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Profa.. Ma. Leticia Martínez Aréstegui Instituto La Salle, Cd. Obregón, Son.

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Presentation on theme: "Profa.. Ma. Leticia Martínez Aréstegui Instituto La Salle, Cd. Obregón, Son."— Presentation transcript:

1 Profa.. Ma. Leticia Martínez Aréstegui Instituto La Salle, Cd. Obregón, Son.

2 THE WALKING DEAD: THE TEENAGE APOCALYPSE By: Brad Bawtinheimer Adapted by: Leticia Martínez, Nov 2015 By: Brad Bawtinheimer Adapted by: Leticia Martínez, Nov 2015 Brad Bawtinheimer, originally from Canadá, has taught in México for 11 years and speaks at events around the country. A teacher trainer and EFL consultant, he specializes in technology in the classroom. He is the co-autor of several books, including the popular series Discover Science published by Oxford University Press.


4 -Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to engage them once again. -You are a zombie fighter.! -The future of our world depends on you! You must find the cure!! This message will self destruct.


6 Reinforce the 6 Cs in your classroom. Survival Tip # 1 6 c’s Connectivity Creativity Communicatio n Critical Thinking Collaboration Culture

7 Use videos with questions to reinforce critical thinking and creativity





12 Step outside your comfort zone. Ask yourself: If someone else would teach my class, how would they do it. How would Mark Zuckerberg teach my class? How would Mayim Bialik teach my class? How would El Chavo del 8 teach my class? By asking yourself this question, you can come across different perspectives.

13 Find good role models. Show videos about them and inspire your students. Find good role models in your community too.

14 What is eduCanon? eduCanon is an online learning environment to create and share interactive video lessons. Teachers begin with any YouTube, Vimeo, or TeacherTube video content (screencasts, Khan Academy, Minute Physics, TED, NOVA, etc.) and transform what is traditionally passive content into an active experience for students. By time- linking activities that students engage with as the video progresses the content is segmented into digestible components - increasing student engagement and, through our real-time monitoring, informing the next day’s lesson planning.

15 Use games

16 Role plays with a twist: Repeat role plays with different emoji and emotions.

17 Example Be the first: who finds a picture of a zombie wearing a dress and brings it to the front. Who finds a picture of a zombie eating and brings it to the front. Who takes a selfie with two friends (with zombie faces) and brings it to the front. Who tweets I AM A ZOMBIE FIGHTER using #______. Incorporate Electronic devices in class: Take pictures or selfies with……

18 Gamification 1.- Choose a Goal What do you want your students to accomplish? a habit a habit behavior behavior homework homework extra practice extra practice

19 2.- Divide it into milestones How can you divide it into milestones? On time for a week? On time for a week? Not texting mom during class? Not texting mom during class? Homework done for a day? Homework done for a day? 3.- Design Game board A simple chart? A board game with a path they must follow? 4.- Create Avatars This is the fun part! Have students create their own. Have students create their own.

20 5.- Create badges Student earn badges when they reach milestones On time for a week? On time for a week? Not texting mom during class? Not texting mom during class? Homework done for a day? Homework done for a day? 6.- Design a leaderboard Leaderboard displays which students have the most points or badges. 6.- Design a leaderboard Leaderboard displays which students have the most points or badges. 7.- Play in teams This promotes teamwork. Team members will help you do your job. 7.- Play in teams This promotes teamwork. Team members will help you do your job.






26 Problem solving: Who can give more answers to a list of questions. (Good to practice a grammar tense) What would be the first thing you would do if there were a zombie apocalypse? ` How would you survive? How would you get food? Where would you live? Who would be more likely to survive in a zombie apocalypse? Justin Bieber or Harry Styles? Why? Who would be the last person you would want to see during a zombie apocalypse?

27 Auto rap: Anything you would like your students to remember, turn it into a rap. Download Auto rap by Shmuel

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