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Wireless Sensor Networks MAC Layer
Professor Jack Stankovic University of Virginia 2006
What is a MAC Protocol Medium Access Control
Coordinate actions over a shared channel (basic theme of many solutions) Test channel to see if busy If busy, wait If not busy, transmit If collision, back off and try again later
WSN Architecture – MAC?
Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks
Reality – Irregular Multi- cast 2 6 data 6 2
Outline 802.11 DCF (essential aspects) S-MAC (briefly) B-MAC
Multi-Channel MAC
Types of MAC Protocols Contention Based Scheduled Based
802.11b DCF (CSMA) S-MAC, T-MAC, Z-MAC and B-MAC (all for WSN) Scheduled Based TDMA, NAMA, TRAMA Multi-Channel - MMAC
TDMA on Wired Network A B C B C A Repeat Cycle 1 2 3 Time (Slots)
1 2 3 Time (Slots) Scales?
TDMA in Wireless Network
B D E A C /D? B C A /E Time Disadvantages? WSN Issues? Optimizations?
802.11 DCF Main Parts Sense channel – if not busy transmit
CTS B Main Parts Sense channel – if not busy transmit Send Request to Send (RTS) – include how much time is needed for transmission – a function of the length of the message Clear to Send (CTS) – include (repeat) how much time is needed Send Data Packet Data
802.11 DCF Main Parts Sense channel – if not busy transmit A B
CTS B Main Parts Sense channel – if not busy transmit If busy then do a random backoff in a window before trying again Data Interval is time slotted (e.g., 10 slots) Use counter (choose counter value in window) Wait until channel is clear and start decrementing the counter as long as channel remains idle If channel is/gets busy then freeze counter until free When counter = 0 try RTS
802.11 DCF Main Parts A B If RTS is lost
CTS B Main Parts If RTS is lost Detected by no CTS Consider this congestion Then double the length of the window Data
802.11 DCF Main Parts Inter-frame spacing
CTS B Main Parts Inter-frame spacing 4 different inter-frame spacings Enables each packet to have a different priority when contending for the channel Data ACK SIFS SIFS PIFS DIFS EIFS CTS/ACK Increasing in Length of wait DIFS RTS
802.11 DCF Main Parts Power Saving Mode – doze mode A B C Time ATIM
ATIM-ACK B Main Parts Power Saving Mode – doze mode C ATIM Window Time Beacon Beacon All nodes awake in ATIM window A and B stay awake during entire beacon interval If node does not send or receive ATIM it enters Doze mode until next beacon
802.11 DCF Example – no concurrency
RTS A CTS B Example – no concurrency Sense channel – if not busy transmit RTS C responds with CTS Data B sends to C A hears RTS D hears CTS – Both A and D know to wait and for how long A B C D B’s Range C’s Range
802.11 DCF Hidden Terminal Problem A B Use same example (B sends to C)
RTS A CTS B Data Hidden Terminal Problem Use same example (B sends to C) D cannot hear B so what if it transmits before C sends a CTS A B C D B’s Range C’s Range
802.11 DCF Exposed Terminal Problem B sends to A
RTS A CTS B Data Exposed Terminal Problem B sends to A C wants to send to D, but is prevented because it heard that B is transmitting A B C D B’s Range C’s Range
Design - Fn(Types of Traffic)
Classical MACs optimize for the general case and for arbitrary patterns and workloads WSN Local Uni/broadcast Nodes to sink (perhaps all in one direction) Periodic or rare (burst communication) Must consider energy
What Makes a Good MAC for WSN
Low power operation Effective collision avoidance Simple implementation, small code and RAM size Efficient channel utilization at low and high data rates Reconfigurable by network protocols Tolerant to changing RF/networking conditions Scalable to large numbers of nodes
Energy Consumption Idle Listening (largest amount) Due to collisions
Protocol overhead (control packets) Overhearing (a node receives packets not destined for it – could have been asleep)
Idle Listening When will a node receive a packet? Listen 100% of the time. Expensive! Three Schemes Schedule (like S-MAC) Wake-up packet – use energy in packet Use duty cycle in CSMA and a long preamble Node awakes periodically and listens for preamble; if preamble there, it stays awake
Duty Cycle Example Preamble Stay awake W sleep sleep W Node here wants
to send packet Nodes awake and hear preamble W = wake up their radio
S-MAC Node’s radio is asleep during the passive part of frame
Active part: communicate with neighbors and send any messages queued during the passive/sleep time Active Passive/Sleep 115 ms ms Clock drift of say 500 microsecs is not a problem
S-MAC At each active period, nodes exchange sync info
After SYNC period, data can be sent using RTS-CTS If a node overhears a RTS-CTS it sleeps, but will awake a short time after the neighbor has transmitted to immediately send its own data NOTE: All communication is packed into the active part
S-MAC End result: Trades saving energy for less throughput and greater latency Good for what type of traffic patterns? Light traffic When latency not a problem
B-MAC CSMA Improves over S-MAC
Better packet delivery rates Higher Throughput Lower Latency Less energy consumption Adaptive preamble sampling scheme to reduce duty cycle and minimize idle sampling Moves MAC functions up the stack
B-MAC Configurable (Key Feature!) Small core
Factor out functionality and expose to higher layers Can be tailored to different types of networks
B-MAC – 4 Capabilities Clear channel assessment (CCA) Packet backoff
