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NetVizura A network traffic analysis tool. Agenda Why NetVizura is needed How NetVizura works Where NetVizura is deployed Use cases.

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Presentation on theme: "NetVizura A network traffic analysis tool. Agenda Why NetVizura is needed How NetVizura works Where NetVizura is deployed Use cases."— Presentation transcript:

1 NetVizura A network traffic analysis tool

2 Agenda Why NetVizura is needed How NetVizura works Where NetVizura is deployed Use cases

3 3 Why Use NetVizura?

4 4 1.A flow is unidirectional 2.Defined by inspecting a packet’s key fields (common properties) and identifying the values 3.If the set of key field values is unique create a flow record or cache entry How Does NetVizura Work? Part 1: IPFIX Flow Data

5 How Does NetVizura Work? Part 2: Define Traffic Patterns Traffic pattern = IP addresses that represent an internal and external network 5 Internal Network: External Network: Internet

6 NetVizura Deployment 6

7 Case 1: NCAR’s Top Hosts 7

8 Case 2: Glade Who does Glade exchange traffic with? 8

9 Case 3: MSUD Traffic Spike Port Utilization 9

10 Case 3: MSUD DOS Attack Top Hosts 10

11 Case 3: MSUD DOS Attack Top ASs 11

12 Questions? 12

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