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Needs Assessment Survey Results Courtney Gardner EDT 6040 Wilmington University.

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1 Needs Assessment Survey Results Courtney Gardner EDT 6040 Wilmington University

2 Needs Assessment Survey  The following PowerPoint slides depict the results of the Needs Assessment Survey that was administered to the teachers of Townsend Elementary School. The survey was sent to 21 teachers and 17 teachers chose to participate. Some of the questions allowed teachers to select more than one answer while other questions were only one answer or open response.


4 Question 1 Analysis  There were 17 teachers who responded to the Needs Assessment Survey. As displayed on the column graph for question one, each grade level was represented by three to four teachers.


6 Question 2 Analysis  Of the 17 teachers who responded to the survey, seven said they feel very comfortable using educational technology. Nine teachers stated that they felt somewhat comfortable using educational technology. One said neutral and one said very uncomfortable. Now, only 17 teachers participated but this question had 18 responses because one teacher felt the need to select more than one answer. Overall, I feel this is a great start to a technology initiative because it seems that the majority of the staff is comfortable using technology which is a large aspect to implementing Turning Technologies.


8 Question 3 Analysis  Fourteen teachers stated that they used educational technology everyday in their classrooms. Three teachers said they use it several times a week. The responses to this question are very positive because it shows that the staff is using technology in the classroom on a regular basis and most likely, they will be apt to implementing another technology such as Turning Technologies when they see the benefits.

9 Email, Microsoft Word and Excel, websites, PowerPoint Smart Board, all of the ones listed and many more email, websites, Word, Excel, Smart Notebook, FASTT math, Email, WebQuests, Discovery education and other educational websites, Microsoft Office, Smart Board email and educational websites Accelerated Reader, E-Mail, Internet Explorer: bald eagles hatching in Iowa (webcam); NASA site, CNN, ABC News: launch of recent space shuttle; You-Tube - Sesame Street "position words" for geography unit; Investigations: Shapes; and Learning to Read at Starfall. Email, Educ. Websites, Word, Wiki, Smart Board, Redcat email (outlook), Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google, Educational Websites (Waltke's Web, Pearson, Data Services, DOE, etc.) Accelerated Reader, FASTT Math Email, M/Word, educational websites-Starfall, A/R tests Word SmartBoard websites, word, united streaming video clips Word, Outlook, United Streaming, Educational Websites email, word, excel email, smart board resources wiki, blog, email, web quests, voice thread, bitstrips, animoto Email Educational websites Word Online assessments 4. What software educational technologies do you use on a regular basis in your classroom?

10 Question 4 Analysis  Question four polled the participants on the types of software they use as educational technology. The most common answers were email, Microsoft Office, educational websites, and some programs used by the district. Some participants did state that they use WebQuests, wikis, blogs and some other internet educational technologies.


12 Question 5 Analysis  Question five polled the hardware technologies that teachers have available to them in their classrooms. For the most part, every teacher has an overhead projector, DVD/VCR player, and calculators. Most teachers also have a LCD projector. The largest discrepancy in the school is in regards to SmartBoards. The school has only received a few SmartBoards and they are not balanced by grade level. This does make it more difficult for some teachers and grade levels to take advantage of all the educational technologies that could be available.


14 Question 6 Analysis  Each teacher is provided a webpage on the school website. For the survey, teachers were asked how often they update their webpage. The majority of teachers stated that they updated their page every few months. This question could indicate that teachers may be less likely to willingly accept or embrace a technology initiative that requires constant updating or work.


16 Question 7 Analysis  Teachers were asked what new educational technologies they would like to use in their classrooms. The majority responded with SmartBoards. Ipads were the second most popular. There were also some other responses for Elmos, Ereaders, LCD projectors, laptops, netbooks, and digital cameras. One teacher stated that they were unsure of any new technology they would like for their classroom. Based off of the answers, it appears that the staff is open to having new technologies and is aware of some of the more recent items being used in classrooms.


18 Question 8 Analysis  This question was one of the most important questions in the survey. It asked teachers about new educational technologies they would be interested in learning more about in professional developments. The teachers were given a list of ten options and the directions stated to select all that apply. Student Response Systems was the overwhelming favorite. This is a critical piece of information because it allows the Technology Initiative Committee to gauge staff willingness to hear about the initiative that was selected. This question provides a positive glimpse into what could be when introducing the Turning Technologies initiative to the school.


20 Question 9 Analysis  Question nine asked staff if our students were lacking in any technology skills. The question was an open response and the majority reported that they did not feel the students lacked any skills. It was interested to note however, that some teachers feel not all students are given the same opportunities or access to technology because their teacher does not use it in the classroom. This question can imply that not all staff feels the need to use technology for lessons.


22 Question 10 Analysis  The final question asked teachers how familiar they were with the National Education Technology Standards (NETS). Only four teachers responded with very familiar as their selection. Six teachers selected somewhat familiar and seven teachers chose unfamiliar. This question could be concerning because it shows that not all teachers are aware of the standards in technology that students should be striving to achieve.

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