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Pete Sanders Lead, Environmental Protection Team U.S. Department of Energy, NNSA Nevada Site Office Community Environmental Monitoring Program Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Pete Sanders Lead, Environmental Protection Team U.S. Department of Energy, NNSA Nevada Site Office Community Environmental Monitoring Program Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pete Sanders Lead, Environmental Protection Team U.S. Department of Energy, NNSA Nevada Site Office Community Environmental Monitoring Program Workshop July 26, 2011 DOE, DRI and the Community: Moving CEMP into the Future Together

2 Page 2 Page 2Title 104FY11 – 07/26/2011 – Page 2 Log No. 2011-224 CEMP: A Joint Effort U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office Desert Research Institute (Nevada System of Higher Education) Local communities

3 Page 3 Page 3Title 104FY11 – 07/26/2011 – Page 3 Log No. 2011-224 CEMP in the Community CEMP began operating in 1981 with15 monitoring stations located in California, Nevada, and Utah –The original locations of Austin, NV and Salt Lake City, UT are not shown on this map Program expanded and currently consists of 29 monitoring stations Current CEMP stations Original CEMP stations

4 Page 4 Page 4Title 104FY11 – 07/26/2011 – Page 4 Log No. 2011-224 DOE Establishes CEMP Identified need to establish a relationship with communities surrounding the Nevada National Security Site formerly the Nevada Test Site –Address public concerns regarding nuclear testing activities Recognized success of Citizen’s Monitoring Program (CMP) instituted in 1980 for the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant Modeled CEMP after the CMP

5 Page 5 Page 5Title 104FY11 – 07/26/2011 – Page 5 Log No. 2011-224 CEMP Goals Monitor offsite environmental conditions and communicate environmental data relevant to past and continuing activities at the NNSS Engage the public hands-on in monitoring environmental conditions in their communities relative to activities at the NNSS Communicate environmental monitoring data to the public in a transparent and accessible manner Provide an educated, trusted, local resource for public inquires and concerns regarding past and present activities at the NNSS

6 Page 6 Page 6Title 104FY11 – 07/26/2011 – Page 6 Log No. 2011-224 How Are We Doing? Is the CEMP aligned with current NNSS missions, activities, and cleanup efforts (soil, facilities, groundwater)? What is the level of community awareness regarding CEM efforts? Is CEMP data understood and is it increasing confidence and credibility in DOE? Is CEMP data communicated effectively? What methods and venues will best reach the most residents? Is DOE’s current level of involvement in the community appropriate?

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