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Guided Studies. Topics for discussion 1.What is Guided Studies? 2.Who gives support? 3.How is support given? 4.What are the expectations? 5.How can we.

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Presentation on theme: "Guided Studies. Topics for discussion 1.What is Guided Studies? 2.Who gives support? 3.How is support given? 4.What are the expectations? 5.How can we."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guided Studies

2 Topics for discussion 1.What is Guided Studies? 2.Who gives support? 3.How is support given? 4.What are the expectations? 5.How can we increase success?

3 What is Guided Studies? This course is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to be successful throughout high school. The class will be focused on assisting students in all academic courses in which they are enrolled through strong communication between students, parents, teachers and mentors.

4 Components of Guided Studies: support structure McGregor Teachers Mentors Councilors Parents McGregor: I believe in all of these students. I feel that as a teacher, I have the patience, care, and creativity to encourage and bring about student’s successes. Teachers and Councilors: For each class, teachers are made aware Who are their Guided Studies students. This increases their understanding and awareness for this student. They give extra help and additional support. Mentors: Giving students that dedicate their own personal time to give support to the GS students.

5 How is support given?  Junior and senior mentors will be utilized in the classroom where they will facilitate learning, organization and study skills.  Daily Routine: performed by mentors  Agendas checked  Prioritize Work for Class time and Home time  Smart time  HW check – what are you going to finish tonight?  Activities: At times we are going to have activities that teach and create meaningful lessons. These are in the form of Journal entries, WOW, competitions, or physical challenges.

6 What are the expectations? Mentors: - Be a leader - Be a role model - Attendance Crucial - POSITIVE ATTITUDE - Involvement in ALL activities! Freshmen: - Bring all homework - Write HW in planner - Do HW every night - Participate in all activities - Have a positive attitude - treat others with respect and empathy - GREEN SHEET SIGNED: teachers & parents

7 How can we ALL help increase success? McGregor Mentors Freshmen Parents MCG: * Increase communication with parents: email or phone * Additional Support time in class for MATH Mentors: * Good attendance * BE Positive * Fill out Yellow Sheet Freshmen: * Do HW every night * Bring work to do in class (don’t leave things to be done… bring new assignments) * Be PROACTIVE Parents: * ASK!! - your student: agenda, green sheet - teachers: email/call - Reward when necessary (accomplishing a small goal) - Teacher web sites

8 Fun Classroom stuff…

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