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US 1 st Semester Jeopardy WWII Fifties Civil Rights The Nam 70s 80s 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "US 1 st Semester Jeopardy WWII Fifties Civil Rights The Nam 70s 80s 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 US 1 st Semester Jeopardy WWII Fifties Civil Rights The Nam 70s 80s 100 200 300 400 500

2 This member country of the Axis Powers was led by Benito Mussolini

3 What is Italy?

4 American citizens of Japanese ancestry were sent to this type of camp

5 What is Internment?

6 He was the chief scientist of the Manhattan Project

7 Who was Oppenheimer?

8 Code talkers in the Pacific theatre used this language to mask battle plans against the Japanese

9 What is Navajo?

10 This British leader favored a “Europe First” strategy during the war

11 Who was Winston Churchill?

12 The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan and NATO made up this Cold War policy

13 What is Containment?

14 The launch of Sputnik in 1957, led to the creation of this organization, dedicated to exploring space

15 What is NASA?

16 Levittown was located in what area of New York?

17 What is Long Island?

18 Senator Joe McCarthy was from this state

19 What is Wisconsin?

20 Elvis Presley was originally from this town in Mississippi

21 What is Tupelo?

22 Before his “Black Power” days, Stokely Carmichael headed up this civil rights organization

23 What was SNCC?

24 Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat set off an economic boycott in this southern city

25 What is Montgomery?

26 Brown v. Board of Education began in this city in Kansas

27 What is Topeka?

28 This form of segregation is “by social custom”

29 What is de facto?

30 This commission studied the JFK assassination

31 What was the Warren Commission?

32 “As long as a guerilla force doesn’t lose, it wins.” This was said by:

33 Who was Ho Chi Minh?

34 This group of people was credited with delivering Nixon the 1968 election

35 Who was the “silent majority”

36 This amendment lowered the voting age to 18

37 What is the 26 th amendment?

38 This was the location of an incident in 1964 that led to our entrance to Vietnam

39 What is the Gulf of Tonkin

40 This terrorist group was responsible for bombing within the U.S. to protest the war

41 Who is the Weather Underground?

42 These two journalists exposed the Watergate scandal

43 Who were Woodward & Bernstein?

44 The Soviets invaded this country in 1979

45 What is Afghanistan?

46 This woman almost single-handedly blocked the passage of the ERA

47 Who is Phyllis Schlafly?

48 “Reverse Discrimination” was the centerpiece of this court case in 1978

49 What is Bakke v. California?

50 This president brokered a peace deal between Israel and Egypt

51 Who is Jimmy Carter?

52 The Reagan administration cut social welfare spending, but increased spending in this area

53 What was defense?

54 Buying Evian, instead of drinking regular tap water is an example of this

55 What is conspicuous consumption?

56 Soviet premier Gorbachev instituted this, which means “restructuring” of Soviet society

57 What is perestroika?

58 The Reagan administration sold arms to Iran and funneled the money to this group in Nicaragua

59 Who are the Contras?

60 This was principal Rooney’s secretary’s name

61 Who was Grace?

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