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Past anomaly data base Summary of GEISHA objectives Prototype: GEO environment any longitude  Error bars evaluation Benefit of the product.

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Presentation on theme: "Past anomaly data base Summary of GEISHA objectives Prototype: GEO environment any longitude  Error bars evaluation Benefit of the product."— Presentation transcript:

1 Past anomaly data base Summary of GEISHA objectives Prototype: GEO environment reconstruction @ any longitude  Error bars evaluation Benefit of the product User service evaluation Past radiation belt measurements Near real time data GEO proton and electron environment for the last 15 days GEO environment for SEE analysis (avail. from 1990 to present) GEO environment for intermadiate dielectric charging (avail. from 1990 to present) GEO environment for doses and solar array degradation (avail. from 1990 to present) GEO environment for deep dielectric charging (avail. from 1990 to present)

2 80 keV-3 MeV electrons 0-50 keV electrons Summary of user needs Instantaneous flux gradient 10 days fluence Instantaneous flux Instantaneous flux gradient EnvironmentSW Service Event duration fluence Peak flux > 10 MeV protons > 10 MeV/nuc. Heavy ions restitution of event duration fluence 8-10 MeV solar protons Internal and surface charging resulting in electrostatic discharges Single event effect Solar cells degradation due to displacement damage Effect/anomaly

3 Evaluation of user satisfaction Below in the frame are the results of the service evaluation from Alcatel  GEISHA is used operationally at Alcatel Alenia Space within the Assistance-to-Customer Service (Hot Line for in-flight satellites)  Unique set of Data availability  GEISHA is used  by radiation/EMC experts  directly by Satellite System engineers to understand the environment impact on their design  Internal Charging Threshold Levels elaborated within GEISHA developments on past events have been reached in several events analysed  Demonstrated to be pragmatically applicable on recent case  Sensitivity to satellite major re-design remains to be analysed  GEISHA is essentially a « Diagnostic Tool » for radiation/EMC experts  Enables to correlate perfectly and very easily the observed events  Does not enable to assess design re-assessments  Has not yet demonstrated any saving opportunity Easy-to-Use Continuity Defined Threshold 4 days Fluence  GEISHA is a Cornerstone Tool towards an operational Space Weather service for Satellite manufacturers and Satellite operators   

4 Sustainability of GEISHA service  At least not clear. Nevertheless there are efforts from CNES to help in sustainability of GEISHA service.  Support from CNES to develop private dedicated service based on GEISHA (fundings in 2006 and ?).  There are attemps to get also support from space industries in the future years: the goal being to develop dedicated web pages as well.  To maintain GEISHA as it today : 10 kEuros/year - less than one month full time/year

5 Prospective for improvement of the service  @ geosynchronous orbit add access to higher energy electrons (to analyse doses and dose rate well inside spacecraft or equipment)  @ geosynchronous orbit add access to low energy electrons (to analyse in deep details surface spacecraft charging effects).  Provide any information on heavy ion distributions that could hit a spacecraft during solar flares (to analyse SEEs).  Develop private service dedicated to individual users (like a three colour traffic light) This would allow to personalise the service to a given technology on sensitive equipment or spacecraft “family”.  On a mid-long term basis exend the service to all orbits and not only at GEO. A possible way is the use of the Salammbô code to interpolate and extrapolate between available measurements. Currently new assimilation techniques based on Salammbô are under development at ONERA under CNES fundings.  Need countinuous measurements @ GEO (at least): electrons (1 keV - 5 MeV), Protons (5 MeV - 300 MeV), Heavy Ions.

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