0.4 in , ) 0 direction is strongly correlated with the Jet axis: leading 0 typically within 5° of the Jet axis defined as the mean ratio of 0 p t to Jet p t Affected by trigger, depends on p t evolution of cross section and z dependence of the fragmentation function RMS in , ~ 0.055
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 33 09/30/2006 Looking ahead… Expectations for 2006 Data Sampled luminosity in 2006 spin run significantly increased over 2005 Polarization typically ~60% Sizeable increase in figure of merit! Triggering available over the full acceptance of the STAR BEMC: -1 < < 1, 2 in Shower-Maximum Detector operational over the full BEMC acceptance Factor of 2 increase in acceptance for inclusive jet and mid-rapidity 0 measurements Will enable di-jet and jet-hadron correlation measurements
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 34 09/30/2006 Looking ahead: Neutral Pions in the Endcap significant reduction of beam background due to newly installed shielding in the accelerator tunnel
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 35 09/30/2006 Looking ahead: Neutral Pions at mid-rapidity
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 36 09/30/2006 Looking ahead: Charged Pions Increased statistics will offer the possibility to reduce the trigger bias by studying charged pions on the away side of a e.m. triggered jet will require dedicated NLO calculations
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 37 09/30/2006 Looking ahead: Inclusive Jets triggers place greater emphasis on high p t jets and di-jets DG=G GRSV-std DG=-G DG=0
Frank Simon: STAR Longitudinal Overview 38 09/30/2006 Summary With the longitudinal 2005 p+p data STAR measures spin asymmetries in a variety of channels Proof-of-Principle for polarization measurements First result for inclusive 0 at mid- and forward rapidity First result for charged pions at mid-rapidity Inclusive Jets with significantly increased statistics and p t range Inclusive cross sections for jet and 0 production consistent with NLO pQCD calculations over a wide range in p t Neutral pion cross section favors KKP fragmentation functions over Kretzer set Double longitudinal spin asymmetry in jets, neutral and charged pions is consistent and disfavors large positive gluon polarization Jet result can significantly constrain the allowed G values significant contribution to global understanding of the gluon polarization Significant increase in figure of merit with the already recorded 2006 data set
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