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Civil War THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN. Bell Work  LT: I will be able to describe the Battle of Bull Run and its impact on the Civil War.  BW: Who won the.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN. Bell Work  LT: I will be able to describe the Battle of Bull Run and its impact on the Civil War.  BW: Who won the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bell Work  LT: I will be able to describe the Battle of Bull Run and its impact on the Civil War.  BW: Who won the first Battle of The Civil War? Who is General Pierre Beauregard ?

3 Anticipatory Set/ Hook:  Anticipatory Set/ Hook:  1. Imagine you are 16 years old and you want to sign up to join the army. They will not take you unless you are over 18.  2. Take out a small piece of scrap paper. Write the number 16 on the paper.  3. Take off your right shoe. Place the paper in your shoe and put it back on. Be sure the paper is under your foot.  4. Now, stand up and raise your right hand. Repeat after me: I do solemnly swear that I am over 18. You now are all new recruits in the army and you did not lie about your age! Yes, this did happen.

4 Bull Run

5 Battle of Bull Run  Occurred on July 21,1861  The North wanted an immediate attack of Richmond  In order to attack Richmond they would have to defeat the confederate troops stationed at the town of Manassas  Many people believed the battle, and the war would be won quickly.

6 Bull Run  General Irvin McDowell – commander of the Union Army – 35,000 troops  General P.G.T. Beauregard – commander of the Confederate force – 22,000 troops  Lieutenant T.J. “ Stone Wall Jackson”  Union Army lost the battle at Bull Run  2,700 deaths for the Union  2,000 deaths for the Confederacy

7 Lessons of Bull Run  The fighting would be bloody  The war would not be over quickly  Southern soldiers would fight fiercely to defend the Confederacy

8 Battle of Bull Run Questions  Why did the Union want control of Richmond?  Why did each side believe the attack on Manassas would be a quick battle ??  What problems might Bull Run create??  Is this similar or different to the battle of Fort Sumter?

9 Spectators of Bull Run  Why do you think people came out to view the Battle of Bull Run??  Do you think their attitudes changed about the war after witnessing that battle?  What do you think they reported back to the North?

10 Historical Journal  Your task: write a series of journal/diary entries as a person living in the past either confederate or union.  Your journal should follow this format  Three (3) entries, one for the beginning, middle and end of the event  Each entry should  Be a paragraph  Include two pieces of factual information  Include an accurate date  Think about  Beginning- How would this event have affected you?  Middle- Are things better or worse now that the event is in progress  End-How do you feel about what happen?? Has your life changed?? Do you fear for the future??

11 3-2-1  On your index card write  3 things you learned today  2 things you may have a question about  1 thing you would like me to know

12 Stone Wall Jackson  Thomas J. Jackson  Graduate of West Point  Fought in the Mexican-American War  Joins the Confederacy when Virginia seceded from the union in 1861  Fought at Manassas, Antietam and Fredericksburg.  Jackson lost an arm  Accidentally shot and killed by a confederate solider

13  run run

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