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Instructor: Robert Hiromoto Office: CAES Room 258 Phone: 208-553-8119 (CAES) Class hours: W 7:00pm - 9:45pm (Idaho Falls) Classroom:

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Presentation on theme: "Instructor: Robert Hiromoto Office: CAES Room 258 Phone: 208-553-8119 (CAES) Class hours: W 7:00pm - 9:45pm (Idaho Falls) Classroom:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructor: Robert Hiromoto Office: CAES Room 258 Phone: 208-553-8119 (CAES) E-mail: Class hours: W 7:00pm - 9:45pm (Idaho Falls) Classroom: TAB 160 Office hours: TBA Parallel Algorithms

2 Textbooks:  Introduction to Parallel: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (2nd Edition), V. Kumar et al., Benjamin and Cummings  In class notes Parallel Algorithms

3 Recommended Reference Textbooks:  Fundamentals of Sequential and Parallel Algorithms, by K.A. Berman and J.L. Paul, PWS Publishing Co  Algorithms Sequential and Parallel - A Unified Approach (2nd Edition), Russ Miller and Laurence Boxer, Cengage Charles River Media, 2005 Parallel Algorithms

4 Course Description:  The course emphasizes the analysis of parallel algorithms in terms of efficiency and scalability  Emphasis is placed on fundamental results, techniques and the rigorous analysis of parallel algorithm complexity.  The relationship between algorithmic structure and parallel mapping strategies will be covered. Parallel Algorithms

5 Course Description (cont.):  Formal analysis of parallel algorithm complexity; measures of parallel efficiency; relationship between algorithm structure and parallel mapping strategies; the consequences of spatial- and temporal- locality. Parallel Algorithms

6 Topics and Chapters:  Review of algorithm analysis – 1 week - Big O, Θ, and Ω notation - Best-, worst-, and average-case performance - Notes on parallel algorithms  Interconnection networks & their communication complexity (Chapter 2) – 1.5 weeks Parallel Algorithms

7 Topics and Chapters:  Design of Parallel algorithms (Chapter 3) – 2 weeks  Basic Communication operations – (Chapter 4) 2.5 weeks Parallel Algorithms

8 Topics and Chapters:  Analytical Modeling of Scalable Systems (Chapter 5) – 2 weeks  FFT (Chapter 13) – 2 weeks  Additional Topics (?) – 2 weeks - Linear System solvers - Sorting - Graph algorithms - Dynamic programming Parallel Algorithms

9 Prerequisites: CS 395 Analysis of Algorithms or consent of the instructor. GRADING:  Homework (50%).  Midterm Examination (20%).  Term Project (30%) EXAMINATION SCHEDULE:  TBA. Parallel Algorithms

10 Course expectations – a term project:  The design of a parallel algorithm with a formal complexity analysis. Parallel Algorithms

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