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Applied Psychoacoustics Lecture 4: Pitch & Timbre Perception Jonas Braasch.

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1 Applied Psychoacoustics Lecture 4: Pitch & Timbre Perception Jonas Braasch

2 Homework 2: Raw Data

3 Homework 2: Mean

4 Homework 2: Mean+STD

5 Mean and Standard Deviation mean Standard deviation

6 Homework 2: Mean vs. Median Mean, blue Median, red

7 Homework 2: Median

8 Statistics for non-Gaussian distributions Median: is a number that separates the higher half of a sample, a population, or a probability distribution from the lower half.probability distribution Quartiles: –first quartile (designated Q1) = lower quartile = cuts off lowest 25% of data = 25th percentilepercentile –second quartile (designated Q2) = median = cuts data set in half = 50th percentilemedianpercentile –third quartile (designated Q3) = upper quartile = cuts off highest 25% of data, or lowest 75% = 75th percentile percentile

9 Homework 2: Median

10 Homework 2: Median+Quartiles

11 Homework 2: Mean vs. Median Mean, blue Median, red

12 Homework 2: Median+Quartiles

13 HW 2: Median+Quartiles+Range

14 HW2: left ear vs. right ear left ear, blue right ear, red

15 Euclid (330-275 BC) Some sounds are higher pitched, being composed of more frequent and more numerous motions

16 Contents Pitch perception –Pure Tones –Place and Rate Theory –Complex Tones Timbre


18 IntervalSemitonesFreq. Ratio Prime01:1 Minor second116:15 Major second29:8 Minor third36:5 Major third45:4 Perfect Fourth54:3 Augmented fourth Diminished fifth 645:32 64:45 Perfect Fifth73:2 Minor sixth88:5 Major sixth95:3 Minor seventh1016:9 Major seventh1115:8 Perfect Octave122:1

19 IntervalEqual temp.Just intonation Prime00 Minor second100112 Major second200204 Minor third300316 Major third400386 Perfect Fourth500498 Augmented fourth Diminished fifth 600590 610 Perfect Fifth700702 Minor sixth800814 Major sixth900884 Minor seventh1000996 Major seventh11001088 Perfect Octave1200 cents

20 Equal Temperament One semitone equals: 12 √2=1.0595=5.9463% One cent: 1200 √2=1.0006=0.059% Perfect fifth: 1.5=700 cent=50% Perfect Octave: 2=1200 cent=100%

21 Psychometric Function Describes the relationship between a physical parameter and its psychological correlate Example: Phon-Sone conversion

22 Weber-Fechner Law The earliest scientific approach to measuring a psychometric function Ernst H. Weber (1795-1878) investigated just noticeable differences (JNDs) for lifting weights with the hand. The subjects were blindfolded and the weight was gradually increased until they were able to detect a difference. He noticed that the JNDs were proportional to the overall weight. (e.g., if the JND for a 100 g weigth was 10 g, the JND for a 1000 g weight was 100 g). If the mass is doubled, the threshold is also doubled.

23 Gustav T. Fechner (1801-1887) later developed the Weber-Fechner Law from Weber’s findings: S=klog(I/I 0 ) With I the physical parameter (Intensity), S its psychophysical correlate, and k a constant, and I 0 the detection threshold of I. The JND is then: dS=klog(dI/I) Weber-Fechner Law

24 Fechner’s indirect scales 0 sensation units (0 JND of sensation) stimulus intensity at absolute detection threshold 1 sensation unit (1 JND of sensation) stimulus intensity that is 1 difference threshold above absolute threshold 2 sensation units (2 JND of sensation) stimulus intensity that is 1 difference threshold above the 1-unit stimulus

25 Fechner’s Law

26 Pitch Pitch is often thought to be perceived logarithmically: Frequencyoctave 440 Hz1 st 880 Hz2 nd 1760 Hz3rd But for other psychophysical correlates, this logarithmic relationship does not hold true…

27 Stevens’ Power Law Stevens’ was able to provide a general formula to relate sensation magnitudes to stimulus intensity: S = aI m Here, the exponent m denotes to what extent the sensation is an expansive or compressive function of stimulus intensity. The purpose of the coefficient a is to adjust for the size of the unit of measurement. log S = m log(I-I0) + log a

28 Examples for Steven’s Power Law

29 Examples for Steven’s Power Law Exponents

30 … and now in the log-log space

31 Definition of Pitch Pitch is that attribute of auditory sensation in terms of which sounds may be ordered on a scale extending from low to high. Pitch depends mainly on the frequency content of the sound stimulus, but it also depends on the sound pressure and the waveform of the stimulus. ANSI standard 1994

