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INFORMATION PROCESSING MEMORY 2. WE ARE LEARNING TO... Recap on selective attention and the functions of the different parts of the memory Identify and.

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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION PROCESSING MEMORY 2. WE ARE LEARNING TO... Recap on selective attention and the functions of the different parts of the memory Identify and."— Presentation transcript:


2 WE ARE LEARNING TO... Recap on selective attention and the functions of the different parts of the memory Identify and understand strategies to improve memory such as chunking, chaining, mental rehearsal and practice Understand the memory process

3 Exam Question Input of stimulus From Sensory Receptors SSTSSTMLTM Using the above model describe the main functions of the: (a)Short Term Sensory Store (2marks) (b)Short Term Memory (2 Marks) (c)Long Term Memory (2 Marks)

4 Stimuli Short Term Sensory Store Selective Attention Short Term Memory Encoding Decoding Long Term Mem To perceptual mechanism and decision making On sheet provided record what happens at each stage Can you verbally interpret this diagram? Copy paragraph on pg.92

5 In pairs research one of the following. You now have two minutes to discuss with the person next to you what each of these terms mean. Provide examples

6 Chunking This is the idea of storing not single items like letters, but groups of items as single pieces of information Example the letters B, D, E make up 3 items of info whilst the word bed represents one, even though it is composed of the same number of letters Chaining Simplifying an action by reducing it into smaller links in a chain of events A Gymnastics sequence. You would break down into smaller parts before trying to learn the whole complex skill Mental Rehearsal The running through a performance in ones mind. Evidence suggests that mentally rehearsing a skill can be as beneficial as physically practicing it. Greatest learning occurs when physical and mental methods are used Practice Continually practicing a skill helps you to know how it should feel If new leaning is linked to previous learning it will be better remembered. Organisation – the order that you learn a sequence for example. Learn the 1 st move before moving on

7 Rehearsal – the more a memory is rehearsed, the more likely it will be remembered Meaningfulness – the more meaningful a memory is the more likely it will be remembered Speed of Learning- the quicker a process is learned the more likely it will be remembered Overlearning – The more a skill is practiced the better it will be remembered

8 Complete the exam questions on sheet provided. We will then discuss answers and look at the relevant mark schemes Describe two methods of improving your memory retention (4 marks)

9 You should know be able to: Identify and understand strategies to improve memory such as chunking, chaining, mental rehearsal and practice Recap on selective attention the functions of the different parts of the memory Understand the memory process

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