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Delta-DOR SIG Minutes of the meeting Heppenheim, Germany October 2nd, 2007 Roberto Maddè ESA/ESOC

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Presentation on theme: "Delta-DOR SIG Minutes of the meeting Heppenheim, Germany October 2nd, 2007 Roberto Maddè ESA/ESOC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Delta-DOR SIG Minutes of the meeting Heppenheim, Germany October 2nd, 2007 Roberto Maddè ESA/ESOC Roberto.Maddè

2 List of participants  Roberto Maddè, ESA/ESOC, chair  James Border, NASA/JPL, member  Hiroshi Takeuchi, Jaxa/ISAS, member  Mattia Mercolino, ESA/ESOC, member

3 Adoption of the agenda  Introduction of the DDOR SIG  Presentation of the SIG with plans, roles, responsibilities and milestones, to make it a WG  Open discussion  Presentation of JPL: Considerations on DOR tone frequency and structure  Presentation of JAXA on ongoing activities for cross- cooperation  Presentation of ESA on ongoing activities for cross-cooperation  Open discussion

4 1.1 Support to the proposed Working Group  ESA stated that such support is granted.  NASA/JPL stated that the support is in principle granted and will confirm what the necessary steps to get the formal approval are (if any), by Oct.19 th  Jaxa stated that the support is in principle granted and will confirm what the necessary steps to get the formal approval are (if any), by Oct. 19 th.

5 1.2 Adoption of a charter  The charter recently distributed has been discussed  Few changes have been implemented  The SIG considers that the current version is suitable for discussion and/or approval for the CESG and CMC.

6 2.1 Definition of roles and responsibilities (1)  ESA will be the Editor of the 2 foreseen books  Table of contents for the Magenta Book:  General introduction  Introductory chapter, derived from current ch. 2 of the WB (MM)  End-to-end description, based on current ch. 3 of the WB (MM)  Interfaces description and references to existing/to be updated Blue Books (RM)  Configuration of the Delta-DOR measurement (MM) Station and spacecraft parameters Orbit ephemeris parameters Scheduling Data transfer procedures Correlation process parameters Operational validation aspects  Interagency data exchange procedures (JB)  Interoperability validation process (JB-MM-HT)  Quasar catalogue implementation, validation and maintenance (HT-JB)

7 2.2 Definition of roles and responsibilities (2)  Draft table of contents of the Green Book:  Overview of the process  Theoretical background  System rationale and trade-offs  Description of existing systems  Achievable performance  Delta-DOR related techniques Phase referencing Same Beam Interferometry  The table of contents will be finalised in the Fall 2008 Meeting  Roles and responsibilities will be defined in the Fall 2008 Meeting

8 2. 3 Agreed milestones DateMilestone October 2007WG kick-off (if approved) April 2008 Draft “Delta-DOR recommended practice for cross support” Magenta Book for the CCSDS 2008 Spring meeting August 2008 Revised draft “Delta-DOR recommended practice for cross support” Magenta Book for Agency review Fall 2008 Second issue of “Delta-DOR recommended practice for cross support” after Agency review for CCSDS 2008 Fall Meeting Discussion on “Delta-DOR technical characteristics and performance” Green Book and work distribution December 2008 Finalised review and issue “Delta-DOR recommended practice for cross support” Magenta Book April 2009 Draft “Delta-DOR technical characteristics and performance” Green Book for CCSDS 2009 Spring meeting July 2009 Revised draft “Delta-DOR technical characteristics and performance” Green Book Fall 2009 Finalised review and issue “Delta-DOR technical characteristics and performance” Green Book for CCSDS 2009 Fall meeting

9 4. JPL presentation – conclusions (1)

10 4. JPL presentation – conclusions (2)  It was agreed that the material presented by JPL needs to be considered carefully in view of enhanced performance, to be proposed to future missions  Implication of flexibility on tone position and structure (i.e. the possibility of spreading the tones) to be:  First discussed within the WG, including feedback with transponder, Ground station and spectrum management specialists  Later, discussed with SLS-RNG

11 5. Jaxa presentation – conclusions  Jaxa presented their current activities  Jaxa will be able to provide raw data either in K5, Mk5 or VSR format  Jaxa proposed to introduce the description of other techniques in the coming Green Book; this proposal has been accepted and the draft table of contents is already updated.  Jaxa plans to use VLBI-related techniques on current and coming missions

12 6. ESA presentation  ESA presented the status of cross-cooperation with JPL and JAXA  The development of raw data translators is acknowledged to be right way to go, to insure interoperability, in the short time scale  The use of a Common Data Format (CDF) for the exchange of raw data can be the good solution, in the long term  The approach followed by ESA to validate their Delta-DOR interoperability concept with JPL can be taken as a guideline for the coming Magenta Book (chapter “Interoperability Validation process”)

13 Conclusions  The support of 3 agencies to the proposed WG has been assessed (NASA and JAXA have to formally state their support)  The Charter has been discussed and finalised  The TOC of the proposed Magenta and Green Books has been discussed and agreed  Roles and responsibilities for the Magenta Book have been agreed  The schedule and milestones for the books preparation have been agreed  Suggestions coming from NASA, JAXA and ESA presentations have been collected and will be inserted in the coming books, as required

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