32 The mel scale Stevens, Volkmann & Newmann, 1937 Five listeners were asked to judge a the frequency of a second sinusoidal tone generator to be perceived half the Magnitude of the first oscillator with constant frequency (method of adjustment) Sound was switched between both oscillators (2-s interval) 60 dB SPL Stevens, Volkmann & Newmann, 1937

33 Mel Scale - Raw Data Stevens, Volkmann & Newmann, 1937 Geometric means for five observers, and average error for 2 listeners

34 Def.: 1000 mels= 1000 Hz at 40 dB Stevens, Volkmann & Newmann, 1937

35 Solid line: mel scale /2.83; Black squares: integrated difference limens; open circles: relative location of the resonant positions on the basilar membrane

36 Size of Musical interval in terms of Mels Stevens, Volkmann & Newmann, 1937

37 Hz/mel conversion To convert f hertz into m mel use: m = 1127.01048log e (1 + f / 700). And the inverse: f = 700(e m / 1127.01048 − 1).

38 Frequency JND’s Different symbols show different studies (Fig.:Terhardt 1998)

39 Frequency Difference Limens Wier et al., 1977

40 Frequency Difference Limens At low sound pressure levels (<10 dB SPL), the JND for pitch Increases. The hump at 800 Hz was not confirmed in follow-up studies At one 1-kHz the difference limens is about 3 cents (0.2%) At high and low frequencies, we are less sensitive to pitch (e.g., 0.5% at 200 Hz and 1% at 8 kHz. Melody recognition disappears for frequencies above 4-5 kHzMelody recognition disappears for frequencies above 4-5 kHz

41 DL compared to a semitone

42 Pure Tone Frequency Discrimination from Cheveigne, 2004

43 Effect of signal duration Duration (ms) d’ relative to 20 ms Large improvement in F0 discrimination with duration for unresolved harmonics (White and Plack, 1998):

44 SPINC vs. Bark (Fig.:Terhardt 1998) SPINC=Spectral Pitch Increment based on JNDs

45 Theories on Pitch Perception Place Theory –Pitch is determined by the location of the firing inner hair cell population on the basilar membrane Rate Theory –Pitch is determined by the rate code of the inner hair cells (phase locking)

46 Place Theory Excitation on Basilar membrane from: Hartmann, 1996

47 Place Theory Excitation on Basilar membrane Excitation on Basilar membrane for two sinusoids of same frequency f but 30 dB level difference from: Hartmann, 1996

48 Pitch shift for level variation according to Terhardt 1982 Pitch variation of a sinusoid as function of SPL

49 Autocorrelation Cross-Correlation Models  Y (  )= 1/(t 1 -t 0 ) Y(t)Y(t+  )  t=t 0 t1t1 Licklider (1951)

50 Rate model (Sinusoid analysis) (from: de Cheveigne, 2004)

51 Rate Pitch Model f=1/t log(f)=log(1/t)

52 1-kHz sine tone FFT

53 1-kHz harmonic complex with equally strong harmonics

54 250-Hz harmonic complex with equally strong harmonics

55 250-Hz harmonic complex with missing fundamental

56 250-Hz harmonic complex with decreasing harmonic strength

57 Cochlear Implants Research on Cochlear Implant users suggest that our auditory system makes use of both the rate and place when determining the pitch. The analysis of the rate code is not possible for high frequencies

58 Cochlear Implants Illustration from "Functional Replacement of the Ear," by Gerald E. Leob, 1985

59 Cochlear Implants

60 Excitation (dB) ResolvedUnresolved Centre Frequency (Hz) Excitation pattern: Auditory filterbank: Frequency (Hz) Input spectrum: Level (dB) from Plack, Oxenham, 2002

61 Which harmonic determines pitch? from: Chris Darwin Time (t) -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 3 4 1 Period = 1/200 s = 5ms Frequency (Hz) Amplitude 200400600800 Harmonic spacing = 200 Hz Fundamental = 200 Hz Pressure

62 Pitch remains the same without fundamental (Licklider, 1956): from: Chris Darwin Time (t) -3 -2 0 1 2 3 1 Period = 1/200 s = 5ms Frequency (Hz) 200400600800 Harmonic spacing = 200 Hz Pressure Amplitude

63 Pitch perception of complex sounds (from: de Cheveigne, 2004)

64 Figure Explanation All spectra (A-E) produce the same magnitude of pitch. Solution: For each harmonic produce subharmonics (F/n) and plot these into frequency histogram (bottom figure). The perceived pitch typically corresponds to the highest value.

