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The Role of Families in Changing the Domestic Production & Consumption Patterns & Adopting Sustainable Practices of Prevention, Reduction Recycling & Reuse.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of Families in Changing the Domestic Production & Consumption Patterns & Adopting Sustainable Practices of Prevention, Reduction Recycling & Reuse."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Families in Changing the Domestic Production & Consumption Patterns & Adopting Sustainable Practices of Prevention, Reduction Recycling & Reuse Anjli Doshi-Gandhi, PhD Deputy Director General (Policy) National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development 1 World Family Summit Cairo Egypt 10-12 December 2015

2 Presentation Outline Introduction Population/Family & development interrelationships Sustainable Families Role of Families (SDG 12) : - in changing domestic production & consumption patterns -adopting sustainable practices (3 Rs) Empowering Families – strategies The Way Forward 2

3 INTRODUCTION Concerns about population & development Interrelationship between population, resources, environment and development are critical Families play a decisive role in pursuit of sustainable development Role of families in SDG 12 - “Give future generations an environment legacy better than that received by the present generation “ 3


5 Sustainable development is a process through which people can satisfy their needs and improve their quality of life in the present but not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. For most people, aspiring to a better quality of life means improving their standards of living as measured by income level and use of resources and technology. Sustainable development

6 SDG 12- Responsible Production & Consumption "[Sustainable production and consumption is] the use of goods and services that respond to basic needs and bring a better qualify of life, while minimizing the use of natural resources, toxic materials and emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle, so as not to jeopardize the needs of future generations." Symposium: Sustainable Consumption. Oslo, Norway; 19-20 January 1994


8 ELEVENTH MALAYSIA PLAN 2016-2020 ----------------------------------------------------- SIX STRATEGIC THRUSTS 1 2 3 4 5 6


10 Family and SDG 12 The family is the fundamental unit of society entitled to protection by society and the State.  Families are fundamental to sustainable development.  Focusing on families offers a comprehensive approach to solving developmental challenges

11 Why focus on families?  Families make a critical contribution to society  Many socio-economic trends make it clear that policies in support of resilient & strong families are important for overall success of sustainable development efforts and societal well-being

12 12 Family Sustainability A sustainable family must be strong & functioning well besides having the capacity to maintain and build on its own resources and have the resiliency to prevent and/or address challenges

13 The Role of Families in Changing the Domestic Production & Consumption Patterns Families are both agents and beneficiaries of SD Families are major consumption units and have an impact on sustainability Importance of supporting families in carrying out their roles and responsibilities Families are the basis for a holistic approach to sustainable development

14 Sustainable consumption People perceive a connection between the amount we buy & consume and their concerns about environmental damage, but their understanding of the link is vague. People have not thought deeply about the ecological implications of their lifestyles Consumption" as a word has little public resonance. Materialism? Consumerism? Waste? More wants than needs

15 Current Family Consumption Patterns Changing Values driving families today- materialism, greed, and excess characterize the way we live. “Keeping up with the Joneses” The values...we're teaching our children... Want! Want! Want! More! More! More! Parents need to do their job,”. Parents are "constantly on the go. They're not spending time together as a family Parents/families as Role Models

16 Family Responsibility Inter-generational equity is the principle of equity between people alive today and future generations Intra-generational equity is the principle of equity between different groups of people alive today.

17 17 Characteristics of Sustainable Families Family members have a good quality of life in relation to health, education, employment, income and standard of living, environment, housing Family members have opportunities for personal and social development. Family members have access to information, knowledge and expertise

18 Strategies- Helping Families Go Green Advocacy on 3Rs/4Rs Knowledge, education & skills in sustainable practices Empowerment Societal support- enabling families to provide for their own wellbeing and future generations

19 4 Rs for Sustainability Reduce Reuse Recycle Rethink


21 Family Wellbeing Reducing consumption Our priorities must change – away from material things and towards family, community, and more enduring values. Family aspirations- What makes us happy??? What is keeping us from being happy???

22 Sustainable families Family happiness Key components : Healthy Family Functioning & Relationships Economic Stability Religion/Spirituality Housing & Environment (Eco friendly practices) Safety Health Community

23 The WAY FORWARD- What do we need to do Key Recommendation: Plan of Action on Role of Families in the SDGs to be Lead by WFO in collaboration with UN agencies and Partners Family perspective in the formulation, & implementation of policies and programs related to SDGs 23

24 The WAY FORWARD- What do we need to do General Recommendations Advocacy & promotion Empowering families Family Engagement Utilization of technology, media & research Mainstreaming role of families in SD Lessons from the existing program & sharing of experiences; Partnership / collaboration with NGOs/Civil Society/Media; 24


26 If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it." — Lyndon B. Johnson

27 Families at core of Sustainable Development; Sustainable Lifestyles dependent on sustainable production and consumption; People’s aspirations and visions should dominate policy & practice; Equity in development processes & outcomes: enabling environments through empowerment and family development improve quality of life Conclusion

28 THANK YOU 28 Dr. Anjli Doshi Gandhi Deputy Director General (Policy) National Population and Family Development Board, Email:

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