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Dr. Timothy Mitchell Rapid City Area Schools 8-20-13.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Timothy Mitchell Rapid City Area Schools 8-20-13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Timothy Mitchell Rapid City Area Schools 8-20-13

2 “Leadership is about going somewhere. If you and your people don’t know where you are going, your leadership doesn’t matter.” Ken Blanchard


4 Building a community of life long learners, one student at a time.

5 All Rapid City Area School students will achieve to their full potential.

6 Guaranteed, Viable, Relevant Curriculum Life and Career skills Technology Literacy (21 st century skills) Staff Effectiveness and Organizational Capacity- Building Comprehensive System of Assessment Diverse Opportunities for students to learn and be academically successful

7 Step 1-Recognize that schools were designed in a different era and for different goals Step 2-Start a dialogue on how to restructure schools in ways that will foster all students learning at high levels

8 Priority Task #1 All Students Learning at High Levels Priority Task #2 2013-2014 Fiscal Responsibility Priority Task #3 Infrastructure Development

9 Priority Task #4 Personnel Priority Task #5 Policy Development and Revision Priority Task #6 Miscellaneous Legislative Session and School Safety

10 Professional Learning Communities Implementation Early Release Schedule All Day Everyday Kindergarten

11 Priorities/Non-Negotiables: 1. Build district-wide shared understanding of PLC concepts 2. Develop high-performing collaborative teams focused on high levels of learning for all students 3. Clarify essential learning outcomes/power standards 4. Develop and deploy common formative assessments

12 The Big Idea The learning dynamics that a teacher establishes in his/her classroom is similar to the learning dynamics a principal/instructional leader establishes in his/her school, and is similar to what a superintendent does to promote learning within the district leadership team.

13 Overarching Theory When a school systems learns, continuous improvement enables educators to close achievement gaps and ensures that all students grow and develop as learners.

14 Strengthening the adult learning will benefit students: *When School Boards learn *When Central Administrators learn *When Building Administrators learn *When Schools and departments learn *When individual teachers learn

15 When a school system learns, continuous improvement enables educators to close achievement gaps and ensures that all students grow and develop as learners

16 Creating the time for collaboration does not guarantee improvements. Structural change is not cultural change. Simply altering the schedule to provide the time to meet does not create conditions for learning.

17 Communication Task Force Questions 3 & 4 Career and Technical Education Dropout Prevention Professional Learning Communities- More Clarity and Coherence

18 2013-2014 Budget Includes: -$3.8 Mill in Fund Balance -No Capital Outlay Flexibility -$1.9 Mill Expenditure Reduction Estimated Expenditures from GF $82.3 Mill

19 Salary Schedule Task Force Health Insurance Committee Review and Analysis of Negotiated Agreements

20 Budget Process-Similar to 2013-2014 Salary Schedule-On-going Salary Dollars Health Insurance Wellness Disease Management

21 Policy Revision-Facility Use (KG) Five Year Capital Outlay Plan (Review and Revision) South-Stevens-Elementary Finalize Lease w/Rapid City Performing Arts Coalition Rapid City High School (Alternative Programs) Jefferson/Lincoln (District Staff) Kibbon Kuster (Elementary Classroom Space) Technology Refresh

22 Policy Implementation-Facility Use (KG) Five Year Capital Outlay Plan (Review and Revision) Finalize Lease w/Rapid City Performing Arts Coalition Long-Term Elementary Classroom Space Plan Enrollment Projections

23 Teacher and Leader quality are the most powerful variable affecting student achievement Schools districts have to commit to populating our schools with the highest quality teacher and leaders possible How does RCAS best attract, develop and retain the most highly qualified workforce?

24 Teacher/Principal Effectiveness Pilot Teachscape Implementation Activities Staffing Salary Placement Issues

25 How do we increase educator capacity in order to provide a more effective education for all students in all schools?

26 Review and Revise specific Board Policies as identified by the administration and School Board Policy Committee Identify and Review all Board Policies that have not been revised for 10 years are longer

27 AA School District Legal Status BDA Electronic Communication with Board CCA Organizational Chart KMI Relations with Political Organizations KDD Media Relations

28 Monitor Legislative Session Build on efforts to form sustainable relationships School Safety Entrances-Mitigation Crisis Plan Updates Internal Communication

29 “There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new order of things…Whenever his enemies have the ability to attack the innovator they do so with the passion of partisans, while the others defend him sluggishly, so that the innovator and his party alike are vulnerable” Niccolo Machiavelli

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