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Published byKathryn Phillips Modified over 9 years ago
Dr. Norazli Othman/Dr. Samira Kamaruddin/PM Dr. Shreeshivadasan 1 MDS 2203
EMS ◦ Environment Management System ISO14000 ◦ a series of standards framework for managing environmental obligations specification and guidance “voluntary” in nature ◦ Start – environmental policy – planning – implementation – checking and corrective action – management review – back to start
Key elements ◦ Initial review of environmental aspects ◦ Identification of Legal Requirements ◦ Commitment and Environmental Policy ◦ Training · Implementation ◦ Checking and Corrective Action ◦ System Audits ◦ Management Review Environment Management System(EMS) A system to control the company’s activities, products and processes that causes, or could cause, environmental impacts and in doing so to minimize the environmental impacts of its operation.
Waste is sign of inefficiency and lower operating cost are a direct consequence of waste minimum or energy efficiency programs. Implementing an EMS assists companies to identify opportunities to reduce raw material, utility and waste disposal costs. This will make a direct positive contribution to your company's profits.
Environmental analysis Is the preliminary analysis of activities, products and services, to identify the environmental aspects as a basis to establish the environmental management system of the organization Environmental policy Is the key tool for public communication of the environmental priorities and intentions of the company, and it must be stated in writing and adopted at top management level Environmental management system Planning Identifying and evaluating aspects Identifying legal requirements Fixing goals and targets Establishing environmental management programmes Implementation and Operation Organization and personnel (structure and liabilities) Training, awareness and professional competence Communication EMS documentation Control of documentation Operational control Emergency plans and answer capacity Checking and corrective action Monitoring and measurement Non-conformity, corrective action and preventive action EMS Audit Revision by the management Redefinition of targets Modification of policy if required Modification of documentation Environmental declaration Is a document that constitutes an instrument for communication and dialogue with the public and other parties interested in the environmental performance of the organization and its continuous improvement
The Deming Wheel
Perception that new systems will interfere with their primary production activity Most environmental improvements are achieved by simply applying Good Environmental Practice Best available techniques (BAT) CP and EMS must be integrated in general management
Includes a systematic, documented, timely and objective assessment to check that the organization, the management and the environmental equipment is in good operating condition International Chamber of Commerce ICC
1. Total support from the management 2. Objectivity of the audit team, being independent 3. Professional competence, qualified and experienced 4. Well defined and systematic procedures 5. Well documented process and clearly written reports 6. Assurance of the quality of the audit 7. Follow up of the facts identified through the implementation of appropriate measures
Industrial Metabolism and Ecology Ecodesign The MET matrix Strategic circle of ecodesign Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) ISO 14040
product concept and function choosing materials with a lower impact planning to reduce the impact of the production process planning to minimize the impact of distribution of: packaging and transports optimize product use minimizing management at the end of product life time. Ecodesign
1. Choice of low impact materials 2. Reduction of materials used 3. Optimization of production techniques Alternative techniques 4. Optimal distribution system 5. Reduction of impact during use 6. Optimization of initial life 7.Optimization of system end of cycle 0. Development of a new concept
ISO 14001 is the international standard for Environmental Management System derived from the British Standard BS7750. This international standard helps you establish an Environmental Management System. Aims to support environmental protection and the prevention of pollution in harmony with socio-economic need. Intended to be applicable to “all type and size of organization” and to accommodate diverse geographical, cultural and social condition. Stress on continuous improvement by using PDCA system. A series of international standards for environmental management.
Stress on continuous improvement by using PDCA system. ◦ PLAN: Understand issues, set goals, plan actions ◦ DO: Implement activities and processes to achieve your goals ◦ CHECK: Monitor, measure, & audit the EMS ◦ ACT: Continually improve the system PLAN DO CHECK ACT
Minimizing trade barriers and related complications Increasing company competitiveness Supporting a worldwide focus on environmental management Reducing cost of waste management Lowering consumption of energy and materials Reducing distribution costs Improving corporate image among regulators, customers and the public Creating a framework for continuous improvement of your environmental performance Allowing a single management system and process
MateriaLab ◦ “Though this programme, actual savings on energy, paper and water consumptions have been achieved, in addition to better controls over management of chemicals and other dangerous goods.” PHILIPS ◦ “Obtain good results by means of applying ISO14001 because they have really done something effective these years in reducing wastes/costs and making contribution to environmental protection.”
