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BUSINESS ENGLISH LECTURE 29. Synopsis  Presentation Skills continues…  What and How together  Presentation Skills workshop  Listening and Expansion.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS ENGLISH LECTURE 29. Synopsis  Presentation Skills continues…  What and How together  Presentation Skills workshop  Listening and Expansion."— Presentation transcript:


2 Synopsis  Presentation Skills continues…  What and How together  Presentation Skills workshop  Listening and Expansion Exercise

3 Tell me, and I’ll forget Show me, and I may not remember…. Involve me, and I’ll understand

4 Why presentation skills? “To know and not do is to not know” (Arnold Weber) The difficulty is getting the competence out so “COMPETENCE IS NOT THE PROBLEM, COMMUNICATION IS ” It’s time we all learn a new skill. Good communication is a skill. It is learnable

5 Introduction Presentation is not information sharing.You ask somebody to agree with you, make a decision or to do something Delivering your presentations effectively involves using a proven four-step process:  Plan  Prepare  Practice  Present

6 Plan  Audience analysis (Respectful, neutral,hostile etc) “ When I get ready to talk to people,I spend two third of the time thinking what they want to hear and one third thinking about what I want to say. ” (Abraham Lincoln)  Knowledge( how much the audience knows about the topic))  Experience (have they had any personal experience with your topic)  Needs ( what’s in it for me)  Goals (targets etc)

7 Plan (cont’d)  Define the purpose of your talk based on the outcome you seek with your audience:  Inform (tell them something)  Persuade (your point of view)  Motivate to action (appeal to audience objectively)  Sell  Teach etc

8 Prepare Establish a positive Mind-Set Value your message. Visualize yourself succeeding. Visualize your audience responding. Give yourself pep talks. Physical preparation of the Room Size of room Sound needs etc

9 Prepare (cont’d)  Prepare an attention-getting Opening  Ask a good question. (How many of you can remember your first car?)  Tell a story (people love to hear stories)  Make a statement that cements mutual interest between you and listener (Use we or us not I )

10 Prepare (cont’d)  Illustrate and support Key Points with evidence and visuals.  Statistics (facts that support your point of view)  Analogies (experiences of others)  Demonstrations (personal experiences)  Incidents (personal stories that relate to your point of view)  Exhibits (pictures) TIP Develop transitions or bridges between key points.

11 prepare visual aids to Highlight Illustrate This will involve the audience

12 Prepare (cont’d)  Prepare a memorable Close  Dramatize your ideas.  Throw down a challenge.  Use a motivating statement.  Restate the key benefit.  Deliver a convincing summary.(You re-energize yourself and ensure that point of view is remembered)

13 prepare prompt cards Sequence (Basic information) facts easy to relate to

14 Practice (cont’d)  Practice your presentation and review your visuals for  Clarity (simple, unambiguous)  Relevancy (with the topic)  Eye-appeal (attractive slides, do use color))  Visibility (readable, legible)  Quality (each visual should make a single point)  Memorability (helping your listener to remember your talk)

15 Practice (cont’d)  Practice your presentation before an audience, coach, video camera. Receive feedback and coaching on  Strong opening.  Clear key points.  Logical flow.  Credible evidence. and... Check out every audio-visual aid.


17 You must have and USE a: 1.PURPOSE ( OBJECTIVE) (point of view should be crystal clear) 2. HOOK (QUESTION-SURPRISING FACT) 3. SIGNPOSTING (WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO COVER (Benefits,facts,personal experience)

18 Delivery system  Make a positive first impression:  Establish eye-contact. (To involve a person you must speak to his eyes)  Display poised, confident body language.( neutral position makes gestures easy))  Be relaxed.( in full control)  Be well groomed. (how you look adds to your believability)

19 Ensure that more than one sense is stimulated e.g… speech and visual aids Audiences remember: 20% of what they hear 50% of what they see And 80%of what they see & hear

20 Talk to people in terms of their own experience and they will listen to you Your communication is always more valuable if you appeal to the values and aspirations of your audience

21 Present (cont’d)  Hold the attention of the audience:  Be enthusiastic. (launch your rapport with energy)  Express yourself clearly and concisely.( If you are excited, notify your face)  Tell a story( so that people can enjoy &relate to topic)  Have an upbeat voice.( to show excitement is important to develop trust,vocal energy)  Have proper body animation.

