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O BSTETRICS AND O CCUPATIONAL THERAPY Names: Catalina Llona Alejandra Zambrano.

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Presentation on theme: "O BSTETRICS AND O CCUPATIONAL THERAPY Names: Catalina Llona Alejandra Zambrano."— Presentation transcript:

1 O BSTETRICS AND O CCUPATIONAL THERAPY Names: Catalina Llona Alejandra Zambrano

2 I NTRODUCTION Two professional in the area of health Occupational therapy Obstetrics

3 O CCUPATIONAL THERAPY AND OBSTETRICS DEFINITION It is the discipline that deals with the health of the individual from its biological, psychological and social dimensions. Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that cares for pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period the period from birth until she returns to the state it was before pregnancy.

4 P ROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS He has to be a multidisciplinary professional(It has to know and dominate different matters and subject matters) Not only the physical condition of the mother and her baby, but also look after the psychological and social factors linked to motherhood.


6 O CCUPATIONAL THERAPY The possibility of helping and incorporating persons in the company. It is an integral career because the career offers a wide range of knowledge. The salary ProCons

7 OBSTETRICS completely dedicated to his work care, guide and accompany throughout pregnanc y time-consuming ProCons


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