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Motivation Large-scale distributed application require different forms of coordination: Configuration Group membership and leader election Synchronization.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation Large-scale distributed application require different forms of coordination: Configuration Group membership and leader election Synchronization."— Presentation transcript:

1 ZooKeeper: A Distributed Coordination Service for Distributed Applications

2 Motivation Large-scale distributed application require different forms of coordination: Configuration Group membership and leader election Synchronization Configuration: a list of operational parameters for the system processes Group membership: often processes need to know which other processes are alive and what those processes are in charge of

3 Related Works Amazon Simple Queue Service-queuing [25]-leader election
[27]-configuration Chubby[6]-locking service with strong synchronization

4 Zookeeper Zookeeper is a distributed service for distributed applications. It support: Synchronization Configuration management Naming service

5 Why Do We Need Zookeeper
Zookeeper is simple Zookeeper is replicated Zookeeper is ordered Zookeeper is fast

6 Data Model Regular Znode Ephemeral Znode Sequential flag

7 Watches Zookeeper Client1 Client4 create/exist/(WATCH) NOTIFICATION
setData Client1 Client4

8 Client API create(path, data, flags) delete(path, version)
exists(path, watch) getData(path, watch) setData(path, data, version) getChildren(path, watch) sync(path)

9 Zookeeper Service Architecture
Read request is handled by local server Write request is sent to the leader, the leader broadcasts the change to the Zookeeper through Zab an atomic broadcast protocol.

10 Setup Zookeeper Download: Configure Zookeeper: Standalone Mode Replicated Mode tickTime: the basic time unit in milliseconds used by ZooKeeper. It is used to do heartbeats and the minimum session timeout will be twice the tickTime. dataDir: the location to store the in-memory database snapshots and, unless specified otherwise, the transaction log of updates to the database. clientPort: the port to listen for client connections

11 Standalone Mode create file zoo.cfg with the content:
Start server: bin/ start Test with zookeeper client: bin/ -server :2181 tickTime=2000 dataDir=/var/lib/zookeeper clientPort=2181

12 Standalone Mode (2) ls / get Set

13 Setup Zookeeper: Replicated mode
Every server has the same configuration file. Create file named myid In the datadir directory. The content of myid file is an unique number. tickTime=2000 dataDir=/home/sdn/zookeeper clientPort=2181 initLimit=5 syncLimit=2 server.1= :2888:3888 server.2= :2888:3888 server.n= :2888:3888

14 Use cases Naming service Configuration management Synchronization
Message Queue Notification system

15 Synchronization: Simple Lock
Client has smallest number have permission to access locked object When the client finishes work with object, child node is deleted. Another client has smallest number have permission to access locked object AppRoot P(n) P(n+1) P(n+2) P(n+3) Zookeeper N=create(P, EPHEMERAL|SEQUENTIAL) N=create(P, EPHEMERAL|SEQUENTIAL) N=create(P, EPHEMERAL|SEQUENTIAL) N=create(P, EPHEMERAL|SEQUENTIAL) Client1 Client4 Client2 Client3

16 Synchronization: Simple Lock
Check existing of approot and create it. Create child node with Sequential and Ephemeral flag And receive a number. When receive the notification, check whether the number is smallest of child nodes number

17 Synchronization: Barrier
public class SimpleLock implements Watcher ZooKeeper zooKeeper = new ZooKeeper(" :2181", 3000, this); Stat res = zooKeeper.exists(root, true); if(res==null) String abc = zooKeeper.create(root, null, Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); String createRes = zooKeeper.create(root+"/", null, Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL); int number = Integer.parseInt(createRes.substring(root.length()+1)); while (true) { synchronized (root) { //TODO check whether the number is smallest if(smallest) {dost();}else{root.wait();} }} public void process(WatchedEvent event) { //Watcher event synchronized (root) {root.notify();} } private void dost(){ System.out.println("Access System.out at "+System.currentTimeMillis()); Thread.sleep(5000); }

18 Synchronization: Simple Lock
public static void main(String[] args){ new SimpleLock(); } /simpleLock/ :9 Access System.out at /simpleLock/ :10 Access System.out at /simpleLock/ :11 Access System.out at /simpleLock/ :12 Access System.out at

19 Synchronization: Barrier
Every client creates child node of approot. Whenever the number of child nodes is enough, client will start work. AppRoot P(n) P(n+1) P(n+2) P(n+3) Zookeeper N=create(P, EPHEMERAL|SEQUENTIAL) N=create(P, EPHEMERAL|SEQUENTIAL) N=create(P, EPHEMERAL|SEQUENTIAL) N=create(P, EPHEMERAL|SEQUENTIAL) Client1 Client4 Client2 Client3

20 Synchronization: Barrier
Check existing of approot and create it. Create child node with Sequential and Ephemeral flag And receive a number. When receive the notification, check whether the number is smallest of child nodes number

21 Synchronization: Barrier
public static void main(String[] args){ new Barrier(3).run();} Run 3 instances: /barrier/ Starting at /barrier/ Starting at /barrier/ Starting at

22 N=create(P, SEQUENTIAL) N=create(P, SEQUENTIAL)
Message Queue Every client creates child node of approot. Whenever the number of child nodes is enough, client will start work. AppRoot P(n) P(n+1) P(n+2) P(n+3) N=create(P, SEQUENTIAL) sender1 get(smallestP) Zookeeper receiver N=create(P, SEQUENTIAL) sender2

23 Message Queue public class MessageQueue implements Watcher
public static class Sender extends MessageQueue implements Runnable public static class Receiver extends MessageQueue implements Runnable public void sendMessage() { //Watcher event String sendMessage = "sendMessage at "+System.currentTimeMillis(); zooKeeper.create(root+"/", sendMessage.getBytes(), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL); } while (true) { synchronized (root) { List<String> childs = zooKeeper.getChildren(root, true); if(childs.size()==0){root.wait();}else{ //TODO sort the list for (String child : childs) { byte[] data = zooKeeper.getData(root+"/"+child, false, new Stat()); System.out.println("readMessage:"+new String(data)); zooKeeper.delete(root+"/"+child, 0); } } }} public void process(WatchedEvent event) { //Watcher event synchronized (root) {root.notify();} }

24 Message Queue: Run 2 sender instances and 1 receiver instance:
readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at readMessage:sendMessage at

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