Link layer acks Low power listening (LPL) Via an interface these 4 things can be adjusted
B-MAC CCA Determine if the channel is clear How
Ambient noise changes over time Use weighted moving average of samples when the channel is presumed to be idle Use 5 to 10 samples Note: uses 1 sample Subject to many false alarms (i.e., protocol thinks that noise is a packet) Wastes energy
B-MAC Listen (is there a real packet coming?) Check 5 samples
If outlier spike well below threshold then this is not a packet A real packet would have too much energy to have such a “negative” spike If no outlier, then this is a packet THR Real Packet
B-MAC Interface – turn CCA off/on
OFF -> implement a scheduling protocol above B-MAC (e.g., you know when the channel is idle or busy)(such as TDMA) ON -> When ready to send there is an initial backoff time Caller can set that time, else a default After the initial backoff, run CCA listen Wake Up Ready to Send Backoff CCA Listen Time
B-MAC If Not Clear on CCA Listen
Use a congestion backoff time (if none provided use a default)
B-MAC At receiver (no packet to send) Node wakes up Turns on radio
Listens If it hears a preamble/packet it stays awake to receive incoming packet After packet arrives it goes back to sleep If no packet was received after a timeout then just go back to sleep
B-MAC At sender CCA is used to see if channel is clear
At receiver CCA is used to see if channel is active and hence this receiver needs to stay awake
B-MAC LPL (low power listening)
Duty cycle the radio through periodic sampling 100 ms Uses CCA No. of samples Of radio signal Idle listening is defined as being awake and sampling when nothing is being sent.
B-MAC Preamble length is matched to the interval that the channel is checked for activity Check every 100 ms then preamble must be at least 100 ms Wake up, listen, detect activity, receive the preamble, receive the message Wake up, listen………..nothing, go back to sleep B-MAC Interface Check interval and preamble length are parameters
B-MAC Optional link layer ACK Why is this useful?
If on, there will be an ACK sent for every packet Note: you can decide on a packet by packet basis if you want ACK or not Why is this useful? High priority packets want ACK Sensing redundancy – may not need ACKs
B-MAC Analytical Model for Energy Consumption (see paper if interested) E = E(Transmit) + E(Receive) + E(Listen) + E(Data Sampling) + E(Sleeping) E(Listen) can be reduced via MAC layer Plus reduce collisions, max time in sleep Lower transmit power
B-MAC Other points to make (about paper)
No RTS/CTS (no waste of energy) Consider (small data) packet sizes!!!! Micro-benchmarks Typical needs/operations (see what they consider typical for a MAC protocol) You may need to define micro-benchmarks for your project, if any
B-MAC Analytical model is validated (generalize)
Interesting tradeoffs demonstrated Compare against state-of-art S-MAC in actual implementation Workload: Run real Surge application (monitoring type application) – integrate BMAC and MintRoute
B-MAC See Figure 1 – Interfaces for BMAC in nesC
Table 1 – code and data sizes Table 2 – Time and current consumption for various send/rcv operations
Single Channel MAC (up to now)
Example – Mica2 Motes Choose either 433MHz OR 916MHz as frequency channel Implies ONE channel Requires ONE transceiver per node Entire system runs with this single frequency channel
Multi-Channel MAC N transceivers per node – expensive
Example with 2 per node RTS/CTS F1 Control Channel A B F2 Data Channel 50% of bandwidth for control
More Transceivers 2 transceivers per node N transceivers
1 for control 1 for data and reuse the control channel during data transmission phase N transceivers Expensive and form factor Solutions not that practical for WSN
Multi-Channel MAC Can you have multi-channel MAC with single transceiver per node? YES As long as that transceiver can dynamically shift between frequencies Time Different nodes can Transmit simultaneously Negotiate For Freq. On Default Freq
Negotiate on default frequency – F-0
via typical RTS/CTS F-N F-1 Does not require multiple radios (transceivers) per node! (also can reuse F-0)
Multi-Channel MAC Utilize multiple channels/frequencies to avoid conflicts and increase throughput 802.11b allows multiple frequencies at physical layer (14 channels, but use 3 to avoid overlap) MAC for is designed for a single channel – not suitable for multi-channel 5 MZ ~25 MHz apart 6 1 11
Multi-Channel MAC MMAC – Multi-channel MAC Other solutions exist
SSCH – Slotted Seeded Channel Hopping MMSN – Multi-Channel Mac for Sensor Networks
MMAC Assumptions N channels No Overlap Same Bandwidth in each channel
Single half-duplex transceiver (transmit or receive but not both) Time to switch channels is 224 usec Nodes are synchronized Clock sync also needed for tracking, computing velocity, identifying time of an event, …
Basic Idea Beacon Interval ATIM Window Negotiate and choose Channels
Listen on default channel Nodes contend in here just as for doze mode
A and B might collide or both may get through during this interval
Won’t happen B can only be using 1 channel per period C F2 X A F1 D B E F1 A, B choose Same freq C B A Time
Hidden Terminal Problem
Nodes may be listening on a different channel and not hear RTS, e.g., node C A B C D RTS T I M E C not on freq 2 CTS (freq 2) RTS Data CTS (freq 2) Data Collison
MMAC How do we decide which node will use which channel?
