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Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 1 Unit 6 – Chapter 13 TEACHING.

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1 Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 1 Unit 6 – Chapter 13 TEACHING STUDENTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER

2 Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 2 Indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorder  Autism Impairment in 3 areas:  Social interaction  Communication  Behavior  Asperger’s Syndrome Impairments in 2 areas:  Social interaction  Behavior

3 Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 3 Assessment Procedures  Diagnosis by physician or trained professional Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule Autism Diagnostic Interview  Information supported by teachers The Childhood Autism Rating Scale Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning Gilliam Autism Rating Scale Psychological Profile Revised

4 Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 4 Special Services  Applied behavioral analysis  Communication  Occupational therapist

5 Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 5 Classroom Adaptations  Daily schedule  Prepare for transitions  Structured teaching  Video-priming  Motivational system/token system  Time and place for work  Limit distractions  Visual prompts

6 Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 6 Motivational System  Identify preferred activities/items  Arrange a schedule  Clearly state contingencies  Use identified preferred activities  May include a behavior contract with rewards  Embed preferred topics, items and materials into activities  Create a formal token system for preferred activities

7 Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 7 Teaching Communication and Language  Individualized communication system  May or may not be augmentative  Provide opportunities for oral communication  Give extra time for initiation and responses  Teach appropriate communication in social settings  Teach understanding of nonverbal communication  Remind students to practice communications

8 Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 8 Promoting Social Skills  Include with typical peers  Place student in central location  Use peer tutors  Create buddy system, friends, club, lunch bunch  Use scripts  Present social stories  Model appropriate skills with video  Generalize skills- multiple social partners, multiple social settings

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