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Presentation on theme: "GRADES PK-6 MUSIC REPERTOIRE COMPILED BY NICOLE GREGGS."— Presentation transcript:


2 ABC Alphabet Song A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S-T U V- W X Y AND Z Now I know my ABC’s; Next time won’t you sing with me?

3 TWINKLE LITTLE STAR Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are.

4 Baa Baa Black Sheep Baa Baa, black sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full. One for my master, and one for my dame, And one for the little girl who lives down the lane. Baa Baa, black sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

5 Which melody? 1.A B C D E F G 2.Twinkle twinkle, little star 3.Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?

6 Tell Me, Tell Me Do (Name Game) Tell me, tell me do. Tell me your name and I’ll say it too. I said tell me, tell me do. Tell me your name and I’ll say it too. John (John); Ava (Ava); Lance (Lance); Thelma (Thelma)… etc.

7 K/1 Rhythms: Quarter note ( q ) is read TA and lasts 1 beat. Eighth notes ( ) are read TI-TI and are 2 sounds in 1 beat. Quarter rest ( ) is silence for 1 beat.

8 Jump Jim Joe Jump, jump, jump Jim Joe! Shake your head and nod your head And tap your toe. Around and around and around we go. Choose another partner and Jump Jim Joe! (8-beat interlude, then repeat)

9 K/1 Music Theory: Treble clefFermata- hold the note StaffDouble barline MeasureRepeat sign Notes are soundRests are silence Forte (f) = loudPiano (p) = soft

10 Solfege Ladder and Hand Signs

11 Barnacle Bill When Barnacle Bill was 1, he learned to play the drum. Bonnie over in the clover, half past 1. When Barnacle Bill was 2, he learned to tie his shoe. Bonnie over in the clover, half past 2. When Barnacle Bill was 3, he learned to climb a tree. Bonnie over in the clover, half past 3.

12 Oh My, No More Pie! 1.Oh my (echo), no more pie (echo). 2.Pie’s too sweet (echo). I wanna piece of meat. 3.Meat’s too red… I wanna piece of bread. 4.Bread’s too brown… I think I’ll go to town. 5.Town’s too far… I think I’ll take a car… 6.Car won’t go… I fell and stubbed my toe. 7.Tow gives me PAIN… I think I’ll take a train. 8.Train had a WRECK! I fell and broke my neck. Ouch!!!! 9.Oh my… no more pie.

13 Two Little Apples A Section- Two little apples hanging from the tree, Two little apples looking at me. I shook the tree as hard as I could. Down came the apples ( ta ti-ti ta ta) My- they were good! (Um- hmmm!) B Section- Shake and shake and shake and shake and shake and shake and Shake it harder, keep it going- yes, here they come! Shake and shake and shake and shake and shake and shake and Shake it harder, keep it going- yum, yum yum!

14 New River Train Refrain: I’m ridin’ on that New River Train. (2x). The same old train that brought me here is gonna carry me back again. 1.Oh darlin’, you can’t love 1. (2x) You can’t love 1 and still have fun, Oh darlin’, you can’t love 1. (refrain) 2.2… no that won’t do… 2 (refrain) 3.3… and marry me… 3 4.4… so get out the door… 4 5.5… and stay alive… 5

15 New River Train Refrain: I’m ridin’ on that New River Train. (2x). The same old train that brought me here is gonna carry me back again. 1.Oh darlin’, you can’t love 1. (2x) You can’t love 1 and still have fun, Oh darlin’, you can’t love 1. (refrain) 2.2… no that won’t do… 2 (refrain) 3.3… and marry me… 3 4.4… so get out the door… 4 5.5… and stay alive… 5

16 America My coun-try, 'tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Li-ber-ty, Of Thee I sing; Land where my fa-thers died, Land of the Pil-grims' pride, From ev’-ry- moun-tain-side, Let- Free-dom ring.

17 Row, Row, Row Your Boat 1.Row, row, row your boat, 2.Gently down the stream 3.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily 4.Life is but a dream!

18 Row, Row, Row Your Boat

19 Frere Jacques (Are You Sleeping?) French: Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, Dormez vous? Dormez vous? Sonnez les matines. Sonnes les matines. Ding Dang Dong. Ding Dang Dong. English: Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, Brother John? Brother John? Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing. Ding Dang Dong. Ding Dang Dong.