Recall, every node is awake during ATIM window Only nodes with something to send or receive need participate in this overall cycle Beacon Interval - cycle
MMAC - Preferable Channel List (per node)
Records the use of channels within the range of this node (each cycle) High – channel already chosen by this node for this interval At most one chosen per beacon interval Mid – channels not yet chosen Low – already chosen by a neighbor, plus a count as how many nodes plan on using this channel this period
PCL Example: F1 mid F2 mid F3 mid F4 mid
Initialize at beginning of cycle (beacon interval) (each node)
Rules All channels in PCL are Mid at boot and at each beacon interval start If S and R agree they both record High If node overhears ATIM-ACK or ATIM-RES make channel Low if currently Mid and set counter = 1 If channel was High – stay High If channel was Low – increment counter S R
PCL Example: F1 mid F2 mid F3 mid F4 mid S sends to R that
F2 is preferable; R agrees X High Initialize at beginning of cycle (each node)
PCL Example: F1 mid F2 mid F3 mid F4 mid If Z overhears that
S and R have chosen F2 then it lowers F2 to low and sets Counter = 1 X LOW Ctr=1 If Z overhears that T and R chose F2 Then Counter = 2 Initialize at beginning of cycle (each node)
Scenario in ATIM Window (use default channel)
RCV (R) Sender (S) PCL – S PCL - RCV PCL – S Choose Channel ATIM-ACK Check Channel if OK If not, wait until Next beacon period ATIM-RES Neighbors of each Overhear and update their PCLs!
ATIM Window ATIM packets can collide
Random backoff before sending ATIM packet A and B collide … B A (so A waits)
Save Energy Nodes that are not senders or receivers for the next interval can go into DOZE mode With respect to communication RECALL! The nodes can still be awake using their sensors, computing, generating the need to send packets, … Wake up communication at next beacon sync point (start of beacon interval)
A, B, D awake this entire time
Example ATIM A, B, D awake this entire time C D listens on ONE freq Per cycle! A F1 D B F1 Any optimizations? C can enter Doze mode
Precise Rules – Choosing Best Channel
If there is a High channel in PCL then choose it (first R and then S) If same channel is Mid in both S and R then choose it (more than 1 choose any) If Mid on either R or S then choose it If all are Low choose one with the lowest count If sender cannot use channel selected it waits until next beacon period
Performance Increase total throughput by using multiple channels
Reduce packet delay ATIM window – 20 ms (out of 100ms) Note: One ATIM exchange is needed for every flow that will occur in the interval
ATIM Overhead If ATIM is too small -> not all nodes with packets get to have a channel If ATIM is too large -> wasted bandwidth Adapt size of ATIM? (another optimization)
One Limitation Node A has packets for B and C, but B and C have chosen different freq A sends to one of them and can’t switch freq until next beacon period – wastes BW Allow switch – another optimization (but be careful – perhaps a node wants to send to node A!)
MMAC Compare to 802.11 doze mode Time ATIM Window Beacon Beacon
All nodes awake in ATIM window If A and B need to communicate then they stay awake during entire beacon interval AND contend over the SAME frequency If node does not send or receive ATIM it enters Doze mode until next beacon
MMAC Compare to S-MAC Active Passive/Sleep 115 ms 885ms All packets
MMAC Compare to B-MAC (low power listening) 100 ms Uses CCA Listen for
Preamble to stay awake No. of samples Of radio signal
MMAC Designed for ad hoc wireless networks Appropriate for WSN?
An exercise: go through the list of desirable features for a WSN MAC layer and see if they apply to MMAC
Summary MAC is a key protocol for performance Optimize MAC for WSN
Throughput End-end delay Energy!!! Optimize MAC for WSN Single and multiple frequency systems require different solutions
Summary - Questions What will be the impact of MMAC
How will MMAC affect other protocols in the WSN stack
Summary MMAC – what if Full duplex transmission
More dynamic policies for switching frequencies (in MMAC 1 freq per node per cycle) Different BW in each channel (perhaps choose a freq that matches node BW requirements)
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