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Presentation on theme: "UMass Amherst Online MPH NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION MODULE 1: GETTING STARTED."— Presentation transcript:


2 Module 1: Let’s get started  This module is designed to get you acquainted with the everyday systems at UMass. You will learn about the following:  The required curriculum  Tracking your progress  Cost and financial aid  The UMail system and department mailing list  Spire-the student access system  Blackboard-accessing your classes  Technical Support information  Accessing the Library

3 MPH Curriculum  42 credits or 14-3 credit courses.  Statute of Limitation-4 years to complete the degree  Average time to completion-3 years  Can arrange a 2 year pre-approved course of study  You can take one 3 credit course outside the major at UMass, with prior permission. For more information please contact your advisor.

4 MPH Curriculum Required Core Courses  You have 5 core courses to complete.  All 5 must be complete prior to enrollment in the Practicum.  You must get a B- or better in each of these courses in order to pass. If you fail to reach this mark, you are required to retake the course at your own expense  It is recommended that you complete 540 and 630 in the first 2 semesters in the program, as these are foundation courses. Core Course Listing  Biostat 540 -Introdution to Biostatistics  EHS 565 -Environmental Health Practices  HPP 601 -Application of Social and Behavioral Theory  HPP 620 -Introduction to US Health Care System  EPI 630 -Principles of Epidemiology

5 MPH Curriculum Other Required courses  There are 3 other required courses. They follow these rules:  You must complete the research requirement prior to enrolling in the Capstone.  The capstone is not offered during the summer.  The Practicum is a prerequisite for the capstone and must be completed before you can enroll in the capstone.  For a full description of the practicum click on the practicum link under module 1 additional resources. Course Listing  HPP 624-Research Methods  HPP 698P-Practicum  HPP 691S-Capstone

6 MPH Curriculum: Electives  There are 6 electives required to complete the program  We currently offer over 30 different choices of electives. You can choose electives in any of the 5 areas of public health, including Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Community Health Education, Policy and Environmental Health.  All 30 electives are not offered every semester. They rotate with 6 each spring and fall and 8 during the summer, based on faculty availability and popularity of the course.  If you would like to use your electives to concentrate in one area of public health please contact the advisor  For a complete list of all current electives please see Additional resources-“Curriculum” on the module 1 home page

7 Track your progress  Please click on the “track your progress” link on the module 1 home page to access this form.  You can also get this form from your advisor  The form includes the ability to track your time off and the Global Health Certificate if you are in this program.

8 Expected Tuition and Expenses  The current cost per credit is $605.00.  All entering graduate students must pay the Graduate School Entrance fee of $357.00  This charge will appear on you first bill.  The fee pays for graduation expenses and other administrative costs  There is also a $45 registration fee charged once per term you are enrolled.  Total estimated cost of attendance based on 3 years to completion is: $26,172.00

9 Financial Aid  You can pay using Federal Student Loans, private loans, tuition reimbursement from your employer, or arrange payment plans with the Bursars office.  Federal Student Loans-FAFSA- see module one additional resources for website  Bursar’s office: Lyn Rice-413-545-0337  Arrange payment plans.  Pay bill  Employer Tuition Reimbursement: Most employers require a statement of grades.  Sometimes this is required prior to grades being released into Spire. If you run into this issue, please contact me and I can send an official letter with grade report.  You are responsible for paying the full bill up front and then receiving the reimbursement. Failure to pay the bill in a timely fashion will result in late fees and bursar holds.

10 UMail and Department Mailing List UMail  UMail is the UMass internal email system. You should have received your log-in credentials shortly after you accepted your admittance  UMail is an antiquated system and can be hard to use. I recommend you set up your UMail to forward directly to your personal email system Forward UMail instructions  Follow these instructions to forward your UMail:  Log into UMail system  Click on “options” icon  Click on “UMail Post Office”  reenter your credentials  Click on the “Forward all my incoming email to this address” button  Enter you preferred email address and hit submit.

11 UMail and Department Mailing List  The Department uses a mailing listserv to communicate with students  Upon admissions, your personal or UMass email will be added to the list. If you have a preference, let me know  You will receive regular communications and updates from the Academic Director’s office. Some examples include:  Registration announcements  Requesting summer enrollment appointments  Graduation and commencement announcements  Enrollment reminders  New Faculty introductions or new course announcements  Program Changes-such as fee increases or new policies

12 Spire  To access Spire and the tutorials please click on the Spire links in the module 1 additional resources  Spire tutorials:  Enrolling in classes: d-classes d-classes  Finding Textbooks: w-textbook-summary-students w-textbook-summary-students  Drop classes: p-classes p-classes  Swap classes: p-classes p-classes  Class history and grades: urse-history-students urse-history-students  The following is a list of tasks you can do in Spire:  Register for courses and request summer enrollment appointments  Access grades and course history  Find links to financial aid and the bursar's office, and view any messages from them.  View and pay your bill.  View holds on your account  View and change primary contact information.  If you click on the academics tab you can view your current status with the University. It also lists your matriculation date and your statute of limitations.

13 Blackboard Learn  To access Blackboard Learn, click on the Blackboard link in Module 1 additional resources  The log-in credentials are the same you use to access Spire, UMail  Courses do not appear in Blackboard until one week prior to the official start date of each term. Even if you enroll for fall 2015 classes in July, you will not see the courses in Blackboard until Sept 1 st 2015.  The 7 day period prior to official semester start date is referred to as the “Go Live” period. This is when courses can be accessed in Blackboard. You can log in, poke around, view syllabus and text book information, introduce yourself to the faculty member and fellow students. Usually the first 2-3 weeks of materials will also be posted.

14 Technical Support  If you cannot log into Spire, UMail, or Library:  Information Technology (IT) office: 413-545-9400 you will need your 8 digit student ID  Hours: M-F 8:30am-4:45pm During semester only.  If you have technical issues in Blackboard : (i.e. you cannot find an assignment, you cannot upload something, a video link appears to be broken, you were suddenly kicked out of the system, you cannot find a class you know you enrolled in, or any other issues)  To access technical support please click on the tech support link in Module 1 additional resources  You can chat live here by clicking on Live support  You can submit a tech issue ticket  You can access self help  You can check to ensure your browser is properly configured  1-855-757-7055 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

15 UMass Library  The library has a dedicated librarian and webpage to assist Public Health Majors. Please click on the library guides link in Module 1 Additional Resources.  You can find and search public health databases  check out books in public health  search web resources  Access and use Refworks system  The Public Health Librarian is: Ellen Lutz. You can contact her here: 413-545-6690  Public health library webpage:

16 Thank you!


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