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ELECTION DAY & EQUAL RIGHTS 2 nd grade- Mrs. Brown’s Class November 3, 2015.

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1 ELECTION DAY & EQUAL RIGHTS 2 nd grade- Mrs. Brown’s Class November 3, 2015

2 WHAT ARE EQUAL RIGHTS?  Equal Rights are rights under the law that cannot be denied by the United States or by any State.  What does this mean?  This means that because of our gender, our color, or our preferences, we can not be denied anything that we may want such as the right to vote.  Today in our class, we had a problem. How was one group of students treated unfairly? What could we do so that doesn’t happen to us in our classroom?

3 CLASSROOM SIMULATION  How did those that were not allowed to vote feel? Those who could not vote were students that did not have a vowel at the end of their first name.  Before the equal rights were brought up, certain people were not allowed to do certain things. i.e- A girl could not vote. A person of color could not go to certain areas of cities or even go to the store.

4 ELECTION DAY  What is Election Day?  This is a day where voters go to polls to vote for who they want in office.  We vote for President, other national members, state members, and even town or city members.  We also vote for issues such as the equal rights issue.  What do you think we take votes on? **Today we took a vote on what book we would like to read. This is how they vote for our President and other council members.

5 INTRODUCING…..  Candidates- We have 2 main parties in our country.  What does “parties” mean?- NO it does not mean having a party with drinks and snacks, it means two political parties! 

6 HOW DO WE PICK?  As citizens, we have to watch and listen to everything that is going on in the community.  The candidates that are running for office create posters, TV ads, radio commercials, and they visit specific cities. This is how they persuade someone to vote for them.

7 AND THE WINNER IS…  POLLS- Polls are where the voting takes place. The polls close and open at specific times.  What does it take to vote?  Must be 18 or older  Resident of the United States  Must register  RESULTS of our voting!

8 HOW DOES ELECTIONS AND EQUAL RIGHTS TIE TOGETHER?  Elections are held to bring new members into office whether it be in Washington D.C. or your own state.  Without members of the office, we would not have the rights that we do.  What do you think our community might be like if we did not have all equal rights?  How do we tie this into citizenship?  Voting is being a good citizen! How? We vote and use our opinion to put members in the office to make our country a better place and that way we can live free. You are helping yourself and others!

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