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Week 9 Introduction to Computer Science and Object-Oriented Programming COMP 111 George Basham.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 9 Introduction to Computer Science and Object-Oriented Programming COMP 111 George Basham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 9 Introduction to Computer Science and Object-Oriented Programming COMP 111 George Basham

2 Week 9 Topics 9.1.1 Random Numbers and Simulations 9.1.2 Using a Debugger 9.2.1 Arrays 9.2.2 Array Lists

3 9.1.1 Random Numbers and Simulations In a simulation, you repeatedly generate random numbers and use them to simulate an activity. The basic approach of a simulation is to have a loop, generate a large number of sample values, and record these values. When completed, averages or other statistics are calculated. See the Buffon needle experiment for an example.

4 9.1.1 Random Numbers and Simulations Cont. Here is how to simulate the cast of a die: Random generator = new Random(); int d = 1 + generator.nextInt(6); The call generator.nextInt(6) gives you a random number between 0 and 5 (inclusive). Add 1 to obtain a number between 1 and 6. import java.util.Random; nextInt(n) – a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive) nextDouble() – a random floating-point number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)

5 9.1.2 Using a Debugger A debugger is a program that you can use to execute another program and analyze its run-time behavior You can make effective use of a debugger by mastering just three concepts: breakpoints, single-stepping, and inspecting variables

6 9.1.2 Using a Debugger Cont. When a debugger executes a program, the execution is suspended whenever a breakpoint is reached The single-step command executes the program one step at a time You should step into a method to check if carries out its job correctly, you should step over it if you know it works correctly

7 9.2.1 Arrays An array is a sequence of values of the same type. Arrays can be very useful, but suffer from the limitation that their length is fixed. double[] data = new double[10]; for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) data[i] = i * 10; data[0] value is 0, data[1] is 10, data[2] is 20, data[3] is 30 … data[9] is 90

8 9.2.1 Arrays Cont. Representation of the array data from the previous slide: 0123456789 Value Subscript

9 9.2.2 Array Lists ArrayList is a collection class. Array lists can grow and shrink as needed. The ArrayList class provides methods for many common tasks. ArrayList accounts = new ArrayList (); accounts.add(new BankAccount(1001));

10 9.2.2 Array Lists Cont. BankAccount anAccount = accounts.get(2); BankAccount anAccount = new BankAccount(1729); accounts.set(2, anAccount); accounts.remove(0); System.out.println(accounts.size());

11 9.2.2 Array Lists Cont. Note, don’t try to access an element of an array or an array list that does not exist, or you will get an out-of-bounds exception and the program will be terminated! For example, this will generate an out-of-bounds exception: BankAccount anAccount = accounts.get(accounts.size()); Error since accounts.size() – 1 is the last valid element of the array list

12 Reference: Big Java 4th Edition by Cay Horstmann 9.1.1 Random Numbers and Simulations (section 6.5 in Big Java) 9.1.2 Using a Debugger (section 6.6 in Big Java) 9.2.1 Arrays (section 7.1 in Big Java) 9.2.2 Array Lists (section 7.2 in Big Java)

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