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+ KS1 PARENTS MEETING Thursday 17 th September 2015 Welcome to Ss Peter & Paul. KS1 Parents Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "+ KS1 PARENTS MEETING Thursday 17 th September 2015 Welcome to Ss Peter & Paul. KS1 Parents Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 + KS1 PARENTS MEETING Thursday 17 th September 2015 Welcome to Ss Peter & Paul. KS1 Parents Meeting

2 + We are learning to:

3 +

4 + YEAR 1 – Miss Murray and Miss Gardner Encouraging independence and formal working. Sitting at a desk. Working more independently. Following a set of instructions. Moving to End of Year Expectations. Homework- Reading, phonics and tasks.

5 + YEAR 2 – Mrs Collier & Mrs Soborowski Encouraging independence and formal working. Following a set of instructions. Homework- Reading, phonics and tasks. Independence/using initiative Learning in groups or individually.

6 + END OF KS1 EXPECTATIONS Year 2 children take their end of KS1 SATs tests in English and Mathematics. Pupils are expected to achieve Age Related Expectations in writing, reading and maths. In 2016 (Year 2 children now) will take a grammar test. Our aim is that a significant number of children should exceed this.

7 + New National Curriculum Changes to the way we assess children. All year groups expectations have all been up- levelled. Objectives which were in year 2 are now in year 1 etc. Challenge time …

8 + SPAG Test Circle the three nouns in the sentence below. A whale has an enormous heart that can weigh as much as a small car. Look at where the arrow is pointing. The children went home Josh had enjoyed his party. Which punctuation mark is missing?

9 + SPAG Test Circle the three nouns in the sentence below. A whale has an enormous heart that can weigh as much as a small car. Look at where the arrow is pointing. The children went home. Josh had enjoyed his party. Which punctuation mark is missing?

10 + Maths Test

11 + Reading Test

12 + MATHS in Year 1  To be able to read, write, order and count the numbers up to and across 100.  To be able to identify ‘one more’ and ‘one less’.  To use +, - and = symbols.  Developing mathematical language for comparison, e.g. heavier, taller, full, longest, quicker.  Read o’clock and half past on an analogue clock.

13 + MATHS in Year 2 To be able to count on and back in steps of 2, 5 and 10 to and from 100. To use mental and written calculation strategies to solve addition and subtraction number problems involving money and measures. To be able to halve and double numbers. To start to learn times tables. Children must know their 2, 5 and 10 times table. To understand the relationship between addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. Practical problem solving, involving time, money and measures.

14 + YEAR 1 PHONICS TEST Children will also take their Y1 Phonics test in the Summer Term. The children will read 40 words. These words are real words and also nonsense words which can be decoded using their phonics. This is a national requirement. Children who do not meet the requirement will have to re- take the test in year 2. tox start jound scribe

15 + Supporting Additional Needs What happens if your child is below the expectation for their age? What happens if your child is above the expectation for their age? All children have different rates of progress at different times. There maybe ‘leaps’, ‘falls’ and ‘plateaus’ in their development – children are individuals and our lovely school recognises that.

16 + Housekeeping in Year 2 P.E is taught every Thursday and Friday – we are outdoors whenever possible so the children need outdoor clothing. Reading books – changed on Tuesday and Friday. Homework set on Friday and due back in on Wednesday. Spellings set on Monday ready for test on Friday

17 + Housekeeping in Year 1 P.E is taught every Tuesday and Wednesday – we are outdoors whenever possible so the children need outdoor clothing. Reading books – changed on Monday and Friday. Homework set on Friday and due back in on Wednesday. Spellings set on Monday ready for test on Friday

18 + Homework is changing. The new format for homework is that children have a choice of activities that they can complete, but they MUST complete homework each week. There will also be a homework book, which I will stick in the homework grids in. Homework books need to be back in school for a Wednesday morning please. It is very important that you let your child try to do it themselves and support rather than doing it for them.

19 +

20 + Daily tasks (5-10 minutes) Spellings are given out on a Monday, these need to be practised daily for a test on Friday. These words contain the sounds that the children are learning in phonics and will be practising within RWI sessions. Reading- please try and read with your child daily. While reading you could say ‘Can you find the sound you learnt today?’ Ask them what they are reading, what do you like about it? Why? Count from numbers forwards and backwards, in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s. (not just from 1). Number facts – pairs of numbers to 10, 20 and 100

21 + HOW YOU CAN HELP Encourage your children to discuss their learning. Read a variety of texts to and with your children – not just school books. Ensure homework is completed but encourage independence. Continue to practise areas of difficulty that your child may be experiencing. Make each learning experience as enjoyable as possible. If you have a question please talk to us and we will work in partnership with you to support your child’s learning.

22 + If you would like to book an individual meeting or have any questions please come and ask us. Please come and see us if any problems- the end of the day is the best time to see us but you can always ring and book an appointment. Thank you for coming.

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