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Presentation on theme: " The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Quality Improvement Plan for the BSc Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Quality Improvement Plan for the BSc Programme in............ Engineering 2014- 2015 2014- 2015 A Template + Examples College of Engineering Al-Nahrain University Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template

2 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom.Contents Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template Quality Improvement Plan Template - Standard Cover. - Accountability: Prepared by 3, Checked by 1. 1. Chapter One: Strategic Outlines 1.1 Department Vision: from SAR. 1.2 Department Mission: from SAR. 1.3 Department Strategic Objectives: from SAR. 1.4 Stakeholders Feedback: from questionnaires. 1.4.1 Senior Faculty: 1.4.2 Other Faculty and Staff: 1.4.3 Students: 1.4.4 Alumni: 1.4.5 Peer Faculty: 1.4.6 Industry: 1.4.7 Community: 1.4.8 Sustainability:

3 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Contents Contents continued Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template Quality Improvement Plan Template 2. Chapter Two: Needs Assessments 2.1 External Factors: Opportunities and threats from (SWOT) analysis. 2.1.1 Political: 2.1.2 Economic: 2.1.3 Social: 2.1.4 Technical: 2.1.5 Environment: 2.2 Internal Factors: 2.2.1 Strengths: from (SWOT) analysis. 2.2.2 Weaknesses: from (SWOT) analysis.

4 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Contents Contents continued Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template Quality Improvement Plan Template 3. Chapter Three: Action Plan 3.1 Students: 3.2 Programme Education Objectives: 3.3 Program Outcomes: 3.4 Continuous Improvement: 3.5 Curriculum: 3.6 Faculty: 3.7 Facilities: 3.8 Support:

5 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Action Plan Standard Form for each Objective in each Criterion Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template Quality Improvement Plan Template Objective (no.)What? Status Positive Assessment? Negative PriorityLow/ Medium /High ActionsHow? InvolvementWho? OutcomeWhy? MeasureIndicators? CheckWho? TimelinesWhen? ProgressAssessment?

6 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Example of Criterion 1 Students-Related Objectives Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template Quality Improvement Plan Examples Objective (1.1) Enhancing better communication with faculty, staff, and administration. Status +ve - The limited number of students allows a suitable environment in class. - Open door policy is adopted by faculty, staff, and administration. -ve - No students' membership exists in Department or College Councils. - Students consultancy is not enough effective. - Higher administrators' meetings are rare. - Questionnaire surveys are few. PriorityLow/ Medium /High Actions - An election system is needed to nominate students representatives. - Selecting proficient faculty for students' consultancy committees. - Conducting more meetings with higher administrators. - Enforcing a questionnaire survey schedule.

7 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Example of Criterion 1 Students-Related Objectives Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template Quality Improvement Plan Examples Involvement Ministry, University, College and Dept. Outcome - Better understanding of students' needs. - Better faculty influence. Measure - Students' membership do exists in the Department and College Councils. - Students consultancy periodical reports. - Number of higher administrators' meetings held. - Number of questionnaire surveys done. - Better students' performance and fewer complains. Check Assistant Dean for students affaires Timelines 2015-2016 Progress0% - 0% - 50% - 25% - end of course Continued

8 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Example of Criterion 5 Curriculum-Related Objectives Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template Quality Improvement Plan Examples Objective (5.7) Inserting modern software packages and internet applications to enhance design and analysis skills. Status +ve - The adopted semesters' system provides enough flexibility. - The two elective courses at the final year offer a good chance. -ve - Unavailable genuine copies. - Inconvenient internet service. Priority High Actions - Dedicate 10% of each design course for computer applications. - Adding specified course for advanced computer applications if possible. Involvement Department Outcome Better design and analysis skills. Measure - Ratio of design courses improved. - Advanced computer applications courses adopted. Check Head of Department + Department Council Timelines 2015-2020 Progress Prevailing ratios: 50% - 12.5%

9 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Example of Criterion 6 Faculty-Related Objectives Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template Quality Improvement Plan Examples Objective (5.7)Improving the scientific ranks hierarchy Status +ve - About 50% of the lowest rank was sent to join doctorate programmes. - About 25% of the lower ranks had obtained higher ranks. -ve - Most of the higher ranks were either retired or assigned high posts. Priority High Actions - Attracting higher ranks from other universities to transfer to ours. - Employing new PhD holders. - Stop employing new MSc holders. - Improving emeritus professors' engagement. Involvement Ministry, University, College and Dept. Outcome Better scientific ranks hierarchy. Measure - Ratio of PhD holders. - Ratio of full professorship holders. - Ratio of Assistant professors. - Ratio of lecturers. - Ratio of Assistant lecturers. Check Assistant Dean for scientific affaires Timelines 2015-2018 ProgressPrevailing ratios: 56% - 6% - 15% - 41% - 38%

10 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Example of Criterion 7 Facilities-Related Objectives Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template Quality Improvement Plan Examples Objective (5.7) Supply novel laboratory equipment and instruments and get rid of obsolete ones. Status +ve - About half of them are up-to-date. - About half of the remaining is fairly new. -ve - Very limited funds. - Complicated procedure for lay off. Priority Medium Actions - Purchase novel laboratory equipment and instruments. - Repair defected ones. - Release obsolete and idle ones. Involvement Ministry, University, College and Dept. Outcome Better laboratory performance. Measure - Ratio of novel ones. - Ratio of defected ones. - Ratio of obsolete ones. - Ratio of idle ones. Check Head of Department + Department Council Timelines Open ProgressPrevailing ratios: In process.

11 The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Engineering Education for today’s classroom. Dr. Zeyad S. M. Khaled Al-Nahrain University - College of Engineering - 2015 Division of Quality Assurance - Quality Improvement Plan Template Quality Improvement Plan Template Thank You

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