22 You do not communicate with just words,the whole person that you are comes with them

23 Structure of a Good Presentation  Agenda  Benefits, fact &personal experience  Key points to Remember  Recommendations

24 YOU MUST SEEK THEIR FEEDBACK Invite questions..make notes and respond positively

25 SELF EVALUATION The deciding factor for any presentation is the answer to the following question: "Were my aims and objectives achieved? Did I get the audience to do/think/feel what I wanted them to?“ This way you can constantly improve your presentations.


27 Presentation Skills 27

28 Self Assessment What are you good at? What skills would you like to develop? 28

29 1.What is your experience of giving presentations? 2.What do you like about it? 3.What do you dislike about it? 4. Will you need to present in the future? 29

30 1. Planning 30

31 Questions?  Who is your audience?  Why are they there?  What is your goal?  How long will it be?  Where will it take place? 31

32 Business Card Test 32

33 3 things If your audience could remember only three things about your presentation, what would you want it to be? (1)_____________ (2)_____________ (3)_____________ 33

34 Start your Outline  No Powerpoint  Film with no script  Pencil & Paper  Order your thoughts  Key points 34

35 Structure Have a sound, clear structure 35

36 Create interest “We need to open gaps before we close them. Our tendency is to tell people the facts. First, though, they must realize that they need these facts.” Dan & Chip Heath, Make it Stick 36

37 Introduction Structure Main theme Summary/ Conclusions Get Attention Content Key message 37

38 Presentation Slide 38

39  Structure for each slide  Rhetorical question linking each slide. 39

40 2. Preparation 40

41 Speaker’s 3 friends 1. Personal Notes 2. Visuals 3. Handouts 41

42 TThe evils of Powerpoint are familiar to everyone, they include: TToo much text TToo small to read and is really only serving as a crutch for the presenter CClip Art and Slide templates that have been seen a million times SSpinning, wooshing, dazzlings animations 42

43 Part of the problem with having so much text onscreen is that it puts of people. If the idea of your presentation is to read from the slides then you have an option... 43

44  Your presentation, Powerpoint or otherwise, should be a supporting aid –  you want main the focus on you not your presentation. Ideally,  you should be able to deliver an equally interesting presentation should the projector/computer/room/audience break.  Avoid too many bullets as well – it makes the information dull for the audience. 44

45 “ should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points.” Guy Kawaski 45

46 Information Most important information Jumps Out Drip feed Never use sentences 46

47 Colour Use colour well 47

48 High quality images Use images to support your point Use a consistent theme 48


50 Attending College “ Overall, our findings provide a combined retention rate of 92.40 % for students who attended TCD. This is very close to the previous year’s rate of 92.45%. It should be noted that these results should be interpreted on a tentative basis as it is clear that a number of other outside factors impact on a student’s ability to sustain and progress in their chosen area of study at third level.”  15,000 students come to Trinity every year  There are 3 Faculties  Morgan 2001 A study of non-completion in undergraduate University courses  The average non-completion rate across Irish Universities is 16.8%  Improve all students chances of achieving their maximum potential  Connect with students – building relationships, departmental receptions  51% of college students leave college because of lack of effective supports 50

51 51

52 52


54 Presentation Skills 54

55 Presentation Skills 55

56 Presentation Skills 56

57 PowerPoint Critique Critique slides you have been given:  What works?  What does not work?  How would you improve? 57

58 3. Practice 58

59 Fitness  Slow to develop  Quick to disappear The more you practice:  better you feel  more you want to do 59

60 Feeling Nervous?  Lack of experience  Lack of preparation  Lack of enthusiasm  Negative self-talk 60

61 Presenting Fitness Practice Room Everything Technology 61

62 It’s not about you Focus on your goal  what you are going to say Audience  Make them comfortable  Interesting 62

63 Becoming Confident  Be over-prepared  Rehearse and practice  Know your subject  Use relaxation techniques  Be positive +++  Avoid stressors 63

64 Presenting Fitness We provide free presentation practice 64

65 4. Presenting 65

66 66

67 The most powerful visual aid words voice body language 67

68 Make a strong start 68

69 Show your passion 69

70 70

71  Eye contact 71

72 Smile 72

73 Dealing with Questions TRACT technique 1. Thank the questioner 2. Repeat the question 3. Answer the question 4. Check with the questioner if they are satisfied 5. Thank them again 73

74 Practice Practise... 74

75 Review  Presentation Skills continues…  What and How together  Presentation Skills workshop  Listening and Expansion Exercise

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