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Eight fish four fish. One fish has mighty powers This mighty fish controls fish showers. This time, the mighty fish rains down 2 new twin fish to give.

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Presentation on theme: "Eight fish four fish. One fish has mighty powers This mighty fish controls fish showers. This time, the mighty fish rains down 2 new twin fish to give."— Presentation transcript:

1 eight fish four fish

2 One fish has mighty powers This mighty fish controls fish showers. This time, the mighty fish rains down 2 new twin fish to give the older twin fish companions… To make a total of four fish.

3 One fish is Mary, the second fish is Ned, The third fish is Mary, and the fourth fish is Ned. There are also four very small Spidermen fish. at the poles of the fishbowl they jump out, And out of their hands, Web threads shoot out. Ned Mary Ned Mary

4 Ned 1 and Ned 2 are twins Mary 1 and Mary 2 are also twins The pairs decide to hang out and shake hands. They shake each others’ hands, and by accident, Ned 1 ends up with Mary 1’s hand, and Mary 1 ends up with Ned 1’s hand. The same thing happens with Ned 2 and Mary 2. Somehow, the four fish change… Ned 1 and Mary 1 become Ned 1a and Mary 1b. The same thing happens with Ned and Mary 2!

5 Even after this change in name, Ned 1a still loves Mary 1b and Ned 2a still loves Mary 2b, Still close to each other, they decide to take a swim to the center of the fish bowl that has the most beautiful garden. Nothing could possibly go wrong


7 As fate would have it, a tornado hit. Now this was not one tornado that you would see on the regular, This one was HUGE! This tornado was so big, that it pulled the couples away from each other. Ned 1a and Mary 2b went one way while Ned 2a and Mary 1b went the other. They were washed away all the way to opposite sides of the cell. The impact was so hard that the whole bowl expanded… and expanded… and expanded…

8 …And expanded so much that the bowl split down the middle, leaving one Mary and one Ned on each side.

9 Ned 1a and Mary 1b go through a rough time where they remember their twins, Ned 2a and Ted 2b. Nothing really happens, they really just rest… Ned 2a and Mary 2b go through a rough time where they remember their twins, Ned 1a and Mary 1b. Nothing really happens, they really just rest…

10 Slowly and slowly, they try to forget their past. Finally, they regroup themselves. They see the Spidermen fish again. They try hard to forget their past, yes they do, Yet they cannot seem to hold back from memories. They need to pay a visit to a garden in the center of each bowl part that reminds them Of the time they spent together with their beloved twins.

11 Once again though, disastrous tornadoes sweep through the two gardens. This time though, things become worse. The tornadoes are so strong that they tear the 4 fish physically in half The winds make the fishbowl parts expand even more. The 2 fish bowl parts cracked again and there are now four fish bowl parts. One half of Ned 1a comes together with Mary 1b The other half of Ned 1a comes together with the other half of Mary 1b. The same happens with the halves of Ned 2a and Mary 2b.

12 Even though each fish did not have its loved one, each fish was happy that it had a BRAND NEW, MODIFIED BODY, even though it was not attached.



15 Interphase 1: In the first part of the story, the “mighty fish” rains down two more fish, making it a total of four fish. This is DNA mass replication (S phase - interphase). Ned 1 and Ned 2 are homologous chromosomes, as well are the Marys. Prophase 1 and Metaphase 1: The fish decide to hang out, and that is when synapsis occurs. Also, the spidermen fish, (aka the centrioles), go to the poles of the fishbowl, (aka the cell), and they “shoot out “ spider webs, (aka spindle fibers form).

16 Metaphase 1: The fish decide to go to the gardens at the center of the fishbowl (aka the equator of the cell) Anaphase 1: The tornado hits, and the fish are pulled apart in random directions (aka independent assortment occurs) Telophase 1: The fishbowl expands so much that it creates two fishbowl parts, which become new fishbowls, each with two fish, that have a part of the opposite gender fish in the other cell (aka the cell splits, with genetically modified chromosomes in each cell.)

17 Interkinesis: In the next part of the story, the fish have a resting period (aka interkinesis). Prophase 2: The Spidermen fish come back, shoot the webs (centrioles, spindle fibers, envelop breaks down). Metaphase 2: The fish visit the garden again (individual chromosomes, at equatorial plate).

18 Anaphase 2: Again, a huge tornado hits the gardens. This time though, each fish breaks in half, and is no longer a chromosome. Telophase 2: Because of the tornado, the bowl cracks again and now there are four new fishbowls, each with two halves of two different fish.

19 WORKS CITED fish-3/versions/1

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