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Ways To Improve Memory By: Joana Cisneros. Three Rs Reception Retention Recollection.

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Presentation on theme: "Ways To Improve Memory By: Joana Cisneros. Three Rs Reception Retention Recollection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ways To Improve Memory By: Joana Cisneros

2 Three Rs Reception Retention Recollection

3 Reception Information enters through our five senses. 1.See 2.Touch 3.Smell 4.Taste 5.Hear

4 Retention It is held in short-term memory until let go or transfers to long-term memory to be used later. Short Term Memory Want to transfer? Or not? Long Term Memory

5 Recollection Requires effort to retrieve it when needed Information Long term memory

6 Things to Try… Deciding whether or not to remember keeps your mind active. Repetition helps the information stay in your memory. Review the information with physical activity. Draw it: graphs, charts, pictures, etc. Review in small sections. Organize information in groups. An example : Memorize these letters- AOGDCT With organization: DOG CAT


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