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©2012, TESCCC Change Grade 2 Unit 7, Lesson 1. Ripple Effect ©2012, TESCCC.

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Presentation on theme: "©2012, TESCCC Change Grade 2 Unit 7, Lesson 1. Ripple Effect ©2012, TESCCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2012, TESCCC Change Grade 2 Unit 7, Lesson 1

2 Ripple Effect ©2012, TESCCC

3 Bicycle ©2012, TESCCC

4 Communication ©2012, TESCCC

5 Ancient times In ancient times, people recorded information on clay or wax tablets using sticks. ©2012, TESCCC

6 100-1400 Once paper, pens, and inks were invented, people copied books by hand. Most people did not have access to information. ©2012, TESCCC

7 Printing ©2012, TESCCC

8 1400 Printing Press In 1439, Gutenberg invented a machine that used movable type. This printing press made information more generally available. ©2012, TESCCC

9 1714 Typewriter The first typewriter was invented in 1714, but it did not become widely used until the 1800s. Now we use computers to type information. ©2012, TESCCC

10 1838 Telegraph (and Morse Code) The invention of the telegraph allowed people to send information long distances by using bursts of electricity over wires. ©2012, TESCCC

11 1896 Telephone Information could be exchanged immediately with the invention of the telephone. ©2012, TESCCC

12 Telephone ©2012, TESCCC

13 1927 Television With the invention of television in 1927, visual information could also be shared. ©2012, TESCCC

14 1940s Computer The first modern computers were invented in the 1940s. They were as big as a room. Now, all sorts of information can be exchanged immediately! ©2012, TESCCC

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