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E 74 Measuring Speed. E74: Measuring Speed Target: Measure the speed of a rolling cart using time and distance Do now: Take out your E74 Write up. Procedure.

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Presentation on theme: "E 74 Measuring Speed. E74: Measuring Speed Target: Measure the speed of a rolling cart using time and distance Do now: Take out your E74 Write up. Procedure."— Presentation transcript:

1 E 74 Measuring Speed

2 E74: Measuring Speed Target: Measure the speed of a rolling cart using time and distance Do now: Take out your E74 Write up. Procedure Check today Homework: Analysis Questions #3,4,5. Use complete ideas and sentences.

3 E74: Measuring Speed Challenge: How can you measure the speed of a moving car? What tools are used to measure speed? What units of measure are used to measure speed? Why do you think speeding is a factor in 20% of fatal car accidents?

4 E74: Measuring Speed To make the car move properly the white track is upside down compare to the gray track.

5 E74: Measuring Speed Speed = distance /time

6 E74: Measuring Speed Key Concepts 1.The motion of an object can be described by its position, direction of motion, and speed. 2.Average speed is the distance an object travels divided by the time taken to travel that distance. 3.Scientists design and conduct scientific investigations. They communicate their procedures results and explanations to other scientists.

7 E74: Measuring Speed 4. Scientists should be able to design and conduct appropriate scientific investigations. This may include the use of experiments with multiple trials. 5. Good experimental design requires keeping as many variables as possible the same – except for the one being tested- so that any results can be ascribed to the variable changed. 6. Mathematics is important in all aspects of scientific inquiry.

8 E74: Measuring Speed Vocabulary Distance – The length measured between two points. Evidence – Observations or data to support a statement, hypothesis or point of view. Error – Unavoidable variations between a measurement and the true value of a quantity that occurs when measurements cannot be made with greater accuracy.

9 Vocabulary Rate – A ratio between two different kinds of measurement. For example – speed is a ratio of distance to time. Speed – the rate at which an object moves, equal to the distance traveled per time interval. Time interval – The time between two events.


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