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All Experimenters’ Meeting December 8, 2014 Photo by Greg Vogel.

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Presentation on theme: "All Experimenters’ Meeting December 8, 2014 Photo by Greg Vogel."— Presentation transcript:

1 All Experimenters’ Meeting December 8, 2014 Photo by Greg Vogel


3 Accelerator Operation Summary Calendar Week # 49 NuMI Weekly Integrated Intensity 7.75 E18 protons Beam Hours To NuMI 131.4 hours BNB Weekly Integrated Intensity 4.34 E13 protons Beam Hours To BNB 0.7 hours NMuon Weekly Integrated Intensity 3.51 E16 protons Beam Hours To NMuon 134.4 hours MTest Weekly Integrated Intensity 3.46 E14 protons Beam Hours To MTest 62.5 hours From : December 01, 2014 (0000 hours) To: December 08, 2014 (0000 hours)





8 Access Thursday – 8/21/14 Beam off at 0600 Keys available at 0700 Install Refurbished Booster RF Cavity Keys back at 1500 Other jobs that fit during cavity change Beam by beginning of evening shift

9 Fall Shutdown Intensity Reduction Plan Begins Saturday, August 30 th @ 0800 Main Injector will run $23 events instead of $2A events to NuMI (~80 KW reduction) Linac and Booster will meet program needs BNB should be unaffected SeaQuest will go down from 4 turns to 3 turns. Beam off Friday, September 5 th @ 0800

10 2014 Shutdown Six full weeks into the shutdown – Linac and Booster Operational – Main Injector/Recycler startup today

11 2014 Shutdown NuMI Work – Beryllium vacuum window leak – Replace window – Horn Stripline maintenance – Work complete by Monday, October 27 th Switchyard Work – F1-F3 Vacuum recovery Once 46B work is done Impact MI for ~3 hours – Feeder 43 maintenance Scheduled for Saturday, October 25 th – G1 Stub Magnet Installation Magnet installed Leak check and final work – Feeder 46B work Prevents daytime operation of switchyard Expected to be complete by end of week Various Safety System Tests Meson Center Work – MC6D-3

12 Complex Status –Accelerators Monitoring systems during Kautz Road SubStation test Investigating issues, understanding, planning No plans to switch back to Master SubStation –Maybe in January 2015 –NuMI Making use of available beam –Switchyard Beam to experiments –SeaQuest Increased intensity and tuning –Meson Test Beam and tuning –Meson Center Safety System Tests MC6D polarity check Startup for checkout –BNB Performed more tests and analyzing data

13 Wilson Hall Outages Low Impact Tuesday, October 10 th – Power to Wilson Hall (Entire site except Main Injector, Muon Campus, and Village) – From 0700-0730 – MSS off KRSS backfeed

14 Upcoming Issues In July 2015 we will need to power the entire site (except the village) off of Kautz Road SubStation (KRSS) for a year while operating –A new Master SubStation (MSS) will be built beside the old one –We have the capacity, but don’t know if we can run a Physics Program Possible noise on the lines Expect some problems with the Proton Source Planned on starting up from the shutdown with the site on KRSS to test Gives us some time to address problems –We don’t know what impact it may have on the rest of the Lab Will lights flicker? Will processes be sensitive to the Main Injector ramp?

15 When do we test? –Met with FESS and AD Departments to discuss possible test dates and impacts to schedules –Met with Division/Section power representatives to confirm test date –Locked in a test starting date – Tuesday, November 4 th –The duration of the test will depend on the results If we can operate, stay on KRSS for some time to allow the Lab to cycle through its normal power usage. Look for an agreeable time to switch back. If we cannot operate, switch back to using both substations after a few days, apply fixes, regroup, retest –Worked with FESS HV to put together a likely schedule for the rolling power outages across the lab while the power feeds are being configured

16 Rolling Outage Times (Estimated)

17 Wilson Hall Power Outages Saturday, October 18 th – Sunday, October 19 th – Power outage to Wilson Hall – 0700 – 1600 Sunday – Wilson Hall closed except authorized personnel – Remote Operations Center West (ROC West) available Saturday, November 8 st – Sunday, November 9 th – Rescheduled from Nov. 1 st & 2 nd – Power outage to Wilson Hall – 0700 – 1600 Sunday (Power back ~1300 Sunday) – Wilson Hall closed except authorized personnel – Remote Operations Center West (ROC West) available Friday, November 28 th – Saturday, November 29 th – Rescheduled from Oct. 20 th & 21 st – Power outage to Wilson Hall – 0700 – 1600 Saturday – Wilson Hall closed except authorized personnel – Remote Operations Center West (ROC West) available COMPLETED

18 Schedules and Links: Schedule can be accessed from the Operations Home Page – - Schedules -> Operations ScheduleOperations Schedule Direct link to schedule – -

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