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GECAFS IGB Basin Focal Project Grant Meeting-1 Kathmandu, Nepal 13-15 December 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "GECAFS IGB Basin Focal Project Grant Meeting-1 Kathmandu, Nepal 13-15 December 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 GECAFS IGB Basin Focal Project Grant Meeting-1 Kathmandu, Nepal 13-15 December 2005

2 Meeting Objectives Final review of five selected case study sites in the Indo-Gangetic Basin Review food system descriptions for five IGB sites Develop mutual understanding of how food systems might be vulnerable to GEC Outline draft BFP report for Feb 2006 Develop workplans for BFP grant through July 2006

3 Overview of GECAFS BFP grant Challenge Program for Water and Food Basin Focal Projects designed to (i) “provide an integrated framework for assessing the relationships among water and poverty at a basin scale” (ii) “help develop appropriate interventions to alleviate poverty and vulnerability to water-related stress or problems”.

4 BFP grant – GECAFS Objectives 1.Improve understanding of vulnerability of food systems to the stresses induced by GEC 2.Document food systems and analyze interactions w/ water stress and management 3.Develop methodology for basin-scale analysis based on five diverse case studies

5 BFP grant: outputs 1.1: Literature review (delayed) 1.2: conceptual framework – in progress 2.1: five case studies – in progress 3.1: analysis of diversity across regional sites – in progress Two regional workshops: December 2005, June 2005

6 BFP grant - deliverables October 2006: site descriptions; GECAFS participation in BFP method meeting in China November 2005 (delayed): Literature review February 2006: mid-term report August 2006: final report

7 Diversity within and across a basin– GECAFS approach Distinctions among west and east –Used Rice-Wheat consortium differentiations as a first cut –Chose five zones across the region –Food Systems characterization studies will further differentiate as well as give insight into cross-region linkages

8 BFP grant Objective 3 Understand relationships of water and food systems at multiple scales and integrate across sample sites –Trends in vulnerability –Connections among the five sites and importance to food systems.

9 Western Region (1, 2 & 3) high productivity – food surplus high investment in infrastructure major use of fertilisers and ground- water for irrigation in-migration of labour Eastern Region (4 & 5) low productivity – food deficit poor infrastructure and low inputs of fertilizer and water high risk of flooding out-migration of labour IGP General Characteristics

10 Gujarat, Punjab, Pakistan : wheat dominates, food self- sufficient, mixed irrigation, high level of infrastructure, moderate income, policies function somewhat. Ludihana, Central Punjab, India : wheat and rice predominate, slow to stagnant productivity growth, groundwater dependent, lots of investment, high income levels, functional policy support. Vaisahali District, Bihar, India: rice preferred, low infrastructure investment, flooding, low income levels, out migration, little government policy support. Greater Faridpur, Bangladesh: rice dominates, flooding and concern over salt water intrusion, low income levels, government institutions fail. GECAFS Research Sites in the IGP Ruhani Basin, Terai of Nepal: rice preferred, transition zone, seasonal flooding, out-migration, sharecropping dominates, urbanization increasing.

11 Variables to document across the basin (at all sites) General: Area, land use statistics, population, urban/ rural Demographics: Income, education, employment (?), migration of labour Agriculture: irrigation (source, area), productivity of major crops, input use Food surplus or food deficit Infrastructure: roads, electricity, drinking water facilities, telecommunications, storage facilities Map showing topography, rivers, irrigation structure

12 Specific by site Food system Water issues: –Flooding –Drought –Groundwater/ surface water Policy background

13 For tomorrow: Please bring a copy of your food system matrix (we can print it for you if necessary)

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