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Phillip F. Fargotstein Environmental Attorney F ennemore C raig.

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Presentation on theme: "Phillip F. Fargotstein Environmental Attorney F ennemore C raig."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phillip F. Fargotstein Environmental Attorney F ennemore C raig

2 Source: Arizona Climate Action Plan, Executive Summary


4 Source: Arizona Climate Action Plan

5 The Climate Change Pyramid AZ Climate Action Plan Western Climate Initiative The Climate Registry Other Regional Efforts Federal Efforts International Efforts

6 Climate Change Reality Chicago Climate Exchange Midwest GGA The Climate Registry WCI California RGGI DOE EPA Climate Leaders Pending Federal Legislation EPA Omnibus Reporting Kyoto Protocol Bali Accord ?


8 Source: Arizona Climate Action Plan

9 Source: WRI – U.S. Climate Targets

10 SHOULD GHG EMISSIONS/REDUCTIONS BE REPORTED?  Shareholder Resolutions  SEC Requirements  Competition  State/Regional Initiatives  Potential Profit

11 WHERE SHOULD GHG EMISSIONS/REDUCTIONS BE REPORTED?  EPA Climate Leaders Program  Dept. of Energy § 1605 Program  EPA Omnibus Bill Reporting 9-18 months  Chicago Climate Exchange  California Climate Action Registry  The Climate RegistryJune 2008

12 WESTERN CLIMATE INITIATIVE "CAP & TRADE"  Sectors Under Consideration  What Threshold Will Apply?  Reporting Requirements?  The Role of Off-Sets?  Allocation vs. Auction?  Target Date: August 2008

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