20 London Bridge 1.London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady. 2.Take the key and lock her up, lock her up, lock her up. Take the key and lock her up, my fair lady. 3.London Bridge is half way up, half way up, half way up. London Bridge is half way up, my fair lady. 4.London Bridge is all way up, all way up, all way up. London Bridge is all way up, my fair lady.

21 Kookaburra (Australia- round) 1.Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, 2.Merry, merry King of the Bush is he. 3.Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, 4.Gay your life must be.

22 Kokoleoko (African Chicken Song) A section- Kokoleoko, Mama, Kokoleoko. Kokoleoko, chicken crowing for day. B section- A-by, Mama, A-by. A-by, chicken crowing for day.

23 Down At the Station Down at the station early in the morning See the little puffer-bellies all in a row. See the engine driver pull the little handle. Chug, chug! Toot, toot! Off we go!

24 Five Fat Turkeys 5 fat turkeys are we-. We slept all night in a tree. When the cook came around, We couldn’t be found, So that’s why we’re here, you see? (spoken- ka-BLAM!!!! Oh NO!!!!!) (repeat song, until only 1 turkey is left, then: )

25 Five Fat Turkeys- p. 2 1 fat turkey am I-. I do not want to die-. When the cook comes around, I won’t be found, So GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE- GOODBYE! SCRAM!!! Chef: Hey- where’s all the turkeys?!?!? (repeat song, until only 1 turkey is left, then: )

26 Thank You Thank you for the world so sweet. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you, God, for everything. World sweet birds sing everything

27 Ten Little Indians 1- 1 little, 2 little, 3 little Indians. 4 little, 5 little, 6 little Indians. 7 little, 8 little, 9 little Indians. 10 little Indian boys and girls. 2- They jumped in the boat, and the boat tipped over! (3x), 10 little Indian boys and girls. 3- Oo-wah, oo-wah, shoot the arrow! (3x) 10 little Indian boys and girls.

28 I Heard Mr. Turkey Say 1.I Heard Mr. Turkey Say… gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble! 2.Soon ‘twill be Thanksgiving Day. Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble! 3.Some folks think that it is fun, but I think that I will run 4.And hide until the day is done! Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble!

29 The Old Brass Wagon 1.Circle to the left, the old brass wagon. (3x) You’re the one, my darlin’! 2.Circle to the right, … 3.Into the center in my old brass wagon. Back on out in my old brass wagon. Into the center in my old brass wagon. You’re the one, my darlin’! 4.Clap your hands in my old brass wagon…. 5.Tap your toe in my old brass wagon…. 6.2-hand turn in my old brass wagon…. 7.Do-si-doh in my old brass wagon…. 8.Repeat verses 1-3 again. On v. 3 repeat- sing “bow to your partner” in phrase 3.

30 The Old Brass Wagon

31 Canoe Song

32 B B- A G E E-- G G A B B/D’ B B A G E E E E D E ORFF INSTRUMENTS: BX/AX/SX: CHORD BORDUN: ||: ee ee ee ee :|| on E & B (5 th apart) Drums: ee ee ee ee on ||: Bass rim rim rim Bass rim rim rim :|| Rattles: ||: q q q q :||

33 The Nutcracker (Ballet) Composed by Russian- Peter Illyich Tchaikovsky Many famous sections; here we will highlight a few…

34 The Nutcracker (Ballet) March- ABADance of the Sugarplum Fairy Chinese Dance- ABA coda

35 Treble Staff Letter Names Lines- Every good boy does fine” rhymes with line. Spaces- F-A-C-E- “FACE” rhymes with “Space.” ALWAYS COUNT FROM THE BOTTOM UP!!!

36 There’s A Little Wheel A-Turning In My Heart 1.There’s a little wheel a-turning in my heart. There’s a little wheel a-turning in my heart. In my heart, in my heart, There’s a little wheel a-turning in my heart. 2.There’s a little song a-singing in my heart…. 3.Oh, I feel so very happy in my heart…

37 Unpitched Percussion Instruments Unpitched means these instruments can’t play a tune. Percussion is any kind of instrument that is played by tapping, shaking, or scraping. So, unpitched percussion instruments include all kinds of wood blocks, claves, guiros, tambourines, etc. Check out the next few pages!

