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The “6 P’s” and Results from Expert Interviews Stephanie Y. Smith, PhD, MPH.

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Presentation on theme: "The “6 P’s” and Results from Expert Interviews Stephanie Y. Smith, PhD, MPH."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “6 P’s” and Results from Expert Interviews Stephanie Y. Smith, PhD, MPH

2 Populations The 6 P’s Product/ Service Place and Providers PricePolicyPromotion Consumer

3  Pharmacological  Psychosocial/Behavioral  Combination of the Two 1. Product/Service

4 2. Populations

5 3. Place and Providers  How/where is the product/service accessed and used?  Who are the critical providers and what are the critical provider-smoker relationship components and characteristics?  What the primary benefits and drawbacks of these delivery locations/channels/venues?  What are the chief opportunities for broadening access and use (e.g., location, time of day, ease and timeliness of access)?

6 4. Price

7 5. Promotion  What role does promotion play in the use of the product or service?  How is the product/service promoted and to what populations?  What do we know from recent consumer research about boosting product appeal and use?  Are there opportunities for increasing use through innovations in advertising and promotion (funding, location, messaging, etc.)?

8 6. Policy  What policies affect access and use?

9 Results from Expert Interviews

10 Sample and Design  In July 2005, 34 semi-structured interviews were conducted with cessation experts  Broad expertise garnered from many fields representing various sectors at local, state, and national levels including: researchers, clinicians, public health systems, private health systems, community leaders, health insurers, health purchasers, health providers, product developers, public policymakers and payers, private policymakers and payers, and advocates

11 Questions 1.Top Reasons Consumers Fail to Utilize Evidence-Based Treatments 2.Short-term Ways to Increase Quit Attempts 3.Short-term Ways to Increase Cessation Treatment Use 4.Long-term Ways to Increase Quit Attempts 5.Long-term Ways to Increase Cessation Treatment Use 6.Ways to Better Package, Design, and Promote NRT 7.Ways to Better Package, Design, and Promote “Coaching”

12 Results: Broad Overarching Themes  ‘De-medicalize’ cessation products and services  The word ‘Counseling’ is a BIG turn-off, various cultural implications, use the word ‘Coaching’ instead  ‘Quit’ is a very severe, terminal, and scary word  More affect, less cognition ▬ lifestyle segmentation, ‘facts tell, stories sell’  Terminology needs to be clarified: services/therapies/treatments/products  Need a champion, need a mantra (e.g., click it or ticket)

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