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11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Eduard Ruffert & Dr. Benedikt Mandel & MKmetric Gesellschaft für Systemplanung.

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Presentation on theme: "11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Eduard Ruffert & Dr. Benedikt Mandel & MKmetric Gesellschaft für Systemplanung."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Eduard Ruffert & Dr. Benedikt Mandel email: & MKmetric Gesellschaft für Systemplanung mbH, Karlsruhe 1. Goal & Motivation of spotlightsTN/GTF 2. Principles of development 3. GTF-CM / Examples

2 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Goal of spotlightsTN/GTF Get the modelling community in Europe (in the World) to “establish the necessity of a common exchange format for transportation models”  suggestion of a conceptual view as a basis contact modellers / software providers discuss GTF Goal  means for discussion: GTF-CM  discuss GTF-CM: Outcome: Agreement & Common Understanding Email Forum Mailinglist

3 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric GTF usage UNETRANS TOP GDF NWB Emme/2... (strategic and/or operative) UNETRANS TOP GDF NWB Emme/2... (strategic and/or operative) GTF Model X Model Y GTF = mediator format

4 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Flow – Link Centroid Intersection – Node in Zone A centroid Link Segment – Link Flow on infrastructure Link Infrastructure – Node in Zone B Boundary / Mountain / River etc. Zone Problem Domain

5 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric OO concepts overview Concepts generalistion, typing rectangle, circle, triangle “are” a kind of shape encapsulation class = members (data) + methods (procedures) polymorphism two methods, same name


7 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 1: Transport terminal schematic view of a public transport terminal * * taken from the BRIDGES/D4 report ”Handling Traffic Modelling Networks in GIS” by DTU/TetraPlan

8 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 1: in GTF terms 1) 2) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 3) Node “Airport” A Node Q Node P

9 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 1: GTF objects.................. * Note: associations are not depicted

10 Example application 1: XML file 15th August 2001 Copenhagen MKmetric

11 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 2: Socio-Economic data * Note: data are fictive *

12 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 2: in GTF terms Zone 1 Meta Terminator Transport- Production Population Economy- Characteristics association

13 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 2: GTF objects..................

14 Example application 2: XML file 15th August 2001 Copenhagen MKmetric

15 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 3: Public Transport Route Terminal Segment Junction Stop

16 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 3: in GTF terms Link 1 Node 3Node 1 Link::Segment 12 Node::Junction 4 Node::Junction 8 Link 2 Node 2

17 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 3: GTF objects * Note: associations are not depicted

18 Example application 3: XML file 15th August 2001 Copenhagen MKmetric

19 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 4: Dynamic Segmentation Road M1 M2 M3

20 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 4: in GTF terms Link::Segment 1 Link::Segment 2 Link::Segment 3 Node:: Junction 1 Node:: Junction 2 Node:: Junction 3 DynamicSegmentation:: Milepost 1 DynamicSegmentation:: Milepost 2 DynamicSegmentation:: Milepost 2

21 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Example application 4: GTF objects * Note: associations are not depicted

22 Example application 4: XML file 15th August 2001 Copenhagen MKmetric

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