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Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE Presented by: Louis R. Lessig, Esquire, SPHR, SHRM-SCP.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE Presented by: Louis R. Lessig, Esquire, SPHR, SHRM-SCP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE Presented by: Louis R. Lessig, Esquire, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

2 Join the Discussion! 2 @xperthrusa #XHRLive Have a question? Ask us during the presentation using the chat box.

3 Presented by… Louis Lessig, Esq. Brown & Connery, LLP Twitter @louislessig@louislessig

4 The Speed of Change January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 4

5 Trending issues Converting threats Addressing weaknesses Assessing strengths Considering opportunities Q & A Our Focus Today January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 5

6 Control Changes - Who has the cool technology now? January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 6

7 Altering Priorities January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 7

8 Looking toward 2025 Twice the turnover rate 90% sleep with a mobile phone within reach 41% prefer technological communication 3,853 texts (on average) Technological disconnect Generational Migration January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 8 - Who has the cool technology now?

9 Assessing to Stay Ahead - Who has the cool technology now? January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 9

10 Voice issues Trade secrets in the Contact age Facial recognition Robotic interaction BYO programs & more Threat Assessments January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 10

11 BYO landscape: ◦Payments: Cochran v. Schwartz Home Service, Inc. ◦Security: Rajaee v. Design Tech Homes, ◦Wage & Hour:Mohammadi v. Nwabuisi ◦Wage policies:Gaines v. K-Five Construction Corp. ◦Litigation challenge:Small v. Univ. Med. Center of S. Nevada Threat Assessments January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 11

12 Legal & legislative issues Competitor efficiencies Demographics Converting Threats January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 12

13 Efficiency impediments Employee challenges Technological expertise Training Strategic plan Addressing Weaknesses January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 13

14 Current use of technology Efficiencies Employee opinion Competitive advantage Balance sheet considerations Assessing Strengths January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 14

15 Opportunities??? January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 15

16 Grasping the Opportunities January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 16

17 Grasping the Opportunities January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 17

18 Always on, connected computing displays that are worn on the body for easy, hands free access to show contextually relevant information Wearables January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 18

19 HealthcareOil & Gas MediaRetail Public ServiceWarehouse AgricultureConstruction Automotive Wearable Industries January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 19

20 Industry advancements Increase efficiencies Employee thoughts Alignment to your strategy Market drivers Considering Opportunities January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 20

21 Costing out plans Budgeting issues Strategic priorities SWOT First January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 21

22 Trending issues Converting threats Addressing weaknesses Assessing strengths Considering opportunities Consider Your SWOT January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 22

23 Twitter @louislessig 856-854-8900 January 20, 2016 Your Workplace & Technology: SWOT STYLE 23

24 Thank You! Contact us at 1-855-XPERTHR or Learn more at:

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