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 sioncauses/ sioncauses/ 

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Presentation on theme: " sioncauses/ sioncauses/ "— Presentation transcript:

1  sioncauses/ sioncauses/  sion/ sion/ BRAIN POP

2 The Great Depression

3  As you watch the video, write down how key ideas that come to mind.  1. How do these images make you feel and why?  2. Based on these photographs, how do you think life was like during the Great Depression era? INTRODUCTION VIDEO

4  With your partner, come up with 10 adjectives that describes the pictures in the video. HAND UP, STAND UP, PAIR UP

5  Video:  Bubble Map: 7 facts DEPRESSION

6 Words to Know 1.Secret Ballot 2.Depression 3.Live at Home program Essential Question: “How did Depression-era bank failures & job losses affect North Carolinians?” SECTION 2: THE GREAT DEPRESSION HITS NC

7 Intro  Gov. Max Gardner faced greatest problems during Depression years (1929-1933)  Gardner supported secret ballot (voter decides in a private booth)

8 The Great Depression  Depression=a downturn in economic activity: prices fall, banks fail, people lose jobs  The lack of consumers to buy goods in a timely manner helped to create the Great Depression  Masses of people withdrawing money from banks forced them to close

9 Live at Home Program  Sharecroppers & mill workers suffered first in NC  had very little to fall back on  Famers participated in the “Live at Home” program, where they used seeds bought by local gov’t to grow food & raise items usually bought at stores

10  Read Great Depression Article as a class.  Article and video of Florence Thomas Article and video of Florence Thomas ARTICLE

11  Why do you think Tobacco industry made such great profits during the Great Depression while other businesses struggled to survive? THINK, PAIR, SHARE

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