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WELCOME TO SMS DAY! Panel Charge Alan Stolzer. Why SMS ? U.S. Airline Accident Rate per 100,000 Departures from 1987 to 2006 -- ‘All’ and ‘With Fatalities’

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO SMS DAY! Panel Charge Alan Stolzer. Why SMS ? U.S. Airline Accident Rate per 100,000 Departures from 1987 to 2006 -- ‘All’ and ‘With Fatalities’"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO SMS DAY! Panel Charge Alan Stolzer

2 Why SMS ? U.S. Airline Accident Rate per 100,000 Departures from 1987 to 2006 -- ‘All’ and ‘With Fatalities’ 14 CFR 121 Scheduled Service

3 Why SMS ? Cognitive Exercise …think in terms of your association with an aviation organization

4 Are you safer today than you were 3 years ago? How do you know?

5 Does your CEO/President understand that he/she is ultimately responsible for the safety of your operation?

6 How does that understanding translate into actions by him/her? Give specific examples.

7 Think of the person who occupies the leading edge of the operation, e.g., student pilot, instructor, mechanic, dispatcher, etc. Does that person understand that he/she is ultimately responsible for the safety of that part of the operation he/she controls?

8 How does that understanding translate into actions by him/her? Give specific examples.

9 If the CEO/President were to be asked what the top 3 safety issues in your flight operation are, what would he/she answer? What would an instructor/student/mechanic/dispatcher answer if the same question was posed to them?

10 What do you think the phrase "cost of safety" means? How does your operation account for it? Describe the debits and credits in this accounting system.

11 Who has the authority to stop your flight operation for safety reasons? Do they know it? When was the last time they did?

12 Describe your "horizontal safety management" processes. How do the instructors/students/ mechanics/dispatchers resolve procedural disconnects?

13 Describe your "vertical safety management" processes. How does the CEO/President become aware of instructor/student/ mechanic/dispatcher safety issues?

14 Do you have a Director of Safety in your operation? If you were to ask that person to show you what the product of his or her department is (and not just talk about it), what would you see?

15 Choose one operational process, e.g. "resolution of unscheduled maintenance problem" or "completion of student cross-country flight" etc. Create a process workflow diagram for this process. Identify the risks in this process. Identify the existing controls. What are the key performance indicators for the process? How is management review accomplished for this process?

16 Why SMS? Answer: Why SMS? So that we can answer these and other questions about safety in our organizations!

17 Why SMS? Excerpt of Testimony of Nicholas Sabatini, Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety, FAA Before the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Aviation, On FAA Oversight September 20, 2006

18 What is the Regulator Mandating?  ICAO has mandated SMS for its member states (by January 1, 2009). FAA filed ‘difference’ with ICAO  FAA’s current rulemaking effort includes Parts 121 (scheduled air carriers), 135 (on-demand charters), and 145 (repair stations), and… Question: What about Parts 141 and 142?

19 SMS for Part 141 and/or 142?  ICAO Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 4.1, states, in part, that “an approved training organization that is exposed to safety risks during the provision of its services implement [an SMS] acceptable to the State…” Answer:

20  In February 2009, the FAA issued an order creating an Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) for SMS.  A single rule is envisioned!!  An ANPRM has been drafted and is in review

21 Source:


23  Draft NPRM published in 2011 or 2012  Final rule in 2013+ “considering” “studying the issues”

24 References Link to Safety Management ManualManual (first edition) Link to Safety Management ManualManual (second edition)

25 References Link to AC 120-92

26 References Link to 8000.369

27 Link to 8000.1

28 References Link to SMS Assurance Guide

29 References

30 What is Today All About? We have convened this “SMS day” to provide you with references, tools, vocabulary, and encouragement to adopt academic and laboratory curricula that gets your students ready for their careers in an SMS environment.

31 On with the day!!

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