38 Unpitched Percussion Instruments TambourineMaracasMetal shaker Shekere (African Shaker) Flex-a-toneCaxixi shakers Shakers:

39 Unpitched Percussion Instruments GuiroCabasaOcean drum RatchetJingle stickSleighbells Scrapers:

40 Unpitched Percussion Instruments bongosConga drumWood blocks Temple blocksClavesSlit log drum Tappers:

41 Unpitched Percussion Instruments Hand drumDjembe drumSnare drum DrumsetCymbalsFinger cymbals Tappers:

42 Unpitched Percussion Instruments TriangleCowbellAgogo bells Rhythm sticksSandpaper blocksTick-Tock block Tappers:

43 Unpitched Percussion Instruments CastanetsChime treeChimes Bass drumGongTimpani (Kettle drum) Tappers:

44 Unpitched Percussion Instruments Vibra-slapSlapstickClatterpillar Tom-tom drumTubano drumBoomwhackers Tappers:

45 Pitched Percussion (Orff) Instruments XylophoneMetallophoneGlockenspiel CAN play a tune:

46 The Angel Band (Spiritual) There was 1, there were 2, there were 3 little angels. There were 4, there were 5, there were 6 little angels. There were 7, there were 8, there were 9 little angels, 10 little angels in the band. Oh, wasn’t that a band, Sunday morning, Sunday morning, Sunday morning? Wasn’t that a band, Sunday morning- Sunday morning soon?

47 The Angel Band (Spiritual) Let’s Add Instruments! Numbers 1-10= tambourine Little= triangle Angels= finger cymbals Band= cymbal with mallet Wasn’t= hand drum Sunday= bells morning= bird whistle and chime tree Soon= all play

48 All Night, All Day (Spiritual) REFRAIN- All- All night, all day, Angels watching over me, my Lord. All night, all day, Angels watching over me! CALL (solo)- Now I lay thee down to sleep, All- Angels watching over me my Lord CALL (solo)- Pray the Lord my soul to keep, All- Angels watching over me!

49 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (Spiritual) (call and response) (all) Refrain: Swing low, sweet chariot, Comin’ for to carry me home---- Swing low, sweet chariot, Commin’ for to carry me home----. V. 1 Solo- I looked over Jordan, and what did I see? All- Comin’ for to carry me home---- V. 1 Solo- A band of angels comin’ after me. All- Comin’ for to carry me home----. (refrain)

50 Time Signatures (Meters) 2/4 time 2 beats per measure Quarter note ( q )gets 1 beat

51 Time Signatures (Meters) 3/4 time 3 beats per measure Quarter note ( q )gets 1 beat

52 Time Signatures (Meters) 4/4 time or C (common time)

53 Time Signatures (Meters) 6/8 time 6 beats per measure Eighth note ( e )gets 1 beat (not q )

54 Time Signatures (Meters) Top number tells how many beats are in each measure. Bottom number tells what type of note gets 1 beat. (4= q ; 8= e ; 2= h )

55 Time Signatures (Meters) A number over a note is the same is a number over 4, 2, or 8.

56 Time Signatures (Meters)

57 Note Pyramid- 4/4 Meter Whole Note= 4 beats Half Note= 2 beats each Quarter note= 1 beat each Eighth notes- 2 sounds in 1 beat Sixteenth Notes- 4 sounds in 1 beat

58 Pyramid of Rests- 4/4 Meter Whole rest= 4 beats Half rest= 2 beats each Quarter rest= 1 beat each Eighth rests- 2 rests in 1 beat (or 1 beat ea.) Sixteenth rests- 4 rests in 1 beat

59 Star-Spangled Banner Vocabulary 1.Dawn= sunrise 2.Hailed= saluted 3.Twilight= sunset 4.Perilous= dangerous 5.Ramparts= war ditches, peripets 6.Gallantly= heroically 7.Glare= bright light 8.Star-spangled banner= United States flag 9.Foe= enemy 10.Haughty= snotty; stuck-up 11.Hosts= groups of soldiers 12.Reposes= sleeps 13.Conceals= hides 14.Discloses= reveals 15.Conquer= defeat and enemy 16.Motto- slogan

60 Swannee River (Florida State Song) By Stephen Foster 1.Way down upon the Swannee River, far, far away… There’s where my heart is turning ever, there’s where the old folks stay. 2.All up and down the whole creation, sadly I roam, Still longing for the old plantation, and for the old folks at home. 3.All the world is sad and dreary, everywhere I go. 4.Oh, Lordy, how my heart grows weary, far from the old folks at home.

61 Swannee River (Florida State Song) By Stephen Foster


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