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Senior Projects Fall 2009 Meeting 1 August 24, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Projects Fall 2009 Meeting 1 August 24, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Projects Fall 2009 Meeting 1 August 24, 2009

2 Welcome Capstone course –What is a capstone? –Why a capstone course? –Your goals for the course? Ancillary activities –Job search and other next steps –Fun with computing –Fun without computing –Breadth of knowledge

3 Course Web Site Central repository for information and instructions Linked from “My Courses” Check it nownow

4 Systems

5 SEL (aka MSC 158) Hawk –Userid/pswd: LDAP. Make sure it works –Rational suite –Visual Studio – Macs Room access Remote access –Remote login –FTP

6 UNIX Sun cluster –Userid/Pswd: –Tools Awk Perl Grep Remote access –Secure shell –FTP

7 Special Systems Freeware –Can be downloaded and installed Costware –Department or other funds may be available Small systems –iPhone, iPod Touch Interesting interfaces –Multitouch table

8 THE Project

9 Time Commitment 3 credit course Project class implies 4-5 hours per week per credit outside of class 15 calendar weeks 3 x 4.5 x 15 = 202.5 person-hours

10 Project Log Due each Monday, 10:00 a.m. Submitted as a Word document attached to an email –File name is.doc –Example: beck0824.doc Documents in four sections –Team meetings: time, place, results (if applicable) –Individual effort, either as a team member or as a single person, including time estimate by task to nearest 15 minutes –Next week’s plans—starting at 1:20 p.m. ET of the submission day –Obstacles to progress

11 Interim Project Reports M, 8/31: Initial Project Description W, 9/16: Sprint Review 1 W, 10/7: Sprint Review 2 W, 11/4: Sprint Review 3 M, 11/23: Sprint Review 4

12 Final Project Presentations Senior Projects Fair, Reading Day: F, 12/11 Final Sprint Review and Code Release: M, 12/14, 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. Sigma Xi Research Day Research conference

13 Modified Agile Development Describe the agile development process

14 Forgetfulness For the next few minutes, FORGET about the project that you think you want to do, that you planned for all summer.

15 Software Development Project Team-based Complex software system Identifiable customer for inclusion in the participatory design process Based, perhaps, on software engineering requirements document

16 Research Project Substantial research project Results suitable for publication and judging for awards

17 Collaboration TWISTZ: Team Work in Several Time Zones Partners –University of Uppsala, Sweden –American University of Science and Technology, Beirut, Lebanon –and others as projects evolve

18 Publication

19 Print Survey article Research paper Requirements document User’s manual

20 Print Tools MS Word –Which version? PCTeX –Essential for well-produced mathematical expressions EndNote –Handles bibliographic material

21 Oral Presentation with supporting visuals

22 Poster Conference presentation Hall display CS style, which will be defined later.

23 Web-Based Web site Wiki Blog Social network group

24 Competition Sigma Xi poster CCSC meeting ACM Student Research Poster Competition NCUR conference CRA undergraduate research Google Microsoft: Imagine Cup

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