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Rules A question will be asked. The first person to press the button will be given a chance to answer. Wrong answers do not count against you.

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Presentation on theme: "Rules A question will be asked. The first person to press the button will be given a chance to answer. Wrong answers do not count against you."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rules A question will be asked. The first person to press the button will be given a chance to answer. Wrong answers do not count against you.

3 Those who have not heard must here from a ________?

4 Preacher

5 In Matthew 15:10, who did Jesus tell to hear and understand?

6 Multitude

7 According to John 5:25, who is going to hear?

8 The Dead

9 According to Rev. 1:3 we are blessed if we hear and what?

10 Read and Keep His Prophecies

11 The Bible says that “he who has an ear” should do what?

12 HEAR!

13 True or False It is not always important that we hear God?

14 False

15 Thanks for playing the

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