ISO 14001 Structure Management Review Management Review Planning Environmental Aspects Legal / Other Requirement Objectives and Targets Environmental Management Program Checking / Corrective Action Monitoring and Measurement Nonconformance and Corrective and Preventive Action Records EMS Audits Start Implementation Structure and Responsibility Training, Awareness, Competence Communication EMS documentation Document Control Operational Control * Emergency Preparedness / Response Continual Improvement ! Environmental Policy 4 7 4 11
(17 elements of ISO 14001) General Requirements (section 1) Environmental Policy (section 2.1) Planning (section 2.2) 2.Environmental aspect 3.Legal / other requirement 4.Objectives and targets 5.Environmental management program Implementation and Operation (section 2.3) 6.Structure and responsibility 7.Training, awareness, competence 8.Communication 9.EMS document 10.Documental control 11.Operational control 12.Emergency preparedness / response Checking and Corrective Action (section 2.4) 13.Monitoring and measurement 14.Nonconformance and corrective and preventive Action 15.Records 16.EMS audits Management Review
2.1 Environmental Policy 2.2 Planning ◦ 2.2.1 Environmental Aspects ◦ 2.2.2 Legal and other requirement ◦ 2.2.3 Objectives and Targets ◦ 2.2.4 Environmental Management Program
Environmental policy shall be established and documented to ensure that it is:- ◦ appropriate to the organization (company size and it’s environment impact) ◦ Commit to CI and pollution prevention ◦ Commit to comply with legislation and regulation ◦ Provide framework for setting and reviewing objective and targets ◦ communicated to all employee ◦ available to the public
Identify environmental aspects that organization can control over which it can have an influence Identify those aspects have significant impact to environment Consider those significant aspects during setting environmental objective Keep this information up-to-date Possible consideration when evaluating environmental aspects ◦ Air emission ◦ Solid and hazardous wastes ◦ Contamination of land ◦ Raw material and resources use ◦ Local issues raised by the community such as noise, dust etc ◦ Water pollution
Documented procedures shall be maintained for identifying and accessing the legal and other requirements that apply to organization, that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products or services. Points to consider during implementation ◦ A register of all relevant environment legislation and regulation shall be compiled ◦ This register shall be kept up-to-date and regularly reviewed ◦ This register shall directly link identified legislation or regulation to your activities, products or process
Documented environmental objectives and target At each relevant functions and level within the organization in considering the following: ◦ Legal requirements ◦ Significant environment aspects ◦ Technology option ◦ Financial, operation and business requirement ◦ Views of interest parties ◦ Consistent with environmental policy, including the commitment to prevention of pollution
Objectives Targets Reduce energy useReduce electricity use by 10% by 2002 Reduce natural gas use by 15% by 2002 Reduce usage of hazardous chemicals Eliminate use of CFC by 1997 Reduce use of high-VOC paints by 25% Reduce hazardous waste generation Reduce chrome wastes in plating area by 50% in 1998 Improve employee awareness of environmental issues To held monthly awareness training courses Train 100% of employees by end of the year Improve compliance with wastewater / discharge permit limits Zero permit limit violations by the end of 1997
Program shall be established and maintained for achieving environmental objectives and targets. It shall include: ◦ Designation of responsibility for achieving objective and targets ◦ Means and time frame for achieving those objectives and targets ◦ Program shall be modified when Objective and target is added or amended Product, process and service is added or changed Objective and Targets established Environmental Management Program defined Monitoring and Measurement
2.3 Implementation and Operation ◦ 2.3.1 Structure and responsibility ◦ 2.3.2 Training, Awareness and Competency ◦ 2.3.3 Communication ◦ 2.3.4 Environmental Management System documentation ◦ 2.3.5 Document Control ◦ 2.3.6 Operation Control ◦ 2.3.7 Emergency Preparedness and response
For EMS to be effect, roles and responsibility and authorities shall be clearly defined and communicated Adequate resources shall be provided by management to implement and control the EMS. Resources include: ◦ Human resources ◦ Specialize skills ◦ Technology ◦ Financial resources A Management Representative shall be appointed to –Ensure that the EMS is established and implemented –Reporting on the EMS performance over time to top management for review and as a basis for improvement
The training needs of staff who may create a significant impact upon the environment shall be defined Documented procedure shall maintained to ensure staff be aware of: ◦ EMS requirement, environmental policy and procedure ◦ Significant environmental impact, actual or potential, or their work activit4es and the environmental benefits of improved personal performance ◦ Their role and responsibilities ◦ Potential risk of departure form specified operation procedure Staff shall be competent on the basis on appropriate education, training and/or experience
In respect to the environmental aspects and EMS, documented procedures shall be maintained for communicating internally (between levels and functions) soliciting, receiving, documenting and responding to the external communications It is required to consider process for external communication on significant environmental aspect and record the decision Internal methodsExternal methods NewslettersOpen houses Staff meetingFocus groups Bulletin boardsPress releases TrainingAnnual reports advertising