65 Pitch perception of complex sounds (from: de Cheveigne, 2004)

66 Explanation of Figure (from: de Cheveigne, 2004) “Landmarks do not work well in the time domain” The pitch does not match the period of the envelope if the ratio between carrier frequency and modulation frequency is < 10.

67 Pitch perception of formant-like sounds (from: de Cheveigne, 2004) Can evoke two pitches Diagonal line sinusoids

68 Another Pitch Definition “…that attribute of auditory sensation in terms of which sounds may be ordered on a scale extending from low to high” (ANSI, 1994). The perceptual correlate of the repetition rate of a sound. instead of

69 F0 discrimination for unresolved harmonics Lowest Harmonic Number F0DL (%) (F0 = 200 Hz) Houtsma and Smurzynski, 1990 Low-numbered harmonics (<10) dominate pitch perception

70 Absolute Pitch "Passive" absolute pitch –Persons who are able to identify individual notes which they hear, –They can typically identify the key of a composition "Active" absolute pitch –Persons with active absolute pitch will be able to sing any given note when asked. –Usually, people with active absolute pitch will not only be able to identify a note, but recognize when that note is slightly sharp or flat. –1 in every 10,000 people in the US posses active absolute pitch possessors (1/20 in some other locations).

71 Motoric Absolute Pitch Persons who can reproduce an absolute reference tone to determine the pitch of other tones (e.g. professional singer knowing their range, persons who speak a tone language).

72 Timbre When we hear notes of the same force and same pitch sounded successively on a piano- forte, a violin, clarinet, oboe, or trumpet, or by the human voice, the character of the musical tone of each of these instruments, notwithstanding the identify of force and pitch, is so different that by means of it we recognise with the greatest of ease which of these instruments was used." (p. 19) Helmholtz, 1877

73 Timbre Textbooks customarily believe that loudness, pitch and timbre correlate directly with sound intensity, fundamental frequency and overtone structure..."but these experiments show that a simple one-to-one relationship does not exist." (p. 59) Fletcher, 1934

74 Timbre...harmonics manifest themselves in the specific quality or timbre of the complex tone.... Timbre is multidimensional....we do not have a unidimensional scale for comparing the timbres of various sounds. Plomp, 1976

75 Timbre Timbre is that attribute of auditory sensation in terms of which a listener can judge that two sounds similarly presented and having the same loudness and pitch are dissimilar. ANSI, 1960

76 Comment Bregman (1990) On the ASA definition: "This is, of course, no definition at all. For example, it implies that there are some sounds for which we cannot decide whether they possess the quality of timbre or not. In order for the definition to apply, two sounds need to be able to be presented at the same pitch, but there are some sounds, such as the scarping of a shovel in a pile of gravel, that have no pitch at all. We obviously have a problem: Either we must assert that only sounds with pitch can have timbre, meaning that we cannot discuss the timbre of a tambourine or of the musical sounds of many African cultures, or there is something terribly wrong with the definition." (p. 92)

77 Elusive attributes of timbre The range between tonal and noiselike character. The spectral envelope. The time envelope in terms of rise, duration, and decay. The changes both of spectral envelope (formant-glide) and fundamental frequency (micro-intonation). The prefix, an onset of a sound quite dissimilar to the ensuing lasting vibration. Schouten, 1968

78 Grey (1977) Multidimensional scaling of orchestral instruments

79 Grey (1977) Stimuli: 16 different orchestral instruments Listeners had to judge similarity Multidimensional scale analysis Three scale axes: –Spectral energy distribution –Synchronicity of attack transients for different harmonics –Presence of low-amplitude, high frequency energy in initial attack segment.

80 Harmonic Spectra Flue pipe (open) Flue pipe (closed) Reed pipe with long cyl. res. Reed pipe with short cyl. res.

81 Harmonic Spectra Relationship of low harmonics –Spectral centroid –Dominance of fundamental sound –Existence of even partial tones

82 Comparison Flue pipe Stops Reed Pipe Stops HM HM: Harmonic centroid

83 Comparison Flue pipe Reed Pipe Important: synchronicity of attack transients among partial tones, Initial frequency changes

84 Literature William M. Hartmann (1996): Pitch, periodicity, and auditory organization, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 3491-3503. Alain de Cheveigne (2004) Pitch Perception models, in: Pitch (Plack, Oxenham, eds.), Springer, New York.

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