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DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Citizen Journalism & Professional Journalism presenting.

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Presentation on theme: "DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Citizen Journalism & Professional Journalism presenting."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Citizen Journalism & Professional Journalism presenting

2 DEFINITION Citizen Journalism & Professional Journalism

3 CITIZEN JOURNALISM: Journalistic practice done by individuals without any formal journalistic training, Often done from simple devices like smart phones& tablets, Content is often published on blogs & social media, There are two types of citizen reporters (i) semi-independent: usually comments on professional journalist’s article (ii) independent: works in the same manner as the professional journalist “Street” “Public” “Guerrilla” “Democratic” “Participatory”


5 PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISM: Have gone through journalistic training Practise in conventional newsroom Publish on professional platforms: print, web & broadcast Traditionally associated with huge audiences

6 HISTORY CITIZEN JOURNALISM Rose as a result of improved ICTs, Smaller devices had greater capturing capacity Internet coverage improved & cost went down Citizens got empowered to tell their stories through blogs & social media, More than ever before, citizens had greater publishing capacity Media monopoly on information was not there anymore

7 CITIZEN PROFESSIONAL No formal newsroom structure Speed is of essence- breaking news Use of amateur multimedia devices & basic editing Information often unverified No obligation to accountability Use of pseudonym accounts Ethical practices are often of priority No regulation, filtering, gatekeeping Runs on a formalised editorial structure Speed is curtailed by verification process Use of professional devices & thorough editing Steps taken to verify information Accountability is a core value Ethics are standard Regulation bodies exist, gatekeeping Amateur multimedia now used by both prof & citizen Media houses intergrating citizen journalism into their work

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