EMS documentation requires that environmental information is maintained in a form that ◦ Describes the core elements of EMS (and how these elements related to each other), and ◦ Provides direction to related documentation Hierarchy of EMS Documentation ◦ Policy ◦ EMS manual ◦ Procedure ◦ Work Instruction ◦ Forms, Drawing etc
Documented procedure shall be maintained to control all the documents required by ISO14001 to ensure that ◦ EMS documents can be located ◦ They are periodically reviewed and revised ◦ Current versions are available where need, and ◦ Obsolete documents are removed or identified Documents that shall be controlled –Policy –Manual –Procedure –Work instruction –Forms and drawings –Regulation and standard
Organization shall identify those operation and activities that are associated with the significant environmental aspect Organization shall plan these activities by ◦ Establish and maintain documented procedure to cover situations where the absence of procedures could lead to deviation from the environmental policy, objective and target ◦ Establish operating criteria in the procedure ◦ Establish and maintaining procedures related to the identifiable significant environmental aspects of goods and service used by the organizations and communicating relevant procedures and requirements to the supplier
Documented procedure is required to ◦ Assessing the potential for accidents and emergencies ◦ Preventing incidents and their associated environmental impacts ◦ Plans for responding to incidents ◦ Periodic testing of emergency plans/procedures ◦ Mitigating impacts associated with these incidents
2.4 Checking & Improving ◦ 2.4.1 Monitoring & Measurement ◦ 2.4.2 Corrective & Preventive Action ◦ 2.4.3 Records ◦ 2.4.4 EMS Audits 2.5 Management Review
Document procedure is required to ◦ regularly monitor and measure key characteristics of operation that can have significant environmental impacts ◦ maintain record and track performance ◦ regularly recalibrate and maintain monitoring equipment ◦ regularly evaluate the compliance with applicable laws and regulations (e.g. internal audit)
Documented procedure is required for defining responsibility and authority for ◦ Handling and investigating NC ◦ Taking action to mitigate any impacts caused ◦ Initiating and completing corrective and preventive action Corrective or preventive action taken should be appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate with the environmental impact encountered Implement and record any changes in the documented procedures resulting from corrective or preventive actions
Documented procedure is required for the identification maintenance and disposition of environmental records Environmental records should be ◦ Legible, identifiable and traceable to the activity, product or service involved ◦ Stored and maintained in a way that they are readily retrievable and protected against damage, deterioration or loss ◦ Keep according to the predetermined retention time Environmental records should be maintained to demonstrate the conformance to the EMS requirement
Documented procedure is required for periodic EMS audit to be carried out to ◦ Determine if the EMS conforms to the requirement of ISO14001 and has been properly implemented and maintained ◦ Provide audit result information to management Audit program should be based on the environmental importance of activity and the result of previous audit Audit procedure should cover ◦ Audit scope ◦ Audit frequency ◦ Audit methodologies ◦ Responsibility
Periodical review of the EMS is required to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the EMS Necessary information should be provided during MR process to enable the evaluation MR should address the possible need for changes to policy, objectives and the EMS elements by using the following ◦ EMS audit result ◦ Changing circumstances situation ◦ Commitment of continual improvement
ISO 14001 is voluntary, but.... ◦ Customers may require conformance ◦ Customers may use conformance as a selection criteria ◦ ISO 14001 serves as basis of registration May be driven by customers Assessment by an organization independent of the company being assessed ◦ Process mirrors ISO 9000 registration ◦ by non-biased third-party that a company’s system conforms with a standard (ISO 9000, ISO 14001, etc.) ◦ The third-party organization is a “registrar” and EMS is then registered Approximately 700 registrations in US Moving faster in Asia and Europe
Recommended for Registration ◦ No major non-conformances identified Recommended for Registration Following Verification of Corrective Action ◦ One or more major non-conformances which can be corrected and verified without a full re-audit Recommended for On-Site Reassessment ◦ Several major non-conformances indicate a breakdown of the EMS. Full on-site re-audit required
ISO14000 is a series of standards ◦ framework for managing environmental obligations ◦ specification, guidance and “voluntary” in nature ISO 14001 is achieved through ◦ Identifying environmental aspects & impacts ◦ Identifying legal requirements ◦ Writing an environmental policy ◦ Training staff and sub-contractors ◦ Setting objectives and targets and program to improve performance ◦ Preparing documentation ◦ Internal audits of the EMS ◦ Reviewing progress
Understand ISO 14001 requirements Conduct your own gap analysis Define scope of certification with registrar Discuss / document interpretations Address language issues (if any) Understand registrar’s process Determine optimum order of sites Communicate plans to employees
Typical EMS Registration Process Application Document Review (“Desk Audit”) On-Site Readiness Review On-Site Registration Audit * Registration Determination * On-Going Surveillance
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