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Presentation on theme: "THE STORY OF MADELEINE ASTOR (A TITANIC ADVENTURE) By Joshua Blundred."— Presentation transcript:


2 Do you stroll around to see the view? Introduction You are the wonderful and wealthy Madeline Astor – a first class woman boarding the RMS Titanic. When you first lay your eyes on the Titanic ( one of the most grandest ships ) you are astonished and the one of the first people to enter in a separate entrance into her, the Titanic. When you enter into the Titanic you see other elegant, glamorous and affluent people. Surprised, they board all searching around for there 5 star luxurious rooms. Do you go straight to your cabin?

3 Do you lie down for a rest? You go to your cabin Do you go for a stroll? As you walk down the hallways and up stairs, you notice the third class rooms and your eyes widen and your eyebrows lift. When you get up to the first class rooms and corridors you notice the surroundings: carved out decorations in the wooden furniture and red velvet curtains and table runners. This makes your jaw drop down to the ground. Surprised, you look up and see a glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling, you are amazed. Astounded, you look around your room. Excided, your eyes water and you run around your room until you are warn out. You unpack your bags and store all your divine jewellery and clothing.

4 Is John pleased to meet the captain of the ship? You go for a stroll around the ship Is John cross because you went off alone? Excited, you leave your cabin. When you look up you see a beautiful orange sunset. Knowing it’s turning night time, you run down the corridor and into the dining room for some food; it’s too late for dinner and you are starving. Whilst you are eating, an old friend bumps into you. “Ah, if it isn’t you the old Madeline Astor!” exclaims Captain Smith. Smith couldn’t believe his eyes. The last time he saw you (Madeline) was when you were boarding the Carpathia and you weren't pregnant, you were going on holiday to Paris. “Is it really you Edward?” you ask, “I haven’t seen you since I wasn’t pregnant!”. All night you cheerfully talk about your past and future, until your husband appears. “There you are… I have been looking for you all night!” explains john.

5 You lie down for a rest You go for a stroll around the ship. Feeling tired, you walk over to your divine, white, luxury bed. Tired, you lie down to sleep for a couple hours before you have your evening meal. Also, you unpack more clothes for the journey and store them into your divine, golden wardrobe.

6 Do you run away upset? Your husband is cross with you Do you stay and sort things out? John isn’t happy with you talking with Edward. John gets so mad that he starts a fight with Edward on the top deck. This causes the boat to swears off course and John is mean to you. This because he thinks that you are cheating on him.

7 Your husband is pleased to meet the captain of the Titanic You enjoy the rest of the trip with John – THE END cheerfully, you, John and Edward reminisce about old times, You and John carry on with the rest of your trip and happily continue the night without any arguments, fallouts or disagreements.

8 You stay and sort things out You enjoy the rest of the trip with John THE END Depressed, you stay with Edward and John - who was extremely angry with you and Edward. The captain steers the boat back on course. You explain to john that you and Edward were only friends and will always be friends.

9 You run away upset You decide to go left Upset, you are being yelled at by your husband (john). As tears escape your eyes; you charge away and down into a lower deck. Depressed, your fists clench and you stamp down the corridor like a frustrated elephant. Frightened, the walls shiver as your face turns as red as a tomato. All of a sudden, a queer shock flew through your body. Perplexed, you freeze and you can here a SCREECHHH!!!. Panicking, you bump into a couple “A….a….a…an iceberg!” the lady screamed. Perplexed and petrified you run up a deck but don’t know witch way to go left or right?. You decide to go right

10 You take the left corridor Do you go back the way you came? Filled with horror, you run down the left corridor with tears streaming down you pale face, hoping your husband doesn’t catch up. There’s a staircase. So as quick as a flash, you run towards them; they’re blocked and you begin to cry even more than you originally planned you turn around and see the ship slicing in half then water comes racing towards you. The Titanic is now a water chase! Over all the things that is going on, all you seem to care about is your husband, but lucky behind your back he’s running towards you.You both Manage to fight through the indoor-waves together. Unexpectedly, you find yourself standing in-front of another two corridors, yet you still do know that standing still will cost you your life! Everything seems to go completely silent… then ‘WISHHHHHH’ the water comes banging against the doors but that’s only when you notice that the water is dancing around you, almost like it’s waiting for you to surrender Do you take the right corridor?

11 You take the right corridor You go back the way you came frightened, you arrive in the right corridor, john comes sprinting down towards you. Like ice, water starts to rise causing a shock of raw fear to go through your body. “we need to get out of here !” john exclaimed. Confused with the situation you are in, you except. “good idea we need to get out” you reply, you follow john through the rest of the corridor. Terrified, you are searching for an exit you hear voices full with anguish. you are Perplexed. Hunting down the location of the exit you consider your idea and decide to help the people. Showing care, you enter the lower deck. “john, you need to unblock that door NOW!” you demand. John swims under water and could barely free the doorway, but releases it. The doorway was free. The people were saved.

12 You go back the way you came You both survive the disaster? THE END


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