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Tank Contents Measurement & Control Providing tank contents measurement solutions since 1945.

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1 Tank Contents Measurement & Control Providing tank contents measurement solutions since 1945

2 BAYHAM LTD Capacitance type level measurement probes. Initially designed by Bayham in the mid 1970s. The latest TRANSGAUGE series incorporates smart calibration setup, integral level alarms and voltage/current outputs. The state of the art electronics developed for these probes has been incorporated into the new MULTISEND system. TRANSGAUGE

3 Royal Navy Gearbox Oil Level Measurement Canadian Coastguard Fuel Tank Ballast Control McDonalds Moscow Refrigerant Level Control Transgauge Probe Applications Royal Bank of Scotland Generator Fuel Tank Level Control

4 Multisend  A new generation of instrumentation and systems for remote tank contents monitoring.  Designed for use on both mobile and static tanks.  Using the very latest high accuracy measurement technologies.  Data capture accessible via the Internet

5 Road Fuel DistributionFuel Retail Remote Power GenerationBulk Liquid Rail Transportation Multisend

6 Multisend Instrumentation 1. The Tank Probe Top entry level sensor employing the latest high-resolution capacitive technology. Integrated low power radio transmitter for local data communication. Simple probe setup using automatic calibration buttons or by laptop computer

7 Multisend Instrumentation 2. Communications Module Multiple probes send recorded data to one communications module at predetermined intervals. Collected local data is transmitted to a host sever for processing. Data transmitted by GSM with optional GPS enabling the location of mobile tankers to be established.

8 Multisend Instrumentation The Multisend hand held local receiver will monitor any Multisend within range; typically 50 metres for a probe fitted with an internal aerial. Individual probes may be identified by unique address codes. Available in standard utility or rugged enclosures.

9 Multisend probes located Mumbai Airport Tank contents monitored in New Delhi  Tank contents may be monitored from anywhere with Internet access.  Recorded data is processed and stored by a secure server based in the UK.  Mobile applications with GPS can locate the position of the vehicle. Data is only transmitted once the vehicle has remained stationary for a predetermined period.  Automatic text messages can be sent where an alarm condition exists.

10 Multisend Data may be displayed as a table or graph. Customised software to suit client requirements.  Fuel Cocktailing  Overfill  Load Tampering  Text Alarms

11 Multisend Road Fuel Distribution  Central monitoring of fuel load  Vehicle location via GPS  Fuel delivery logging  Detection of unauthorised load removal/cocktailing  Automatic text messaging  Interchange ability of tractor units

12 Multisend Rail Freight  Multisend Communications Module can detect Multisend Probes fitted to tankers as they enter a depot.  Each probe has a unique reference enabling tank identification.  Contents removal or filling may be monitored and recorded.

13 Multisend Remote communications sites powered by diesel generators.  Fuel storage tanks monitored to aid fuel delivery logistics.  Unauthorised fuel removal detected.  Lube oil and coolant tanks monitored without requirement to visit site.

14 Multisend Forecourts  Fuel deliveries monitored and recorded.  Better fuel delivery logistics.  Illegal filling of storage tanks detected and logged.

15 Multisend For the Military  Fuel monitoring in an operational environment.  Fuel protection in temporary encampments.  Logistics available to Field Commanders

16 Tank Contents Measurement & Control Providing tank contents measurement solutions since 1945 For more information please visit

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